[NSW] Speed Camera Flashed International Driver in My Car

Was over by 3-5kmph in a 60 zone, fixed red light camera got us. I suppose I'll get the infringement notice in a couple of weeks. The driver is from another country and they have their own licence (not NSW). Is there anything I can do to stop me copping the fine and de-merit points? I know its $119 and 1 Point, but I would rather not have that on my record.

Edit: Green light, single lane, no one in front of or behind us, saw the flashes so am certain that it is going to be us!


  • +9

    Can't you just nominate them as the driver which is factually correct? I understand that international drivers do not get points* but still do need to pay the fine.

    *Apparently, some people say if an international license is converted to Australian then the points are automatically added from day one. Others suggest that's not the case and records aren't always kept. Not sure which is correct.

    • +1

      international drivers do not get points

      This is not entirely correct. While they may not acrue actual points, their license can be treated the same. In NSW, international (or interstate) drivers can certainly have their right to drive revoked (ie: serious offences or repeat offences). While they will not lose their license, they most certainly can have all their driving privileges removed (almost the same as a license suspension). All fines are payable by the offending driver, regardless of where their license is from, and leaving the country doesn't make the fines go away.

      As for your second point, I couldn't get a straight answer from RMS when I asked on separate occasions. I'm guessing here, but for a point or two, they may not care, but for more serious stuff, like drink driving, that may carry over if converting an international licence.

      Another piece of information I was given from RMS was, if you have an international license and your right to drive in NSW has been revoked, it is treated the same as a license suspension. While ever the right to drive suspension stands, you cannot convert your license from international to NSW until such time as the suspension has concluded.

  • +1

    Camera triggering for only 3 to 5 over seems unlikely

    • +2

      I mean… OP didn't really say if the traffic light was green or red….

    • More like detected was closer to 8km/h over and the 2 or 3 km/h tolerance was removed.

      The speeding ticket would have said something like detected and estimated. (Been so long since I've had a speeding ticket, I can't remember the exact words)

      • Well, he hasn't even got the ticket, they are guessing.

        • +2

          Well… Lol @ that then…

          Wait for the ticket to show up. Sign the back to nominate the actual driver. Wash hands of it…


          Next week's thread…

          "Actually got a red light camera AND speeding ticket… Was only 4km/h over and crossed the red light by only 0.7 seconds… How do I get the ticket withdrawn??"

          • @pegaxs: Haha, I know they activate at 0.5seconds but I always come to a stop for an orange.

      • Will I/Should I contest that at all or just let it go ?

        • +1

          Why would you contest it? Nominate the actual driver - that's all you need to do. They can contest it if they want.

  • +2

    Just sign the usual stat dec that comes with the fine in the mail - doesn't matter that they're an international driver, process for that is the same.

  • +3

    Nominate the international driver. You will need to sign a stat dec.

    • Will do this. Thanks!

  • International drivers get points in VIC and you can nominate the person who was driving

  • +1

    please don't tell me your friend is Teresa Brennan

  • +1

    You can nominate the driver and even though s/he is an international licence holder, his/her record of demerit points will be recorded when s/he goes to pay the fine. And when he/she tries to get a new licence by converting their old licence their demerit points will be cut off. I can confirm this as it has already happened to one of my friend and when he transferred to NSW licence his demerit points was cut off.

    • +1

      This is what I thought, but they don't live in Oz so it's all good. Fine will be paid.

  • In NSW International drivers cannot accumulate points as they do not have an account with RMS (so to speak). They can have the International licence revoked for a serious offence etc.

    Where they get caught out if is they have a vehicle registered in NSW, they have an account and the demerits if matched through the customer number are stored in a shell and when they go to apply for a NSW Licence they get rejected as RMS are aware of the driving history. Or they have tried to gain a NSW licence and have failed at the knowledge test, the RMS then have a record.

  • A little off topic here.

    I had been using my cruise control lately and noticed that the speed is always between -2 km and +2 km from the set speed. Sometimes when going downhills and it could be up to +4 km from the set speed. Scared from getting caught by a speed camera I now set my cruise speed about 2 km lower than the speed limit.

    Does anyone know how much above the speed limit would the speed cameras actually get activated?

    • +1

      So long as your speedo is accurate, the increment you ave mentioned, you will be ok.

      This is for NSW.

    • Cruise Control is not a Speed limiter.if you start to go downhill then your brakes will not activate to keep you at your speed. So you'll need to keep an eye on it. I recommend using Waze to keep on top of the speed cameras.

      • if you start to go downhill then your brakes will not activate to keep you at your speed.

        It depends on the car. For an example 2003 BA Falcon will hold gear when going downhill with cruise control. 2006 BF Falcon will hold speed by downshifting. Eitherway you have to keep an eye though

      • +1


        Tested it today on a long stretch of downhill and the speed keeps building up. I guess I need to be careful when on cruise control mode + downhill to stop accidental speeding.

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