• expired

Free Assassin's Creed Odyssey PC Game with Samsung SSD Purchased from Participating Retailers

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Buy any of the following Samsung SSD to get Assassin's Creed Odyssey PC Standard Edition. Offer valid between 8 Oct and 4 Nov 2018. Claimants must follow online redemption process and redeem Gift by 5pm (AEDT) on 30 Jan 2019.


SSD 970 PRO NVMe M.2 — 1TB, 512GB

SSD 970 EVO NVMe M.2 — 2TB, 1TB, 512GB

860 PRO SATA III 2.5 inch — 4TB, 2TB, 1TB, 512GB

860 EVO SATA III 2.5 inch — 2TB, 1TB

860 EVO SATA III M.2 — 2TB, 1TB


Hopefully you could combine it with the Computer Alliance Deal.



ARC COMPUTERS [ABN 92 090 415 160]
AUSTIN COMPUTERS [ABN 69 780 893 412]
BUDGET PC [ABN 29 133 654 761]
CAPITOL COMPUTERS [ABN 69 092 346 177]
CENTRECOM [ABN 96 084 165 293]
COMPUTER ALLIANCE [ABN 83 092 544 253]
CPL [ABN 90 128 782 507]
DCOMP PTY LTD [ABN 81 126 185 153]
IJK INTERNATIONAL [ABN 99 132 615 877]
J&W COMPUTERS [ABN 27 145 167 719]
MSY [ABN 48 471 082 951]
MWAVE [ABN 38 114 422 507]
ONLINE CENTRE PTY LTD [ABN 61 087 124 892]
PC CASE GEAR [ABN 14 099 808 072]
PLE COMPUTERS [ABN 48 051 046 596]
SHOPPING EXPRESS [ABN 65 146 078 319]
UMART [ABN 74 076 486 416]

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Buy a qualifying SSD from a Participating Reseller to receive a free download of Assassin's Creed Odyssey PC Standard Edition to your compatible device*.

    Participating Resellers
    I, J, K
    O, P, S, U

  • +3

    Which one is the cheapest disk? It turns out I need Samsung SSD.

    • +3

      It's literally in the post.

      CPL has the 1TB 860 EVO for $220.50. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/407607

      • "hopefully"

        Has anyone tried it?

      • CPL also sells 500GB 970 EVO for $202.50 - that's even less and should be still eligible for this deal.

        • based on the participating models on the website this won't be eligible.

  • +6

    Participating resellers:

    • ARC COMPUTERS [ABN 92 090 415 160]
    • AUSTIN COMPUTERS [ABN 69 780 893 412]
    • BUDGET PC [ABN 29 133 654 761]
    • CAPITOL COMPUTERS [ABN 69 092 346 177]
    • CENTRECOM [ABN 96 084 165 293]
    • COMPUTER ALLIANCE [ABN 83 092 544 253]
    • CPL [ABN 90 128 782 507]
    • DCOMP PTY LTD [ABN 81 126 185 153]
    • IJK INTERNATIONAL [ABN 99 132 615 877]
    • J&W COMPUTERS [ABN 27 145 167 719]
    • K.S COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY [ABN 59 074 527 763]
    • MSY [ABN 48 471 082 951]
    • MWAVE [ABN 38 114 422 507]
    • ONLINE CENTRE PTY LTD [ABN 61 087 124 892]
    • PC CASE GEAR [ABN 14 099 808 072]
    • PLE COMPUTERS [ABN 48 051 046 596]
    • SCORPTEC COMPUTERS [ABN 79 775 620 896]
    • SHOPPING EXPRESS [ABN 65 146 078 319]
    • UMART [ABN 74 076 486 416]
  • +1

    Hmmm any chance - i bought this last saturday, not delivered. Can I get it?

    • +1

      Depending on invoice date.

      • I bought it on Friday but PC Case Gear took the money from my account today (8th of August) and shipped it out today. Invoice date is 5th of August though. If anyone who bought the 860 EVO 1TB from PC Case Gear successfully redeems this, please let us know how?! Thanks.

        • +8

          August? You ok mate?

        • +1

          I purchased an 860 from MSY on the 6th, I spoke to live chat and they had no idea about the deal, so I've sent an email to the online support email. I'll update this once I've got a response

          • @Miko642: I was required to provide provide proof of purchase and they provided me a key +1 MSY :) even though it was purchased prior to the promotion date [wasn't shipped until 8th]

          • @Miko642: Wow. I had to do this two times recently. How do the staff "not know". WTH?

  • +2

    Damn it… bought my ssd 2 weeks too early lol

  • (profanity) me…i bought it last week

  • Bought on saturday, wouldnt it be invoiced once I receive it?

    • +5

      It would be invoiced when they process it, not when you receive it.

  • just purchased, how do i redeem game?

    • +3

      Did you click the link then press the big button that says “redeem”?

  • +3

    Computer Alliance has some good deals on their eBay at the moment. A quick search here shows a few options.

    Most will opt for the 1TB SSD, but for just a little less you might opt for the 512GB NVME

    • the link doesn't work for me? No results.

