[Important Demographic Research] OzB / Asparagus Pee :)

Coles Green Asparagus $1.20 (VIC) | $1.50 (Other States) (Was $3) @ Coles



Objective To determine the inherited factors associated with the ability to smell asparagus metabolites in urine.

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  • 65
    I can smell asparagus pee! :(
  • 4
    No smelling asparagus pee for me!


  • Why on Earth would the condutors of the study want to help people smell asparagus in pee?

    • +3

      There is an epidemic of people eating asparagus, peeing themselves and not realising. It's costing the economy billions!!

      • +1

        No wonder some of my co-workers are upset that I pee on the potted plants.

        I thought maybe it was because they are plastic indoor fake plants (who likes fake plants, am I right?) but I'm starting to think it's the asparagus smell.

        • +1

          Even you can't make them grow.

          • @PJC: Needs manure.

  • +1

    I didn't know it delivered a distinct pee smell.

    • +1

      G'day PJ. Just reassure me that your pee doesn't smell like that all the time!
      (Ask Donald Trump to check?)

      • +2

        Greetings! I despise asparagus. One of the few food items I will not eat.

        • Can take or leave it really, but don't mind occasionally. Depends on how well cooked and if tender/tasty in the first place.

    • a beet in the morning and my pee in pink in the late afternoon

      <fights urges to make several inappropriate comments>

      • +1

        Allow me:

        a beet in the morning and my pee in[sic] pink in the late afternoon

        You may want to reassess your technique.

    • +3

      I take a multivitamin in the evening and can write my name in the dark.

  • +1

    Where's the never had asparagus option?

  • +1

    I can also smell Vitamin B in pee, whats that called?

    • +7

      BP? Might get sued.. :)

    • Alcoholism.

      • Nah, my body doesn't like grog much these days.

    • +1

      I can also smell Vitamin B in pee, whats that called?

      A waste.

      • That's what I figure, I just pee it out, so I get my Vit B from vegemite now.

  • What are the "inherited factors" ? I'm sure most people have the ability to smell asparagus urine. A better question would be why some people don't have asparagus urine? But, I'm guessing they just metabolise it better.

    • The experiment doesn't control for the production of asparagus metabolites. It only assesses whether subjects can smell the metabolites in their own urine.

      The urine should be controlled (the same urine for everyone). Presumably, sniffing other people's urine was foreseen to be an issue.

      • +1

        Studies have shown that people who cannot smell the odor in their own urine are also unable to smell it in the urine of known producers (7)(9) lending credence to the anosmia hypothesis.

        Regardless of whether the inability to detect the odor is a problem of perception or production, the phenotypic distribution suggests a potential genetic component.(6)(7)

        Presumably they did make subjects smell other people's urine :-) (More info probably in papers 7 and 9)

    • Article, and also link to the study, with overview and some detail.

      OzBargain demo I believe substantially young, male, and from Asian background. They and the rest of us, overwhelmingly seem to be able to smell zee pee pong. We tend to all generate it after eating asparagus, at least to one degree or other.

      PJC maybe aside. He is a magnificent Pangolin. They, almost exclusively, eat ants, McVities, and Spiced Ham!

      • +1

        I have evolved. Currently eating Häagen-Dazs Green Tea ice cream (the shop round the corner had 457ml tubs for $1!) while my coffee cools.

        • +1

          Bäagain Häagen…
          It's late.

          Evolution of your pangolin palate, impressive, and warrants study of its own.

          I was fed a matcha tea very slightly green Lindt ball, today. Found a bit ordinary, but you may like. Better than you do asparagus, anyway!

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Darwin underestimated me. They sold out of the Vanilla, which was also $1.

  • +1

    I have a blocked bill at present. Should I vote "No" or send in a sample?

    • Howdy, McDuck :)
      Um… You crazy Duck-kind have corkscrew penises. Whatever you do, don't try and breathe through that!

      Just pee and see, in the morning? Maybe some sleep will see your bill clear.
      Maybe vote then?

  • The woman involved said the study smelled all to fishy

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