Free Bible! - New Testament Only

Free bible kids!

I personally didn't get it for myself as, well, it's not something that's generally my cup of tea. But thought it'd be an okay addition to my bookshelf. However once it arrived, it's actually beautiful quality, looks like something you'd pay $30+ for. I'm thinking of keeping it as a present for my Grandmother when her 80th comes around this year. So whether you're religious or not, there's no reason not to get it.

Note that this is the RECOVERY version. If you are a true and honest practicing Christian, this probably isn't the right bible for you.

It arrived in under two weeks though they say to allow 4-6 weeks.

EDIT: I'm stepping out I think! Enjoy kids.



  • Ahh will sit on the fence and watch and laugh on this one :)

  • +26

    Did you put it in the fiction section?

    Can't wait to see the negs on my comment!

    • +3

      Currently is alongside my copy of L Ron Hubbards Dianetics. True story! Not sure which is more realistic and believable.

    • +6

      actually, you're kinda right…there are parts of the Bible that ARE fiction…it has parables, people telling stories, dream sequences and poetry etc etc etc…

      having said that, there are parts of the Bible that claim to report historical events as well. Now whether or not you think it's historically 'accurate' (whatever that means) is a different matter altogether. .

      so actually it doesnt really fit in either fully-fiction or fully-non-fiction

  • +4

    freebie is a freebie!

  • -1

    How many do I need to order to generate enough heat for a few weeks when the armageddon is over?

    • -4

      My apologies!

    • -4

      cool story bro..

      maybe a bit unsensitive for 2/3 of the population..

      i think you should leave this deal … k thanks bye

      • +12

        I'm guessing it'll be down near 50% at this years census. :) Fingers crossed! Australians are getting smarter it appears.

        • nawwww

      • +1

        this guy! this is the guy! someone give him a medal ASAP

    • I think when armageddon comes you wont be needing anything for the heat but somewhere to hide from it. ;)

      Its sad that fox cancelled T:TSCC. Sarah had a real chance…

  • +2

    It's just the New Testament.. maybe you should put that in the description? :)

    • Done, thanks :)

  • +22

    I've got dozens of these things. Some bloke called Gideon keeps leaving them behind in all the hotels I stay at. I've tried to track him down over the years but have never been able to.

    • -2

      no, the organisation is called the Gideons' and it's based on a story in the Bible from the book of Judges.

      • I think you forgot your sense of humour at the door.

  • +2

    "So whether you’re religious or not, there’s no reason not to get it."

    I think if you're not religious, there is no point TO get it lol
    I'll sit this one out, but nice post :)

    • +6

      A gift?
      A chance to educate yourself on how insane Christians really are?

      I'm the furthest thing from religious and got it anyway. A freebie is a freebie, haha.

      EDIT: Oh, and I forgot - It's a little bit of cash out of the wallets of the greedy pigs who run the church. Even if it's only a few cents a bible, it's the thought that counts. LOL

      • haha. but a single bible is nothing compared to what places like hillsong garner. its shocking o_o. its just not right

        • But how else will they speak with God without you paying them 15% of your income every month!?

      • Sounds like your GrandMa is one lucky girl! ;o)

        • I figure she's old enough to get away with being a little delusional. ;)

      • -8

        Alot of very kind hearted people give their money to the church every week out of good will because they want to help people in need. You should be ashamed of that comment. And I am certainly not insane, and you are a rude bitch!

        • +7

          Jesus is watching

        • +2

          He shouldn't be watching. He, his Dad and Uncle should stop play acting with earthquakes, tsunamis etc and be nice to us. Acts of God indeed!

          What did those 10,000 people of Minamisanriku do that was so displeasing?

          What next pestilence?

        • +4

          That's cool, give me another 15% of your income and I'll absolve you of that remark. Oh wait, being kind to others only counts if those others are also religious :D

        • +4

          Jesus doesn't like the word bitch, dear.

        • +1

          Hypocrisy right there! That's exactly why I despise Christians… Give 1/100,000th of your income to the poor, go to church every week = Call yourself a devout Christian and call someone with a different (albeit cheeky) opinion a bitch.

          As Gandhi said, "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ".

        • I believe the suggestion weekly donation is 1 hour of your weekly salary (eg. if you make $20/hour you donate $20/week)

          I don't think people actually donate that much though.

  • Well, it is a freebie i suppose.

  • +6

    Aww, I prefer the battle scenes in the Old Testament. I wish I could smite my enemies like that.

