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Nintendo Switch Console - Neon / Grey $398 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Factor in the 12.5% cashback through Cashrewards and the price comes down to $353.23!

Nintendo Switch - Grey Joy-Con.

Link to Cashrewards 12.5% cashback.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Please stop tempting me. It's not payday week :(

    • You want IOU?

      • 2 slabs of beer?

        • Trip for two would be better.

          • +5

            @456: Tour of Mt Druitt?

            • +2

              @Clear: Tempting. Let me talk to the supreme leader.

  • First time use Cashrewards, is my steps correct?
    - Tap on link on Cashrewards website.
    - While on Cashrewards website, log in and click 'Shop Now'
    - It will take me to Amazon.com.au, now search for 'Nintendo switch' and make a purchase.

    The Cashrewards should be back into my Cashrewards account in a few days, is that right? I tried to do these steps before (2 months ago) to purchase something, but now check my Cashrewards account, it is $0.0 credit. So do I miss anything else?

    • +1

      See if this helps

      Remember to turn off ad blockers
      And don't navigate away from the page (that's what I do to be sure).

  • +4

    Correct me if i am wrong. But i think cashback on amazon works on on ex gst.
    So its 10% cashback on $361.82 which is the price of switch ex gst.
    After 10% cashback, the price comes to $361.82

    • That's correct. Cashback is before the price before GST.

      • Thank you both. Corrected.

  • +19

    Heres a $20 discount Amazon voucher that I got from maccas monopoly is someone wants to use it:


    Please reply if you have used it to show courtesy. If not, you’re a moron

    • +7

      I didn't use it but just saying that this is a very kind thing to do.

    • Just note a minimum order of $79 is required.

      • They’re suppose to use it for this deal

        • Fair enough haha.

    • Thanks, I will use it.

      • +1

        Did you get it or was there a moron?

    • +4

      Tried to use it but it's been claimed :(

      Thanks anyways though, really kind of you.

    • Do you still get cashback if use the code?

      • No

  • +2

    Wonder when the updated console is goimg to come?


    • Wonder what they'll update? A larger screen (or smaller bezel) at 1080p with a better battery would make it pretty tough not to upgrade…

    • It’s probably just a minor update to accommodate their new display supplier (and to upgrade the Tegra chip to stop hacking).

      In all likelihood, you probably won’t notice anything externally.

      • Improved battery and brighter lower power display are my bets. And thinner!

        • hopefully not thinner. it feels like it's going to snap in my hand as it is.

        • Nvidia still hasn't got production of the TX2 under control. It's still an expensive part for those of us using it in embedded applications. Until that's resolved, there simply isn't the hardware available to support better battery life or performance improvements.

          A slightly nicer display and more energy-dense battery is possible. But any wholesale changes need to wait for Nvidia to get the TX2 down to a more reasonable price-point.

      • The hacking isnt that great, can only play offline .. so im not gonna bother to do it

    • +2

      Going to be like a PS4 vs PS4 Pro price? Going to hit $550 RRP my guess especially Aussie dollar is like rubbish now.

      • +2

        Nintendo doesn't do this, see history of Gameboy, ds, 3ds
        It will be a hardware improvement but will still play games the same

        • So it is like PS4 vs PS4 Pro then? Hardware improvements play same games.

  • +2

    Is this what constitutes a deal for a nintendo switch? far out its expensive.
    Man i really want to like it, as it would be great for my 2 hours each way commute to Uni, but $400 for what you get (especially with the weirdly high cost of nintendo switch games) is a big nah from me.
    If it were double the battery life and had a better screen i'd be interested.
    If next year they do release a "refresh" with the next gen tegra chip (i dont remeber exactly how much better it is but from memory its a lot) and a 1080p high quality screen at the same price then i would be far more interested.

    • +3

      Na, this price just gets posted every week.

    • The TX2 is still wildly expensive (we use them at work). Putting it in would add $100 to the price.

      There is no way a major refresh us coming until Nvidia gets the cost of the TX2 down.

      • Really? Damn. Maybe if they were to use them for the next switch the volume of sales would allow Nvidia to drop the price a bit, but i guess i dont know what volume they are selling at now, so maybe it wouldn't change much.
        Plus i feel like the switch should be $50-100 cheaper than it is anyway for what you get, so if they had a TX2 version switch at about the same price then at least it would be reasonable, but for some reason people are buying these in droves anyway so they aren't ever gonna lower the price :/

    • +1

      Is this what constitutes a deal for a nintendo switch? far out its expensive.

      Yeah I'm in the same boat. $400 is a lot of money for a middling 720p Tegra tablet with side mounted joysticks.
      I had expected to see more discounting by now.

