This was posted 6 years 4 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch] Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate - $58.99 @ Amazon AU/OzGameshop

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New lowest price of $58.99. On the website, the default price has $108.95 and you have to click '3 new from $58.99' just under the description. Don't forget cashrewards!

Didn't check shipping so best bet is probably from OzGameshop, thanks wrx!

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Good price but note that estimated delivery time is end of this month if you can wait that long

  • +1

    Yep - estimated delivery is get it by Oct 31 – Nov 29 … that could mean end of Nov.

    • Yes then, the price will drop even further to under $50.

      Also after playing Monster Hunter World, I can't see myself going backward to this as the game mechanics and Camera control are awful, which was fixed in World.

      • +2

        Funnily enough, I played Generations on the 3DS ages ago (could not get into it), played World when it came out, and it got me over the "hump" in terms of learning the mechanics, now I'm enjoying Generations Ultimate a lot - more than World.

        Portable is a win (I can play on my lunch break at work), and the sheer amount of content and extra gameplay options is a massive win.

        The QOL improvements that World has are real, but not as big a deal as many people make them out to be.

        I'd totally recommend this game, but I also absolutely do not think it's for everyone. Sadly the demo does not do a good job of selling the game (in fact, it arguably damages it greatly).

        • +1

          To build on tardisx's comment:

          My friend tried to get me into MH4U back in the day and I was completely turned off by the game initially because I kept hitting wall and spent week on a monster (Qurupekko) and failed every time spending 20 to 30 minutes each attempt and tried it at least 2-4 times a day for a week straight. I needed to give him my 3DS and he helped me beat him as well as 'carry' me through low rank online. My initial multiplayer game play was hit monster - cart twice and get told to sit in base whilst they kill the monster..
          Based on my experience traditional MH is really hard to get into but when you do - it's really fun (esp with friends!).

          Biggest change for me was going from 3DS controls (played 4U and Gen) -> PC controls w/ mouse and keyboard.
          Way too spoiled with that now I tried the demo and couldn't get used to the switch controls for camera. Back then when I tried to introduce the game to people I told them camera controls is a very very important part in MH and you really need to get used to it.

          Interesting comment about demo tho - I was completely turned off by the demo and didn't purchase it because of it despite sinking 300 hours into Generations around 2 years ago. After reading your comment… I might try the demo again to see if I can get used to camera again and purchase it later.

          I've played ~70 hours of World and got bored of the end game which is RNG decoration farming… completely turned off World now because you get burnt out fighting the same handful of monsters over and over again for a 0.08% chance drop. MH4/Generations I could sink endless hours on… so if you like a challenge and are diligent as well as want bang for your buck - I would say Generations would be the way to go. More monsters, charm farming is better than decoration farming, cooler weapon designs and hunting arts/ styles.

          • +1

            @undien: I've put about 50 hours in so far, and I'm taking my time (still on HR2).

            Bang for buck is right.

            Potential punters who enjoy multiplayer, remember Nintendo now makes you pay for their piss-poor online offering.

  • Same price including free delivery & in stock @ ozgameshop

  • Havent played monster hunter before - all reports say that 'World' was the best for first time players but unfortunately not coming to switch..

    • That's right. World was made a bit easier. But Generations Ultimate is the more traditional, hence a bit more difficult game but it also has more content and monsters to kill.

  • +1

    $108.95 at the gamesmen wtf?

  • Couldn't get over how ugly the demo was.

  • The demo also drove me away sadly.

  • The demo make this game a no return for me. RIP MH

    • What was wrong with it out of curiousity. Just feels like more of the classic style MH to me.

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