½ Price Connoisseur Ice Cream Varieties 1L $5 @ IGA (Starts 17th October)
Available at all store formats, including the normal IGA.
½ Price Connoisseur Ice Cream Varieties 1L $5 @ IGA (Starts 17th October)
Available at all store formats, including the normal IGA.
Insert comments asking for the best flavour below. As if trying them for oneselef is impossible without seeking advice.
belgian chocolate ….has highest cocoa content of the supermarket ice creams….even more than the boutique 500ml brands.
asking for the best flavour
imagine downvoting someone over ice-cream
you alright there buddy?
their vanilla icecream is the best of all the ones ive tried.
I've tried them all and i agree the vanilla is amazing. Way better than any other brand of vanilla
Matcha, if you can find any now.
Here's a list of current flavours
Matcha discontinued perhaps?
Also don't see ? Pretzels and popcorn
the matcha was "interesting" but didn't move in volumes at m local supermarkets and was at times discounted when all other flavours were full price, so might have had limited demand.
I never tried the pretzels and popcorn but is also not on the shelf at my supermarkets.
the normal vanilla and strawberry used to be great but haven't seen that in a few years, now it's white chocolate and strawberry.
Or inedible, one of the two :p
My take on why green tea matcha was that it boasted a green tea, white chocolate and waffle combination but it really delivered none of it.
Green Tea flavouring is supposed to be a bit bitter but they wanted to balance it out with the sweetness of white choc but they never committed to the green tea flavour - I just couldn't taste it, and there was just not enough white choc so every bite of this ice cream I just felt that it was sugar in my mouth and would rather get vanilla
But what else could they have done? Green tea sweets like japanese kit kats are overbearing and rich and they thought that most Australians wouldn't like eating a litre of strong green tea ice cream at a time
Greentea is my favourite but did not see on the list. now SUMATRAN COCONUT WITH CHOCOLATE FUDGE is my next favour.
bring back matcha!
I love how they ripple the chocolate through instead of tossing in chunks that become rock hard and tasteless when frozen. The white choc and raspberry tastes like condensed milk, which I love, but it'll probably end up giving me diabetes if they keep putting it on 1/2 price.
Now to find an IGA..
Do they still carry Matcha Green Tea flavour?
Has anyone tried the Harry's Ice Cream? It's 500ml for $3 this week at Woolies. I'm curious how it compares.
I think they've changed their range, but I last tried them several months ago. The peanut butter, sticky date, and coffee flavours were good, the popcorn one was sheethouse, and the rest were meh.
There's PB, triple Choc, salted caramel and peppermint brownie atm.
I've bought the PB so hopefully it's good.
Anyone know if IGA gives plastic bags with purchases or would I have to bring my own in Victoria?
Went to 3 igas in Adelaide can't find
Went to my local in WA and it was for 8.99 on the sticker, unless they forgot to change it out
I usually don't shop at IGA
I hope they don't make their disdain too obvious when I walk out with only these