AC: Black Flag Map Coordinates.

Does anyone know how the coordinates work?

When I'm zoomed out on the world map, I assume the cursor coordinates are for Longitude and Latitude.

However, as you move the cursor around both numbers change, even if you're only moving vertically or horizontally.

I would have thought that if you only move it vertically the latitude shouldn't change unless there's horizontal movement?


  • +1

    sorry, dont know how they work

    • +1

      I'm only on sequence 5 and already the 50,000 most feared pirate in the world.

      Are you scared of me?

      • My grandmother's quicker and tougher than all of you pansies. Course she's 6'3", 250 and runs a 4.5 40.

        • +1

          Your grandmother is Draymond Green?

        • +1

          I've got coach's and everybody else's attitude adjusted priorities right here.

  • +1

    You need to invest a GPS.

    • +1

      But be careful you don't get spoofed.

  • +1

    You need the Navigation DLC

  • -1

    Doesn't anyone know, and you call yourselves gamers?


      You might find some help in the forum of the second result.

      I think the devs have made it 'look' like a GPS position, but were lazy.

      the coordinates are the island the treasure is on the treasure maps show you the location where the treasure is

      Also; I don't hear anyone calling themselves gamers..?

      • Already did a Google search to no avail,that's why I asked here.

        I'm aware the coordinates are for the island only.

        Regardless, both coordinates shouldn't change if you're only moving one axis.

        It makes even finding the island or general area difficult and tedious.

        • Maybe the map just isn't oriented with North upwards and is at an angle…

          • @HighAndDry: No, all you can do is centre the map, which makes no difference.

    • +2

      wouldnt call myself a gamer, just a collector of free games for a list im building that i'll play when i break my back and am bed bound.

      Next you'll be asking if i call myself an ebook reader..

    • -2

      Ass Creed aint a real game. Go play Fortnite.


  • Does anyone know how the coordinates work?


    • +1

      No you don't, you should be stripped of power user.

      PMing Scotty now.

      • +4

        Didn't say I did.

  • Lick your finger then stick it in the wind.

    Remember to wash said finger first or you know you might get faeces.

    • From a bird dropping?

  • OK, I'm now the 53,000 most feared pirate in the world.

    Still have no clue about the map.

    • You have to stop by Krispy Kreme shop (use Google map) and demand for a free donut.


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