Wii console + 5 Games - only $199 + FREE delivery @ dicksmith.com.au. Online exclusive. Hurry stocks are limited.
Games included: Wii Alice in Wonderland, Wii Love is in Bloom, Wii Puzzle Kingdom, Wii Sports, and Wii Resort.
Wii console + 5 Games - only $199 + FREE delivery @ dicksmith.com.au. Online exclusive. Hurry stocks are limited.
Games included: Wii Alice in Wonderland, Wii Love is in Bloom, Wii Puzzle Kingdom, Wii Sports, and Wii Resort.
not bad
yer not bad, games are bad but deal is good
Big W beat you by $1…lol
Still a good deal
The Big W deal doesn't include the extra 3 games Wii Alice in Wonderland, Wii Love is in Bloom, Wii Puzzle Kingdom, so effectively for $1 you're getting 3 kid games
Whoops my bad. I guess you can save a $1 if you don't want those games.
Didn't mean to neg ur post Nick. :(
but I 100% agree with you. Who would want those games unless you have kids (<8yrs) :)
This is Ozbargain.. $1 for 3 games that you might be able to sell off and make money on? ;)
got to game
they offer 5 dollars extra for trade in games!
even if they are worth 1 buck each, u get $15 bucks
however i dunno if this deal is still on
wow that's good ;)
thats a good deal!
only thing is they give you game credit hence you can only spend in GAME stores
The games make good trade in fodder for EB in any case! Good deal.
or eBay :)
Puzzle Kingdom is a UK copy and wont be accepted for trade in store.
AIW is not such a bad game, a bit short tho…
Has anyone who wants a Wii but not got one yet? This $199 package still seem high to tempt prospective buyers who have been waiting for over 4 years. AUD is above parity so there's much more that retailers can do in terms of low pricing.
I guess this deal is cheaper than $200 in that they're chucking in some extra games, so they are kinda doing something to "lower" the price.
And don't forget you can now reserve online and pickup in-store!
Not on this one. Online Only.
Although JB don't have any Wii trade deals at the moment, had a quick look and these games aren't on the exclusion list.
Wish they had a coupon code again :(
Love is in bloom? wha the hell? is that a cheesy romance game or some tripped out heartbroken-goingpostal game?
wow nice
Was going to get the bigW one, but this one delivered seems good, will give the games to my cousin and see if I can softmod mine. Also think I got one of the last ones in white - out of stock now.
Yep, nice one.
Done and done, can get rid of my gamecube now…
Pretty cheap really. Comparing it to a $59 wiimoteplus + $29 nunchuck, it's $111 for the console/games.
If you took off the trade value of 5 games (probably $5+$5+$5+$10+$10) and probably $90 that you could sell a controller-less almost-new unit for, you could look at it as a cheap way to get controller accessories.
I wouldnt bother though, WAY too much fuss and risky.
Edit: someone said one of the games was UK.. that makes it worse as no trade-in.
How can Dicksmith legally sell UK games?
just like that [click]
If they're UK stock, they're in all likelihood imported by the publisher (who has every right to do so, as long as they stick an Aussie ratings sticker on the case).
Then it is tradeable rite?
out of stock :(
why do people want white? I would have guessed black would be higher in demand considering it is newer, and less of a fad - it fits in with all my electronic stuff way better except the early white 360 :(
got myself an ebony wii :)
Worst games ever
Ordered a black one.
Games look to be truly terrible, so I will probably be handing them onto a friend or relative or something.
Woah! Good deal. I still regret buying a Wii though.
Does anybody know what system software version these are likely to be? 4.3?
Unless your getting the wii to play
Old Mario games, or it's for kids, save yourself the hassle and don't buy a wii, dont buy it for anyone you don't live with lol, soft modding can be a nuisance too
I'll buy one when it's $100.
Looking forward mainly to Nintendo's first party titles like Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, Super Smash Bros, etc.
I would be very surprised if it'll ever reach $100 new. Used or on clearance, sure - a used Wii is already down to $135 at EB, presumably less on eBay.
The GC only went to under $100 when it was end of line and discontinued… can't see that happening to the Wii for many years at least, although move and kinect may speed up the process a bit now that the wii is no longer unique and is completely out of muscle compared to the big consoles. Still the sales are through the roof comparatively… good old mainstream idiots…
I figure as long as there are Wii's hovering around the $200 mark and 360's remain $300+ Wii has a fighting chance, especially seeing as some of their motion controlled games aren't entirely gimmicky.
Thought the black one would be more popular but thanks! $189 with staff discount aint bad at all!
Both colours are back in stock online
I did notice that.. apparently they got some new stock in :D
Ordered on black version on Monday night and received this morning. Only the Alice in Wonderland game is sealed Australian version, the other 2 bonus games are UK stock from funtastic, but still good deal for the Wii.
Pretty good since the black consoles are there too.
All we need now is for Dick Smith to have a special deal on remotes! :)