• expired

No Foreign Exchange Fees or Overseas Transaction Fees on UP Everyday Debit Mastercard Account, 2.75% P.a. on UP Saver A/C @ UP


Hey long time lurker, first time poster - go easy on me :D

Due to where I work @ Up, I was able to procure a "skip waitlist" code for Ozbargainers for Up - up.com.au - use invite code OZBOZB - good for 100 people. If you're already on the waitlist msg me your number and I can hook you up.

Why would I even want that?

Good question. Strictly from an Ozbargain perspective, Up charges no FX fees on purchases without any qualifying conditions (eg - no min deposit etc). The FX rate you get is the Mastercard "Standard market" rate which from my testing appears to work out a smidge (technical term) better than ING (Visa) in my experience. On $100 USD 7/10/2018 - $141.86 on Mastercard vs $142.05 Visa. YMMV.

The savings rate is OK @ 2.75% for first $50k and has no minimum deposit conditions nor behavioural conditions - full terms here: https://up.com.au/pricing/

Other than that it supports Apple Pay, Merchant Identification, Predictive spend, automated categorisation that doesn't suck etc.

But points?!

Yeah there's no points - this isn't a credit card and if you're on a great wicket with the latest ANZ double platnium thingo then this probably isn't for you.

Personally I find it better for keeping in touch with my spend which in turn means I spend less - for me I value that more than points but to each their own.

Referral Links

Referral: random (1408)

$10-$15 for both the referrer and referee. Conditions

Bonus starts at $10 and $1 for each year referrer has been a customer, up to a cap of $10. Referee will see the exact bonus when you visit Up Bank.

Related Stores

Up Bank
Up Bank

closed Comments

  • +3

    I've read it about three times and still trying to get it..

    You save $0.19 (on conversion fees?) per US$100 by going through some random organisation and get no points?

    • +2

      You get a better banking experience/UI that's roughly equivalent from a financial perspective (still backed by Australian government guarantee) that supports features which a bunch of the existing banks don't yet.

      Specifically Up does things like predictive spending like this: https://twitter.com/mtcmorris/status/1034976651543601152

      • -5

        Why do you post a Twitter link…
        That annoys me when I'm on mobile.

        I wasn't saying there wasn't a point btw, just wondering what that point was.

        • +1

          Noted - Sorry!

  • Any banks or financial institution behind UP?

    • +1

      It's backed by the Australian Government Guarantee - Bendigo Bank is the ADI.

    • Bendigo Bank I believe

  • Why doesn't it support Google Pay?

    Edit: It says on website but not on description

    • It does. Am a Google Pay user myself. Didn't mention it as Google Pay is far more widely supported. Also supports Fitbit Pay, Garmin Pay etc

  • +5

    Note that the 2.75% interest is for the first 4 months only - it's made up of the 0.75% base plus the current (subject to change) 2% bonus rate

    Question 1: apparently this account is available to under 18's - what is the minimum age (thinking of this for my daughter(s))

    Question 2: in practical terms does applying for this give you a separate savings account plus a transaction account (linked to Mastercard Debit) (similar to most other banks) or do you end up with one account doing both (plus getting interest, etc)?

    • apparently this account is available to under 18's - what is the minimum age (thinking of this for my daughter(s))

      1. The biggest hurdle to being younger is getting through the ID verification process (which is fairly strictly legislated). If she has a Passport/Medicare or Passport/Learners that usually works.

      in practical terms does applying for this give you a separate savings account

      The interest rate is applied to balance of "Savers" in Up. It applies across all of them (not 1 account like ING) which is better if you follow a barefoot style regime. Your spending balance does not earn interest.

      • +2

        T&Cs [PDF] seem to say 16 and up:

        These accounts are available only to individuals over 16 years of age for private or domestic use.

        • Thanks that was what I was after - ING has a good youth version of their SM+OE for 15-17 year olds (which one of my daughters has) but I was looking for something decent (with similar features - savings interest, no FX fees, visa/mc debit) for my 13 year old

  • Hi OP, can you elaborate on what the website means by:

    "We're working hard on a new rate structure that rewards you for spending wisely and saving effortlessly"

    Do you have any datails on this?