    • +2

      Damn right. This stuff is right up there with Tolkien.

  • +4

    I was planning on becoming a born again Christian sometime this year. This will be a great starting point. Thanks Ashlea.

  • I'm not religious so I'm sitting this one out. Good deal for those interested in this sort of thing :).

  • +5

    Will this make a decent door stop? (This is not a joke, I'm actually serious) Is it a hardcover?

    • +1

      Paperback in a hard case. Will work decently I'd say.

      • -3

        how bout you shut your mouth bout your claims about the church etc… i think its cause ur a chick that everyone is laying off you..

        but maybe you talk with your pals on some dawkins forum, not a bargain forum where alot the the members and owner (scotty) are christians

        cool you posted the deal. talk about the deal. not about what you think the church is.

        • +5

          Laying off me? What about the other people making comments along the same lines? Most of them aren't females, so why's everyone laying off THEM?

          FYI, pay more attention. I didn't start the negative comments. ;)

        • sensitive much?

        • Oh and you are allowed to have an opinion but nobody else is?


        • Ashlea 4 hours 17 min ago ¶

          EDIT: Oh, and I forgot - It’s a little bit of cash out of the wallets of the greedy pigs who run the church. Even if it’s only a few cents a bible, it’s the thought that counts. LOL

          ^^ you better say 10 hail marys ashlea…..

      • Excellent. What do you mean it's in a hard case?

        • +1

          at antman

          no thats not what i am saying at all.

          im saying that this is a bargain thread. the only thing that should be talked about it this deal.

          not about what everyone thinks about christianity… and for your information im not even a devoted cristian just sick of threads bein clogged up.

        • +1

          Like um, a jacket type thing. It's the same size as the book (obv like 1mm bigger) and the book slides into it when you're not using it (which, I assume, will be always) :P

        • pspman, no problem. It probably was off topic for the deal but fortunately it is now a forum topic :)

  • Just out of curiosity, why are they asking whether you're a tertiary student and then asking for your uni's name?

    • Absolutely no idea. Just left it blank.

  • This is a "translation" of the living stream ministry, which many consider to be a cult. It is called "recovery version". Google it!

    • +3

      A branch of Christianity being a cult? Never!!!

    • +4

      It is basically New Testament with questionable translation + some commentary. As OzBargain is a public forum I prefer not to discuss about Living Steam Ministry here. But there are better versions of free bible out there.

      • lol voted at the same time :)

        As per your request I'm not going to ask further on the Recovery Version / LSM but you have got me curious here.. what versions would you recommend (without making an exhaustive list)? (just genuinely curious :))

        • +3

          Free or paid?

          Paid (and often free on software) — English Standard Version. A lot more literal translation, using recent manuscript, used by many evangelical churches and theological colleges in Australia, etc. Or NASB.

          Free ones — sorry I actually can't think of a really good one. Maybe Gideon's that got distributed on the street, or those in hotel rooms (usually Good News Bible, or KJV 1611). You can always just walk into a church on Sunday, and tell whoever is welcoming you that you are "really really really interested in what's in that book" and they'll usually let you one (although not brand new). That usually works — at least I "lost" quite a few bible that way :P

        • +1

          :P already Christian with my own Bible (NIV.. thought it struck a nice balance between conveying the idea, while maintaining an accurate translation without being hard for me to read) I was just curious to know someone else's thoughts :)

        • +1

          It scares me seeing how intelligent you portray yourself to be at your age. My brother is the same age and cannot have a single conversation without LOL PWNED or UR GAY.

        • err.. thinks thankyou ash :) (unless you're implying that I only portray myself to be smart :P)

          if only my family would say that .. they disregard absolutely everything I say and then usually come back a day later and say that I was right >.>

          shows that there is hope for my generation tho :D

        • +1

          Hehe no, wasn't saying that. :P You seem like a really smart kid (kid, hehe) and it's nice to see.

        • thanks ^_^

  • +7

    This isn't a bargain - its always free from this site. It belongs in the forums as per our rules. And then you can also do all the off topic discussions - which are not bargain related… which would have to be removed by a mod and thats going to be a lot of work…

    Moved. (And no I am not being unchristian here)…

  • +1

    Thanks Pete :)

  • +2

    This'd be great for making fires - can add it to the stack of MXs. :)

  • I don't suppose you could measure it for me? :D

    • For sure, will do tomorrow!