      Maybe next year.

    • I can almost agree with this. You can play Final Fantasy 9 for 10.99 on your phone. Bit buggy yes but there you are. Or you can fork out $400 plus whatever eshop will charge (probably over $20) to play it on switch.

    • Don't understand the complaints about price - this is a polished product. It's not all about the hardware - making a 7" tablet is easy, making their games as polished as they are takes a lot of effort, and I'll gladly pay for it.

      • Because this is the price for the console not the games.
        The games are also quite expensive and their sales are seemingly not as big as games on the other consoles, so your argument could certainly be applied there that they charge a lot for their games because they are polished, but that is seperate from the console itself being a ripoff or not.

        • -2

          Your use of the word "expensive" is as an opinion, not as a comparison. There is nowhere less "expensive" to buy a Switch.

  • +1

    Target still has the switch for $399. The p5off code worked yesterday which brought it down to around $376 or something like that.
    May be an option for those without cash rewards

  • +1

    I know there's the 6% cash back, but why did this guys post get negged into oblivion for $399. A lot of people have access to discounted JB gift cards too. Does Ozbargain wake up on the wrong side of the bed sometimes?

    • +2

      It was a good deal last night when Cashrewards had 10% cashback. Now it's just meh again (I thought of ending the deal but then it's still current).

      I've found that the negs will keep coming once there is the first one. Not sure why.

      Personally, I post deals without a care in the world whether its upvote, neg, side vote, no vote. If it's a good deal then everyone should benefit from it.

  • -2

    I don't think Cashrewards should be factored in when considering if something is a deal or not. Switch has been a lot cheaper than this.

    • +2

      It was a good price for someone who wanted a Switch and didn't want to wait. We don't all have access to Ozbargain DeLorean's, and Cash Rewards is taken into consideration by many of us. Why wouldn't it be? It's cash back.

    • Where can you find it cheaper right now though? Lots of things were way cheaper in the past, like ram and petrol. Unless you have a time machine, it's not very helpful.

      Why shouldn't cash rewards be mentioned? It's not like it's in the title or anything. We do this with amex cashback, Amazon account credit, etc at well.

      • +5

        LOL @ time machine comments.

        28th September 2018 - $344.10 delivered.

        25th September 2018 - $359.10 C&C or + $4.95 delivery.

        20th September 2018 - $359.10 C&C or + $4.95 delivery.

        Yes, it may be the cheapest price at the moment, but I guarantee if you wait another week or two for an eBay code you'll get it for a better price. Still a valid deal but you're a fool if you pull the trigger at this price (especially if you don't use Cash Rewards).

        • -1

          Look like the price drop for the new version coming in.

          • +1

            @codinghelloworld: Nope. End of 2019 for the new model and it's unlikely to be a major hardware upgrade based on current reports (maybe just a better screen / battery life improvements). Games likely to run exactly the same performance-wise. Don't normally see price drops for new models when they're over a year away.

            • @Pantagonist: hmm, thanks, so current model is still going strong after few years.

            • +1

              @Pantagonist: I guess the new model is to antiquate the hacked versions.

              • @idonotknowwhy: That's part of the reason, although they've made already made hardware changes to the existing model with the exploitable Tegra chip so that it can't be hijacked before the OS boots.

                Current NVidia Tegra X1 in the Switch is the T210, the new version to be used in the updated model (codename Mariko) is the T214. References to the new SoC were found in firmware 5.0.0.

      • I don't think you can compare that kind of commodity especially with this kind, which drops in price as time goes on.

  • Can't say I'm surprised my reason for negative vote has itself been negged into the ground.
    This site will become a waste of time if deals based on rebates become the norm.

    I purchased my Switch almost a year ago for around $375 and since then I've seen it for around $350 but today $400 is apparently a bargain.


    • It hasn't, your neg is still here and hasn't even been reported as invalid lol.

      I got mine for $330 over a year ago with an amex deal ;)

    • +1

      Someone will post this price along with the $80 pro controller again next week, and the week after. Sometimes the post will get negged, sometimes it will get upvoted. Might as well sticky the price onto the main page.

    • Looks like all the negative votes you received have now been balanced out by positive votes from people who agree with what you're saying.

      I think that deals involving cash back deals get up-voted more than they should. It's almost like buying something and having actual money given back to you tickles the dopamine receptors more than making a saving up front, irrespective of whether the saving is actually better.

    • Tbh, I appreciate the fact that the prices for Nintendo games/consoles don't fall through the floor like every other annual instalment franchise. Game retailers feel the same way.

  • Been this price on amazon for ages. It's been saved in my cart and hasn't changed price

    • You're late to the party. It was 358.20 last night due to the 10% cashback.

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