    • Do you have any details on this?

      Nothing yet

  • +5

    U bank doesn't charge international fees, too.

  • +1

    Does it support pay ID For transferring in and out??

    • Inbound - yes. Outbound is in test at the moment and should be available for everyone shortly

      • Awesome - you got my signup :)

  • Hey OP,

    Looks like I'm having trouble verifying my identity. Does this mean all hope is lost for me? :-(

    • +2

      Doh. Double check you've entered your details correctly (a typo will certainly throw things out). If that still fails you can email the support people and they may be able to hook you up.

      The KYC process is more likely to fail if you've moved recently and haven't updated your electoral enrolment/Medicare address but is usually pretty frictionless for most users.

  • Hey OP,

    This looks really great! (As I said to my partner via text, '… it’s banking for/by Melbourne tech hipsters, so obvs I’m interested.') Looking forward to see how the post-honeymoon savings rate/offer shapes up, but honestly from the site (and your tweets) the underlying UX/UI blows anything else locally out of the water.

    I'm a longtime happy ING hoop-jumper, but out the gate Up looks pretty ace – had a bit of a dig around in your Ts & Cs, about the only thing I can see myself missing is fee-free ATMs (both locally and overseas). Any info on which in Australia can be used fee-free? Also, do you offer joint accounts (yet)? Also also, I see you charge $10 for incoming foreign currency deposits via SWIFT code (standard) – does this mean I could be paid in USD (converted to AUD) straight into my Up account? That'd mean I could do away with Citibank (which I keep around as it's all I could find that'd let me do so at the time).

    Thanks, and all the best with the launch!

    • You will get whatever rate they provide. Best to convert overseas and send the fund in AUD. (Ie HK has a 1% spread, and aust is typically 3-5%).

    • +2

      Any info on which in Australia can be used fee-free?

      Bendigo Bank ATMs as well as major bank ones (CBA/NAB/ANZ/Westpac)

      Also, do you offer joint accounts (yet)?

      No - on the roadmap.

      Also also, I see you charge $10 for incoming foreign currency deposits via SWIFT code (standard) – does this mean I could be paid in USD (converted to AUD) straight into my Up account?

      People I've asked say yes but I haven't done it personally. Not sure what exchange rate you'd get (as it's not a Mastercard txn it wouldn't be that Mastercard rate). I've asked a few more qns and will post back here as I get answers.

      • Thanks @mtcmorris! Once I'm able to transfer my money back out of the Up account, I'll likely make the switch from Citibank. You've been helpful here!

        • +2

          Ok - yesterday the conversion rate for incoming USD transfers was 0.7385. Sorry that this doesn't appear to be published anywhere - I'll add it to our backlog to be more transparent with it.

  • +5

    Looks good but still doesn't compare to ING's offering, no ATM fees anywhere in the world and no foreign transaction fees.

    The interest rate seems good but as a foreign transaction card ING seems to trump this

    • -3

      ING have dogged us by revoking no international fees and now requiring 5 eftpos purchases the month prior. Been stung, ready to ditch ING as I feel stooged.

      • When was this revoked?

      • +1

        Agree with Lukian, other than ING introducing minimum use and deposit into the account (which I feel are still pretty low per month), they still rebate ATM fees and transaction fees.

      • I thought it was a pain also.

        But in reality splitting your first shop at coles each month into 5 micro transactions for ING (I do $1 each, but i believe $0.01 even works) then pay the balance with your regular card is not a big deal.

  • +1

    Somebody clean up the title (and the whole post, tbh), it makes my eyes bleed.

  • +2

    Had an account for a couple of months. They are very tech-first; the app is super slick, etc. The physical card is pretty sexy too if you're into that sort of thing. Only downside is that it's app-only and I'm not sure if a web interface is in the works or not.

  • +4

    On $100 USD 7/10/2018 - $141.86 on Mastercard(mastercard.us) vs $142.05 Visa(visa.com.au). YMMV.

    Have you tried comparing against Citi's Debit Mastercard? Also, were the purchases made at the exactly same time?

