This was posted 6 years 5 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4, XB1] Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 $64 @ Big W

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Just got the catalogue in the mail. 3 Days offer for $64 then reverts to $79. Looks like the cheapest walk in same day price, but if you want to be screwed over buy from this mob and handover your Ozbargain card!

You can plan ahead and purchase the online Woolworths egiftcard which takes another 5% off down to $60.80.

XBOX ONE/PS4 $64 save $15

Pre Purchase EGift Card 5% off from Cashrewards

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I traded in two games at EB games (trade in value min 10 applies) and got the special edition for $49. I reckon that's not too bad.

    • The specialist edition or the pro edition?

  • +2

    When you tempted, but you still ain't played IW or WWII yet.

    • It's basically Fortnite without cartoon graphics and building.

      Rather fun.

    • There's no campaign in the new one which really sucks. If too much rain knocks out our 'awesome' NBN we have no campaign to fall back on. Im gonna definitely wait, not gonna be one of the early birds. Battle royale is a risky experiment for COD

  • +3

    JB HiFi is another option for those that prefer, also $64, but not sure if/when that will go back up. I think this will be my FPS for the year, I’m a bit turned off by how politicised BFV became. EA can EAD.

  • +2

    Gamesmen have the game for $58.90 with code P5OFF. Just select your platform.

    • +2

      10% off site wide tomorrow makes it even cheaper

      • Even better!

      • Is there a announcement for that on eBay?

  • Yep JB shave been $64 for ages and offer a price match on day 1 also.

  • +9

    No single player = no deal for me. Get your self together COD.

    • +1

      Pretty much. I don't mind playing the COD campaigns, sort of like a popcorn flick. The last COD that I bought for the multiplayer was the first Black Ops.

    • +4

      I'm the exact opposite - happy to not have single player, as long as we get more online modes or it is cheaper.
      In this case, we're getting Blackout so I'm happy. 14 Multiplayer maps is also not bad for launch.

      • -3

        um well we actually got stuff stripped out.

        It leaked quite a while ago that they were having issues with getting it together for the campaign and were worried it was too under developed… so you know instead of delaying the game (a year without cod? no!) they just cut the content.

        I see the arguments a lot oh they needed to focus on multiplayer and put more polish on it… but the fact is they didn't, it ended up being the same case as what happened with the next deus ex game they were co developing while working on mankind divided, hey we're got foundations down for something that won't make us much money, lets rush them in and get them to work on the microtransactions system and to work on zombies.

        Same thing happened with BO4….. SP team was either culled or sent to work on skins for multiplayer…

        Really sad, it rather have a half baked campaign than none, trophy and achievements show a lot more people still played cod for campaign than those who reached low levels in multiplayer, so it's going to be interesting how this one goes.

  • +6

    Any Red Dead Redemption II Deal at Big W?

  • Be mindful that the price doesn't include the extra maps and you need to purchase the season pass usually 50 bucks

    • Which one then includes the season pass?

      • from EB Specialist edition - $49 if u trade two games
        From anywhere online - Pro edition

        • Any idea what games they will accept?

          • @Ameowzon: someone on here called and said
            " just called a store - Apparently any current gen game will work. Will see tomorrow." although $10 limit.

            • @dealhunter42: the speciailist edition from ebgames does not include the season pass for maps only the 170 pro edition does they do this every year bonus content means like preorder maps or some junk

  • +1

    $62 on

  • Not sure if already mentioned here (couldn't see), but JB will be selling from 6pm tomorrow night.

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