      • Updated a non-mobile link that includes more stores here

  • well shit, i bought the 1TB from PCCG on the 5th but was only posted today.

  • -1

    Two weeks too late. FMD!!!!!!

  • Am I missing something?

    It seems like SSD prices have gone down drastically lately. Now this as well?

  • what happened to the redeem link?

      • +1

        People keep posting the link to the Samsung promo page but if you actually click on the redeem link it just takes you to Ubisoft website where you need to enter the redemption of which there is none?! I bought a Samsung M2 NVME 970 EVO 500GB yesterday (8th) from Umart and didn’t get any redemption code with it. So the question remains, how the hell do we get the redemption code for AC Odyssey? On Ubisofts FAQ page it says the SSD should come with a redemption code but it isn’t there. Help please??

        • Same question here.

          Brought a 1TB Evo form PCCASEGEAR

          no redeem code

          • @vanyellow: Just got an Email back from PCCASEGEAR


            "We are participating in this promotion, however Samsung has not provided us with nearly enough codes to be able to offer the codes across the entire range of SSDs. As such, the only SSD that we have which comes with the Assassin's Creed Odyssey is the Samsung 970 EVO 500GB M.2 NVMe SSD Odyssey Bundle. "

            • @vanyellow: Surely you raised a complaint?

              The terms and conditions on Samsungs website are very clear, that the item you purchased is applicable and you should be able to redeem the offer.

              Complain to both PC Case Gear and Samsung directly, quote their ABN. They can't be a participant under the Samsung terms and conditions, and not provide this to you.

              • @Foos: I have and both have left disappointing answer to my enquiries.

                Spouse I will do the the 2018 thing and complain on there facebook

                • +1

                  @vanyellow: In the T&C (hope this helps)

                  If, due to delay in receiving the Code that is not caused by the claimant, a claimant is unable to provide their Code at
                  the time of submitting the Form, the claimant must still submit the Form during the Redemption Period and the
                  claimant must then contact Samsung via email to [[email protected]] to receive for the Code.

                  • +1

                    @Trantor: Thank you, i will get in contact them that way, rather than Samsung Support been too useful

                    • +1

                      @vanyellow: Sent a email to them but have yet to hear anything

                      • +1

                        @vanyellow: same here, I wrote to r.chan but no answer - not even a acknowledgement of receiving my email.

  • I'm going to wait and see if they honour the ebay stores before I jump on this

    • Why wouldn’t they ?

    • On the off chance they don't and you don't purchase it during the ebay discount date, centrecom have it for around $10 more at $229 (free shipping)


      In fact a few shops will give it to you at around ~$230 shipped so the saving is about $10 if you wait and/or havent got ebay gifts cards stacked up

    • 10% off code won’t wait for you though

    • I posted this on the shopping express deal but here it is again:
      I sent a message on ebay asking if the 860 EVO is eligible for the AC: Odyssey redemption. Here's their reply:

      Yes we are a listed store but as the recent demand of of the codes has been very popular we have ran out of stock for the codes and we have been trying to get into contact with the vendors to supply us with more code, if we are able to we will send our customers more codes but if not unfortunately we will not be able to anymore.

  • -1

    Shame the game itself is optimized like a potato on PC

  • -2

    Does this apply to the 512GB 860 Evo I bought a few months ago from a retailer not on that list?

    • no

    • +1

      Yes, email Samsung and explain the situation over two pages while covering 5 unknown selection criteria.

  • How much the game worth? I need a SSD but holding for a good deal.

    • +2

      About $60-70 right now. Will obviously drop in value over time.

      • It's good value if you want an SSD anyway and if you have a PC that will run the game. My PC is a potato so I have no chance of running the game :-(

  • eBay listings that are eligible - don't forget the PUMPKIN code: link

    Note: Cross check product availability, some cheaper items are a lower capacity and miss out on the offer.

  • +2

    Where will we get the code? Is it going to appear in our emails?

  • -2

    Dammit I bought two 860 Evo's on the 5th from MSY and they haven't even shipped yet!

  • +1

    People keep posting the link to the Samsung promo page but if you actually click on the redeem link it just takes you to Ubisoft website where you need to enter the redemption of which there is none?! I bought a Samsung M2 NVME 970 EVO 500GB yesterday (8th) from Umart and didn’t get any redemption code with it. So the question remains, how the hell do we get the redemption code for AC Odyssey? On Ubisofts FAQ page it says the SSD should come with a redemption code but it isn’t there. Help please??

    • I bought from Umart and use click and collect, the guy in the store told me to email the support and send the order number. They responded back in hour and send the valid redeem code. Downloading 41.13 GB now.

  • I messaged computer allience on eBay and they are claiming Samsung hasn’t sent them any redeem codes ????

    • They sent me mine today.