    Seriously, its just another bank and they are dressing themself up as somesort of savvy hipster.

    Citi, UBank, ING et all have similar products.

    • +1

      Can't disagree with this comment.

  • Whatsup?

  • Hey OP. how does your tech compares to what Macquarie offers?


    They've set the bar pretty high and from an overseas use perspective, their product is far superior with ING being even better (provided you're willing to jump through their hoops to qualify before your trip).

    Also, the base rate on your savings account (0.75%) is a joke and no amount of fancy 'gizmos' can make up for that simple fact.

    Up is trying to portray themselves as a neobank but they are nothing of this sort. It's basically a subsidiary of Bendigo Bank:

    Up is a software application ("Up") provided by Up Money Pty Ltd ACN 624 373 084 (“Up Money”), a subsidiary of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited. Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited is the issuer of all Up branded banking and financial products provided through Up apps.
    Registered address: The Bendigo Centre, Bath Lane, Bendigo, Vic, 3550.

    NAB did very well with their UBank venture (because it's actually competitive on price I might add, not because of the Tech) so no surprises other banks are trying to have a go at that as well.

    • +2

      NAB did very well with their UBank venture (because it's actually competitive on price I might add, not because of the Tech)

      NAB did very well despite the tech

    • Sorry for the slow reply - launch events.

      how does your tech compares to what Macquarie offers?

      That video from Macquarie is great - I haven't seen/don't have too much experience with their product. From our perspective the things I think we do really well is the whole frictionless signup, push provisioning on Apple Pay, instant funding via PayID and you're up and running quite quickly.

      Once signed up, I think our UX around spending money and providing insight into that spend & predictive spend is very good but I can't really say how it compares to Macquarie as I need to put a bunch of spending through it in order to assess.

      Fundamentally we're a technology company making a banking platform (financial products issued by Bendigo) rather than a bank trying to make an app. In our business, as an example, we can ship software to production 5 times per day due to maturity/sophistication of test automation, deployments etc. From a service reliability perspective, we've been in production for 12 months now with only 2.5 hrs of downtime (planned or unplanned) and that includes 5 server migrations whilst building out a brand new service. I hope that over time we can react faster and better adopt new technology - that's what drives us.

      I guess the good thing about all this is that it literally costs $0 to download the app and give it a go and then spend $50 you were otherwise going to spend on coffee/whatnot. If you don't like it after that, I'd love to know why.


      • Hey Mike, signup was indeed super-slick. Kudos!

  • Hi OP,

    Thnaks a lot, just waiting the snail mail.

    Just wondering I if deposit USD into it, what exchange rate it is based on, not like big 4 charging 4% spread I presume?

    • Not sure - never been asked that. I'll find out for you.

  • Hi Mtcmorris
    Is it for individual account only or you also have Business 0 fee account?

    • Just personal

  • +3

    Where is the bargain?

    The website doesn't mention a waitlist, and why would there be a waitlist to take our money?

    One of the worst websites for a banking product.

    Had to download a PDF to find the everyday account is a Mastercard Debit card account.

    It's app based, but can't do third party transfers using the app.

    The everyday account earns no interest.

    Belongs in the forums.

  • can the account be topped up with a visa 1 only prepaid card? can money be withdrawn out of account via a third party transfer or atm fee free?

    • Hey there,

      It's a regular bank account so can be topped up by BSB/Account number (it'll go instantly if the sending bank/account supports BSB Osko payments) or via a PayID payment (Osko).

      Currently money can only be withdrawn via spending it or at an ATM. Payments are coming soon (in production test at the moment).

  • +1

    Why would I even want that?

    This is exactly what I'm trying to work out with these new "start-up", "fintechs".
    Nothing here that ING, Macquarie, UBank, Citibank,… dont already offer.

    • Except that this is not even a fintech or a startup. It's a new online subsidiary of Bendigo Bank. Simples.

      • Still I don’t know why I want that.

  • Make the 2.75% somehow reliably accessible post the initial couple of months and you’ve got another switcher from ING :)

    • On it.