      Why, may I ask? hmmm!

      • +6

        bullet protection on shirt pocket

        • +1

          Why would a religious person need that then? Their 'higher being' wouldn't allow them to be shot would s/he?

      • Just wondering what it's dimensions are so I know if it will fit where I want to put it. Saves me waiting for it to arrive.

    • +3

      That's what she said.

  • ppphhhhwww. newbies!!!.
    I don't know. these fly-by-night/flash-in-the-pan new religions.

    I'm OG.

    you might as well say "I'm a die hard star wars fan, revenge of the sith is the best star wars movie of all".

  • +2

    Ashlea and others. Lay off the religion bashing. There is no need for it. This is a bargain forum. You should all grow up. If you don't don't believe in Christianity, big deal, I don't care it it your choice and you have no reason to deliberately come on here and antagonize people just to get a reaction. Just back off and stop rubbishing peoples beliefs, it is pathetic! Of all the crap I have ever read on this site, this takes the cake. Oh and Scotty as all these comments have nothing to do with the "bargain" they should be removed.

    • -1

      It's in the forum.

    • +1

      If you can't handle the religion bashing don't go for the religion :)

      Though I would assume if you're religious you're used to it ;)

    • This isn't in the bargain & deals section. It's the forum. General discussion is allowed, and opinions on religion are discussion.

    • +1

      ozbargaining is religion.

  • +1

    Ashlee is just showing she is an educated person, whats wrong with that?

    Its a great topic because I now know who here is an independent thinker ;)

    Religion is at fault here, without it there would not be people whining in this thread (and on a bigger scale there would be no war)

    • +3

      But as you said, religion has it's upside. Shows who is an independant thinker.

  • Ash,

    Didn't quite get your meaning. Is this for dishonest Christians or just non-practising ones, or both?

    Wish I'd had it in my pants when those Jesuits repeatedly beat me up* at school ;)

    Bless you all :)

    *corporal punishment they called it.

    Peace and love :)

    • +2

      Ahhh gotta love Catholic schools. :) Glad to be out of the system!

      • +2

        Yes catholic girls schools were the best ;p

  • +2

    Perhaps a good freebie to some, but to me, useless freebie = rubbish.
    If you want it just cause its a freebie, might as well get these too: and

    • Is this the one where AFTER you've paid around $320,000 they tell you we are all descended from aliens etc etc?

      … and they don't want your family to speak to you if you leave. … or worse!

      Nice one.

      • LOL

        Warning! This site has a poor reputation.


        Read Comments:

        Hateful, violent or illegal content: Sites connected with/promoting Scientology.
        Ethical issues: A very dangerous cults which destroid the life of many people!
        Phishing or other scams: the cult of scientology is a dangerous fraud. I cant stress how accurate the graphic of their greedy hands dismantling the earth on their site is.

      • +1

        Haha, by the way, I am in no way promoting Scientology (or Mormon).
        Get your freebies at your own risk, dont blame me if you start doing weird shiz and start turning to drugs and alco to suppress your regrets. The only thing I can do then is give you this

    • Already have both. :) I'm actually quite interested in religion and well educated on most major/well known religions, just don't follow one myself.

    • Hmm, it won't accept my 4 digit postcode for the first link :(

  • +1

    At the end of the day, religion is a lot of man-made hocus pocus mixed up with some good principles.

    I'm happy with just the good principles.

    Ashlea, you're a devil ;)

    • +1

      Hey, I just enjoy a bit of controversy ;)

  • +1

    Pick the one for you: Christianity (in one of its myriad of forms), Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Tao ism, Confucianism, Shinto, Sikhism, Judaism, Jainism, Bahai, Cao Dai, Cheondoism, Tenrikyo, Wicca, Seicho-no-le, Rastafarian, Unitarian Universalism … or another of your choosing … and the winner is ………. :)

    • +2

      I put Jedi on the last Census ;)

      • +1

        yes, you and 69,999 others :) … all strength to you …

        apologies to all Jedi Knights, and others I carelessly left out.

        • -1

          and as "Jedi" is counted as "religion", any statistics count those 69,999 as "religious people", giving the impression that religion is more prevalent than it actually is. Does more harm than good.

        • What harm will a higher perceived percentage of religious people do?

        • +1

          the harm being politicians use these statistics in their decision making. acidburn02 cannot get married for the most part because of religious people. politicians are scared of the religious right.

    • +1

      im calithumpian….as are most of australia

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