  • Turns out I'm eligible (Samsung 970 EVO 500GB yesterday from Computer Alliance), but have no intention to play this game. Is it possible to sell the code to someone else or is it tied to a UPlay account?
    Edit: Looks like the retailer just supplies a redemption code. Haven't received anything yet

    • Did you get a redemption code with it? I bought the exact same model as you from Umart yesterday and there was no redemption code with it

      • Nothing as of yet via email. I haven't received the SSD yet either. I've messaged them on eBay to check.

        • I just contacted Umart support and they are emailing the redemption code to me so for anyone that qualifies, best to contact the retailer directly.

          Update: Umart advised that the redemption code that comes with my SSD is Crew 2 and not AC Odyssey! WTF?! Looks like the retail staff are hoarding the redemption codes themselves. Not happy. I'm following up with Umart because quite clearly I qualify for the promotion. They've just shafted me with spare codes they had lying around.

          • @merajaan: Dodgy as. Maybe you can contact samsung?

            • @Piranha2004: Yeah but it’s all sorted now. They sent me the AC Odyssey code yesterday. They explained that they were caught unaware of the promotion and that Samsung only sent them codes yesterday.

              Side note the Crew 2 code they sent me the first time round was invalid :(

          • @merajaan: Umart is slipping, man. They used to be an awesome, genuine and customer-centric retailer, and they're just sliding into the corporate oblivion. Been a loyal 10+ year customer, but haven't enjoyed where they're headed of late. Cherry on the top for me was seeing how greedy and ridiculous they are with some job roles that they post, citing that the successful applicant is in for plenty of exposure! (Y)

          • @merajaan: I got the valid Odyssey one after sending the order number to Umart support

  • Shame you can't get a console digital version of the game. I'd be jumping on this straight away!

  • so no one has actually got an ssd AND the game as yet?

  • So it clearly says 512gb 970 evo, as far as I can see this doesn't exist. Do they mean the 500gb?

  • I told them if code is not received in a few days cancel my order and refund

    Got a reply from them saying they have received the redemption codes from Samsung and will be sending once ssd is received

  • Yup, I bought the 1TB from ComputerAlliance. Contacted them to ask about the code, they said to message them again when the disk arrives and they'd send me the code digitally. Seems like they were taken by surprise with this promo too!

  • -7

    if anybody doesn't want their code, can i have it pls? :p

  • +2

    Sold mine on ebay for $55 easily (hopefully they arent scammers)

    • Yeah $55 is good, even on here {classifieds area} if you don't trust ebay

    • Was thinking of doing the same.
      Not really familiar with what ‘scams’ to watch out for though? Presumably a person would buy the code, redeem it, then demand a refund??
      - i loathe selling on eBay and gumtree (seem to bring out the worst in humanity), and would often just throw something out over going through the process of dealing with some of these people.

      • Yeah its a balance between scummy people and trusting a stranger, I generally go by checking their profile and if they are a brand new member then its not worth the risk for me. a few hundred comments and/or years on the site adds a reputation.

  • I bought this from Msy Ebay and the invoice date is 8th Oct, Can any one tell me if I'm eligible for this. If so, How?

  • Just went to buy ssd from MSY. Was advised it was first in, first served & no guarantee if you’d get the coupon, so i decided to take my business elsewhere. Chances are i would get a code, but wasn’t prepared to buy ssd & then be told tough luck after the fact..


  • +1

    I'm lazy, which one of these stores has the cheapest 500GB 970 EVO m.2 nvme?

  • Anyone had any luck with ssds purchased prior to the promotion period, not a chance in hell?

    • Items purchased outside promotion periods aren't generally covered, and I've never heard of anything getting something without submitting the necessary paperwork / receipt to prove purchase date.

  • Is this cheapest atm?

  • +4

    for those having issues getting codes, this is in the T&C (I hope this helps)

    If, due to delay in receiving the Code that is not caused by the claimant, a claimant is unable to provide their Code at
    the time of submitting the Form, the claimant must still submit the Form during the Redemption Period and the
    claimant must then contact Samsung via email to [[email protected]] to receive for the Code.


    • +1

      Sorry for the dumb question, but how do you submit the form without the code during the redemption period?

      • same question here, did you get an answer?

        • Yeah, i emailed [email protected] who was in charge of the promotion. And he was kind enough to have me a Digital Key to redeem and install the game!

  • Both Umart and MSY have the 1tb 860 EVO for $219. Is this the cheapest at a B&M Store anyone's seen?

    The link has Shopping Express 1tb @ $265 - (PODCAST) code = $212 delivered, which is good price. Though, wondering, what would warranty be like going through an online ebay store compared to a physical store ? https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/409750

    • Bummer. they must have just bumped the price up :/. Guess now, umart store, or online (ebay) are the cheapest now.

      • Yes.Umart's online store now prices the same model $219. So probably buy one from Shopping Express via Ebay.

        • Buying from eBay I have no issues with. Only really comes down to warranty, and how difficult is would be to do warranty with an eBay store ?

          [Edit] Looks like they have a physical location in Sydney, though no walk in store ?

  • Could someone hint me which have retail stores in SA please?

    • Without looking much into it, MSY has stores in SA. Other than MSY, might have to google the stores listed above, see who has locations in SA.

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