  • "Up does not yet support transferring money out"

    what kind of bullshit is that? Like Bendigo don't have a DE access or…
    too stoopid or is this some 12yo building an api with Bendigo and hasn't got past their favourite apricot colour?

    I'll fund the account when I can get my money back, thanks.

    feedback on the sign-up. it was not frictionless.
    1. address, didn't validate my address. Despite it being entered and on-screen the app asked it me to manually enter it, but it was already entered and on-screen. made no sense at all.

    1. ID verification, I switched over to another app to copy my details, coming back the app cancelled my set-up and went back to start the process again, re-enter name, DOB, address, again as above,…

    too many fails.

  • -1
    Merged from Fee-Free Banking - Up Money
    Go to Deal

    Just found this new fully cloud-hosted Australian bank, there's practically no fees for standard use. The zero International transaction fees will be useful for ozbargainers. The other international stuff I won't use so it's a freebie to me.

    What’s so good about Up? Here’s the pitch:
    Naked Truth: See when, where and how you spend your money with complete clarity – time of day, clear merchant ID, location, automated weekly spend tracking and spending analysis – e.g. how much you’ve spent at one shop in the last year or from month-to-month.
    Kill Bills: Up predicts upcoming charges automatically, pays them on time, automatically generates reports to help you budget, and can show you how much you’re spending with a provider in one click.
    Life Savers: Get more out of life with 2.75%[2]interest on savings in multiple saver accounts (and you can name them with your goals). Save with round-ups on purchases, with no monthly transaction fees, or minimum deposits.
    Roam Free: No international purchase fees online or in-store, and no need to transfer money back and forth between multi-currency accounts. NB: There are currently charges on international ATM cash withdrawals and enquiries.
    Digital Native: Smart instant push notifications, second-to-none security, and Siri integration are just some of the innovations released so far. Up will take a ‘Tesla’ approach – constantly updating its products, features and benefits and sharing them with early adopters to test, and then regularly releasing to all customers automatically.
    Backed by the Best: Including Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, which provides the licensed financial products. Up also works with Mastercard for payments, and Google Cloud Platform for hosting (as the first cloud-hosted bank in Australia).

    Monthly service fee Free
    Direct debits Free & unlimited
    Online payments Free & unlimited
    Deposits to Savers Free & unlimited
    Domestic ATM withdrawals Free at most major Bank ATMs
    Domestic ATM enquiry Free at most major Bank ATMs
    International transaction fees 0%
    International ATM withdrawal $5.00
    International ATM enquiry $1.50
    Overdrawn interest rate 12.28% p.a.

    • +22

      there's practically no fees…

      International ATM withdrawal $5.00
      International ATM enquiry $1.50
      Overdrawn interest rate 12.28% p.a.

    • +7

      Mmm international withdrawal fees tho. Macquarie and HSBC have fee free international withdrawals without jumping through hoops, ING fee free and reimbursement of owner fees if you jump through a couple of easy hoops.

    • +4

      I'll wait at least a year before considering joining to see if they last that long..

      • It is backed by Bendigo Bank.

        • +5

          2 years then

        • Is it backed in the sense of using Bendigo Bank's infrastructure, or actually backed as in owned/controlled/guaranteed?

    • +1

      'The zero International transaction fees will be useful for ozbargainers' - well it would be if it wasn't actually $5…

      Budgeting stuff is intriguing, but better cards out there until they remove that fee.

    • +2

      The international ATM fee kills it. I'll stick with Citibank Plus.

    • +13

      I've never heard a legit bank that calls themselves a "fully cloud-hosted" bank. What does that mean… feels jargon-ey hence my apprehension? Internet bank will do fine.

      Along with those ridiculous overseas ATM fees when you could just open an ING account and get what this offers and much much more with an established "fully cloud hosted bank"

      This isn't a good deal, with so many other much-better services

      • +3

        It's a gimmick without redeeming features.

      • +1

        Cheap job from marketing dept, all it is.

      • +2

        another half arse effort by an old school institution trying to look hip & cool for the young cats. Yeah baby!

        I imagine the old farts in the board room, with their top hats, cigars & scotch were patting themselves on the back for approving this one.

