Free pecan recipe book! Mine came in I think just under 2 weeks, maybe even less. It's 32 pages with a recipe on each page, tried one of them last night and I can vouch for the quality too - yum.
Very simple & short form.
Free pecan recipe book! Mine came in I think just under 2 weeks, maybe even less. It's 32 pages with a recipe on each page, tried one of them last night and I can vouch for the quality too - yum.
Very simple & short form.
really? i'd rather have mountain dew over pecans
Can't go wrong with recipe books. A lot of my free time on the net is spent looking at recipes or food photography (and Ozbargain of course).
Awesome! I can't wait for it to show up.
It's funny when you're subscribed to a thread and read a response in your email then it's completely different on here. :P
:) Who me?
Maaaybe! :)
So my "off topic" posts can be read after being deleted, great :)
… and congratulations on No1! :)
lol true you are #1 now
Right Side Column between New Deals and Category
you see—>1 +3 Ashlea
I don't see my name on the right, haha, what the hell?
Oh I see it, durrr. Us 3 need to get lives. ;)
Still pissed I missed out on that one, hoping my new glasses (that I had to pay for) arrive on Monday. ;)
Update! My glasses have arrived!
… and commiserations to isssh!
… and as for me, my agent advises me I'm already over-exposed :)
Nice find, recipe books are always a good addition to the collection. Thanks ashlea!
Hoping it works
Good find :)
Pecan pieee
I didn't realise so many people liked pecan, I hate it.
Thanks though, it will make a nice present to my mother or something :)
Saw this b4! Applied and mine cam in about 3 weeks.
You always complain about people not + on your freebie deals. Funny that. :P
hurt(jks)!! i dont complain :[. but i do add to the freebies i post "feel free to + if you liked" thoug, but i dont get how its funny ._^? I + on ur freebies dont i? ;D
Out of all the pies, Pecan and Poontang would have to be my favourite.
thanks for telling after u've received it /sarcasm
What's your problem? When it's a freebie that's been listed on a website for YEARS, and doesn't have a set expiry date, I think it's common courtesy to NOT post it on here until after you've confirmed it actually works.
You're not a very grateful person, are ya buddy?
Yeah you're right, I need a slap on the face now
@ the_pharmacist
to make you happy :)
i award everyone a HAPPY +
While you are waiting for your recipe book this Pecan pie is very tasty
I made mine with Rum
a lot of people like pecans.
lol nice. They sent out ebooks instead of actual copies.
picture makes me hungry