My Belkin UPS died a while ago, it wasn't ideal anyway, even with plenty of battery charge left it would turn off after a set time.
Not getting a replacement, time for a DIY solution. Small solar panel, charger, deep cycle battery.
But what battery? There seems to be a lot of shoddy stuff out there, some downright fraud when it comes to Ah claims on Ebay for example. Then there's totally unaffordable top of the line stuff like Sonnenschein.
What's a good reliable place to buy something 'in between'? Say a home brand from a reputable seller?
I might still give the Aldi one a shot, but 38Ah is a tad small (and I went to the shop and weighed it, at 13kg including the cardboard box it came in a bit lighter than I would have liked). It would allow me to run a few Raspberry Pi's and perhaps the ADSL modem, but not other things I'd like to cover.
Anything recommended in the 100 to 150Ah range that doesn't break the bank?
After a bit more reading I've narrowed it down to 2 options:
If I want a brand name, Fusion seems to come up as reliable, and there is an Ebay seller with good prices, I.e. 100Ah for $268 here:
Or if I ignore brand names and go by "the heavier the better" and calculate $/kg, I end up with this one here, 150Ah for $288:
Opinions on those two?…