    • Not sure if it's a good deal yet. My house mate did get this and the welcome pack was really cool. So was the card. Card is available on most payment platforms - ie gpay, Apple pay and Samsung pay I think.

      • Welcome pack?

    • +6

      They're pretty new, just recently launched. FinTech Startup in Australia. Go Australia!

      I'm very lucky to be one of the earlier users of UP. This is a Oct 2018 very early, if not 'too early' review.

      Their app is visually fantastic. As a IT guy, I can feel how much emphasis had been placed in the design and development of the app. While it's still rapidly improving, it is definitely one of the best banking app already (in terms of usability and user experience, but not in terms of feature). I am sure more fantastic features are coming.

      Their Debit MasterCard is SOOOOOO pretty! As well as their packaging! Design MATTERS. https://twitter.com/jacktator/status/1052532000433692672 And yep, it works with mobile payments.
      BankWest & Up are the only 2 banks I could find issuing MasterCard with its free transaction account. Personally I use them both, mostly to get MasterCard Offers from Qantas Shopping when necessary.

      Transaction account is the usual with Internet Banks. $0 monthly fee, No FX Fee, most of the stuff you can also find in most other banks (UBank, ING, etc). Domestic ATM are mostly free for cash withdraw. So far haven't found a way to do cash deposit. Personally I deposit cash to Westpac account, than transfer to UBank USaver to maximise interest.

      Up's Savings interest rate is..OK. 2.75% introductory rate is pretty OK. Easier to achieve than ING's 2.8%. WAY better than shitty CBA which only gives 2.65%, for its TCs!
      Obviously you can churn through savings account to always stay above 3%, if you can be bothered.

      Personally, still prefer UBank due to its live sweep feature, works perfectly with Amex, or any Credit Card Direct Debit Repayments + Maximising interests @ 2.87%.

      • -1

        FinTech Startup in Australia

        oooo they're not just another bank they're a FinTech!

        Their app is visually fantastic.

        You think their app is pretty. But is it functional?

        Their app is visually fantastic.

        I guess not.. but it's pretty!

        As a IT guy

        so it's a great & functional app?

        I can feel how much emphasis had been placed in the design and development of the app

        Ok you still think it's pretty

        , it is definitely one of the best banking app already (in terms of usability and user experience, but not in terms of feature).

        So it's pretty, pretty useless.

        Their Debit MasterCard is SOOOOOO pretty!

        So the thing stuck in your wallet 99% of the time is also pretty.

        As well as their packaging! Design MATTERS.

        The envelope they post it to you is pretty too!

        Up's Savings interest rate is..OK. 2.75% introductory rate is pretty OK. Easier to achieve than ING's 2.8
        Personally, still prefer UBank due to its live sweep feature

        It's pretty, but go elsewhere if you want better value.

        TLDR: it's a dumb blonde bank. it's pretty….but ultimately useless.

        • +2

          Haha, I feel you. Again, I'm using the ugly UBank due to it being better value wise. But I think it's important to give credit where credit is due. So yeah, PRETTY!

          It all depends on the target demographic. As far as I could tell, they are targeting the younger generation, who grew up in an 'pretty ipad' and 'ugly banking' era.

          It could be of interest to them I guess, it's a very new approach. Guess only time will tell.

          • @jacktator: If they're a fintech startup launching a bank account shouldn't they at least have an API? Basically it's just pretty, everything else is the same as banks.

            • @murkywater: I totally agree with you! I'm sure they're looking into the API part. :D

    • anyone with invite code?

      • just found out invite code skips the waiting time, interesting! but I no longer need invite code, thank you!

      • I have one

    • I have this, highly recommend, very nice app and qt card

    • +1

      predicts upcoming charges automatically, pays them on time


    • Keep in mind you can't send money to other accounts, only spend it (or at least on my account)

      • Can withdrew too.

        • Oh really?
          I see a message saying outgoing payments aren't ready yet.
          May be a split test.

          • @sudoroot: I meant you can
            1, spend it via card
            2, withdrew cash

            you canNOT send money to other accounts yet.

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