Steam US:
Mafia 2
Offer Ends Thursday at 4pm Pacific Time.
$7.50 USD
steam AU
Mafia 2
Offer Ends Thursday at 4pm Pacific Time.
$20.00 USD
Steam UK
Mafia 2
Offer Ends Thursday at 4pm Pacific Time.
I mean come on WTF? I know its not steams fault as publishers set the price, but really… i mean COME ON! thats ridiculousness, the amount of $$ developers and steam have missed out because a game is stupidly cheaper in the US vs australia vs UK, i mean UK vs Australia population 62 Vs 22 Mill is a far cry from the US 307 mill, wouldn't mind so much but why do UK get the same price as the US and we're the suckers paying a stupid amount!!!
its digitally delivered globally as well…
steams games are typically good Half Life, CS etc has the same global price, but this is just wrong… these guys (developers) should be banned from trading if they don't come to the party… government really needs to steep in and say when the cost isn't really any extra to provide to australia prices must be globally similar … why should they be able to blatantly rip us off? and it is ripping us off big time.
I understand that some countries such as china/india need a hand up as its there months wage, but US, UK, AU…
/rant over
old news