• expired

FREE Pet ID Tag from Pet Register.com.au!!!


The National Pet Register is a pet identification and recovery service. It's the largest Australia-wide pet ID service operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

New Membership

The registration process is simple and you can always log on at a later date to change any information if you wish. Please note, there are THREE steps and you must complete each step before we can send you your free tags.

If you are an existing member, use the Login Page to access your profile.

Yeah! So its a free ID tag for your pet that you can put contact numbers and things like that on! Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the text/link to "agree to conditions" and stuff.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below! I'll answer them as often as possible! Oh, and "+ve" if you want to if the freebie worked out for you and/or you like it (cuz thats what "+ve" are for).

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closed Comments

  • AFAIK this has always been free.

    • +2

      Yes, it has. And it's been posted a few times here before (but not since 2008).

    • I know that. Its still a freebie though! and what does AFAIK mean?

      • AFAIK = as far as i know

      • Aren't permanent prices not counted though?

        • Hmm..good point. But i guess the mods thought this was an awesome freebie! :P

        • As long as it hasn't been posted in a long time (6 months might be it) then it can be reposted

  • +2

    This is a great service & has helped us several times. We have a dog that seems to develop superpowers during a thunderstorm, & escapes the impossible if we arn't home to look after him.
    Combined with his canine dementia (he's 13), if he gets out he can't remember where home is, but with this service I will get a call at work or where ever I am to let me know he's been found even before I realise he's out.

  • -1

    This is also a fantastic idea if you're travelling with your pets. I registered my dog when we travelled around Australia, as he isn't microchipped.

    • Why is your dog not microchipped?

      • -1

        Not really your business, but I'm a responsible dog owner with a securely fenced yard, don't let him out to wander around, walk him on a lead, have trained him to respond instantly to my call/whistle. Plus at the age of 16, he's not going too far.

        • -1

          Er, no.

          A responsible dog owner would have their pet microchipped.

          End of story.

    • Why did someone neg his comment? People, you dont neg harmless comments, :O!

  • +1

    Do they do this for Anacondas? I'm scared someone will take off with Freddy.

  • +6

    Just ordering one now for my girlfriend. ;)

  • Great idea, just signed up for one, don't want anything to happen to my little baby (dog!)

  • "If you have recently had your pet microchipped or recently purchased a pet that was already microchipped do not sign up for a free tag as when we register your pets microchip or change of ownership a tag will be sent to you as part of the registration process."

    so only applicable for new dogs?
    just checking because i was going to sign up but read the above although i haven't registered my dog via this national pet register as i got my dog through the pound..

    • Give it a shot anyway and if it comes, it comes!

    • I'm pretty sure they are all about reuniting pets & owners, I don't think you'll have a problem.

  • thanks. I just got a cat last week and Pet Barn wanted to charge me $10 for one.

    in 3 weeks time I will get this one for FREEEEEEEEEEEE. thanks.

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