Just made 100 more keys available!
Hi everyone,
Short Version: I've made an app called Intervals. It's purpose is for people who have returned to work after having an accident to take regular breaks as advised by their physio. You can get it here: https://azimuthapps.xyz/?portfolio=makebreak. You can use the code FREEINTERVALS at checkout to get a free copy. I've spent the better part of this week setting up the store so if it doesn't work for you just let me know.
Long Version: A couple of months ago my wife was involved in a car accident (she wasn't at fault, and unfortunately, no ms paint drawing demonstrating the exact particulars of what occurred). She got rear ended at moderate speed, and was okay, apart from persistent pain in her right shoulder. The physio and GP both recommended that she take regular breaks while she was at work and rotate through her duties. The only issue is that, in a flat strap work environment, how do you enforce these regular breaks? I know you can set a timer on your phone, but I couldn't find an easy way to set these timed reminders another way.
It ended up with her spending the full day at her computer and not taking the breaks as per what her doctor had recommended, thus aggrevating the pain in her shoulder. So I wrote Intervals.
What does it do?
Intervals lets you set a pre-defined time (as advised by your doctor or physician) of how long you will spend at your computer, and how long you will spend away from it. It also tells you the time you can return to your computer.
When you are coming up to another break (2 minutes away) it will notify you that a break is upcoming and you should save your work or conclude any phone calls, etc.
When its time for your break, a window will pop up that is on-top of all the other windows telling you that it's time for your break. You also get a pretty background picture, and a random quote. If this break has occured at a completely inoppurtune time, you can cancel the break which will end that break session and start the next one.
Intervals doesn't have a DRM licensing system in it. I got halfway through into putting one in, but then I remembered my frustration at such systems. As a result, when you checkout you will get a license key but you don't have to put this anywhere. The only thing I ask is please don't share the download link directly, I'm interested in knowing the interest in an app like this is. The only way I can capture that (as Intervals doesn't phone home) is through people going through the checkout process.
A description of the app, including the checkout link is here: https://azimuthapps.xyz/?portfolio=makebreak. Use the code FREEINTERVALS to get it for free.
When you launch the app, be sure to set your "work" and "break" times before clicking "set it up". There's a small issue where it will switch back and forth between both windows quickly as you are essentially setting 0 seconds for your work and wait time.
Any questions, I'm here to help! Also happy to answer any development questions you may have.
There's an app for this already, it was available on our work computers and if you innocently installed it there was no way to turn it off or uninstall it. It drove people competently bonkers. The first thing my mentor told me on my first day was "don't install XXX app whatever you do!" (Don't remember the name now)