So I've been looking to get a PS4 temporarily to play Red Dead Redemption 2 when it comes out. Been a fan of this game for a long time. Given that I am not particularly interested in any other game and that my friends are on PS, I decided to search for a cheap PS4 so I can sell it off after.
I did fine one and it's really cheap. Although the seller claims he sold the controller already, and the console itself is in perfect working condition.
I was wondering if anyone have smart ways I can inspect the item and exchange the money and goods and not come out of this at a loss in case the seller's claim turned out to be false. I just found it odd that its listed without a controller, but so drawn to the price we agreed on, and wanted to go about this with caution.
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Cheers!
P.s - it does look like they are selling with the box too.
EDIT - Dude sold the PS4 off to someone else before we were set to meet.
How much is cheap?