You sure you're ready for this? $15.98 Shipped from JB plus it's part of the Buy 2 get 1 free Blu-ray deal.
Next cheapest AUS delivered price is $23.55(43% more expensive).
Brought to you by Bruckheimer, Bay, and Simpson (who died towards the end of the movie). This is the one of the last of an era of great action movies of the 90's. Connery!
This is my favourite movie of all time. So much so, that when I went to San Francisco last year, I stayed at the Fairmont hotel (a suite,a shower, a shave), visited Alcatraz at night (Ninety-seven paces
to the shower room.), and tried to do my best to recreate the scene at the Palace of Fine Arts. All the while annoying the partner with constant Connery impressions. OK TMI.
Via [Slickdeals]
EDIT: Apparently it is cheaper at JB, have removed Amazon links
but I thinks its cheaper over @ JBhifi and part of "Buy 2 get 1 free"…