Hey does anyone know where I can get Red dead redemption for cheap?
Keen on buying 2 but I don't remember much from the story of RDR and I don't want to watch someone else play it on YouTube. Any recommendations?
Red Dead Redemption Cheap Price

Lockster on 17/10/2018 - 10:41
Yay thanks so much for the help.
Thanks for that man, my kids didn't want to get it but I do, even though I rarely play the playstation. I can't believe the won't release RDR on the PC!
Playstation or Xbox? Also get the GOTY edition it has Undead Nightmare on it aswell
Xbox 360. PlayStation 4.
Cash converters webstore or just hit up your local cashies, have seen it for under $10 on 360 more than a few times.
Gumtree or Facebook groups
If on PlayStation, you can play it using a 7 day free trial of PlayStation Now.