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Replica Vertagear Gaming Chair Sale $320 + Shipping (Was $640) @ Bestchair


Replica of the Vertagear Triiger Gaming Chair.

Also marketed as L'Aqua in the United States.

Also marketed as GTChair Marrit.

Please use coupon for 50% off excluding shipping charges.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Thanks brought!

    • +13


    • +6

      Where did you bring it to?

      • +8

        To the boys in the yard

  • -2

    I can order it from China with a headrest and a 5 year warranty from GTChair for the same price as what yours is listed for. You only offer 12 month warranty.


    • +8

      enjoy trying to claim that chinese warranty

      • If it's bought through the actual manufacturer the warranty process has been easy for me at least and paying with paypal (in terms of Chinese products).

        • +1

          Coz u know Chinese I guess?

    • +3

      that doesn't look like the same chair, no mesh. 267.60 US = 370.97 AUD not the same price

    • +2

      I'm guessing that's just the supply price, you will probably also need to pay $200+ in airfreight fees since the carton is so large.

    • +1

      Good luck by paying an heavy and big box delivery from China not to mention GST and return back to China (in case of warranty), Australia Post will charge you $100-150.

      • -3

        For a headrest and 5 years warranty added I think that's a good price to pay. Chairs aren't likely to need warranty within the 12 month period unless you assembled it incorrectly. I'd rather buy from a supplier that actually believes in their products and offers what the manufacturer offers or more.

        • +1

          You still avoided the delivery cost issue.
          5 years warranty LOL in case of warranty you'll pay Australia Post $100-150 to send the chair back to China so anyone can say 10-50 years warranty because they know postage to China will cost much more than the item itself! LOL

        • Is the 1 in Alibaba a replica too?

  • What Vertagear model is it a replica of?

    • +1

      Vertagear Triiger 350 Line - Same functionality and build quality just without the added colour highlights and mag type wheels.

    • Looks like the 350 series(pccasegear.com) to me

      • +1

        The Marrit Chair is made by GTChair and the Vertagear is just a rebadge/special order of it, so it's more of an original than replica.

        • Yeh calling it a replica was a bad choice. Although in all my research the Marrit doesnt have alot of reviews. While the vertagear variant does. So maybe they were weighing up the benefit of calling it a replica for exposure purposes.

      • Holy. When did chairs become gaming chairs and when did they get that price tag?

  • Hi Rep,

    Is it possible to remove the arms from this chair?

    • +1

      It is possible (3 allen key screws) but the control for the chair height and chair tilt run through the arm so you will have cables that will need re-locating.

  • +1

    Will this improve my kda?

    • Of course, to Ana levels

  • Personally I'd prefer getting a good condition 2nd hand Herman Miller or Steelcase over this.

    But of course not everyone can live with 2nd hand chairs :P

    • +3

      Mmm let's marinade in someone else farts all day

      • +2

        Farts are the last thing you'd have to worry about with my chair.

  • I am confused. What actually differentiates this chair as a 'gaming' chair. Seems like it has the same functions of a normal office chair without anything relating to gaming whatsoever. Is this just marketing hype?

    • +13

      Rated to support user weight of up to 350kg.

      • +1

        24 Hour Use at 150kg.

        • +3

          No, that's the Ozbargain chair.

          Optional tray for KFC also available.

          • @Scab: Tidy bottle management with under seat slots for easy elimination pass through and RGB lighting.

    • +2

      Yes, the chair is a great office chair. We decided to market the chair as a replica Vertagear gaming chair as it is practically the same chair and this chair is a cheaper alternative for users who are looking to buy the Triiger.

  • I thinks it is the same one from Costco priced at 299?

    • +1

      No, we're are almost certain even Costco could not sell this particular chair at that price.

  • So how long is this deal for?

    • Until sold out. Just checked and we have 9 units left.

      • OP, Any chance of a similar % reduction or any reduction on the Ergo Human V2, I would love one buy the price without being able to test is scary.

  • Would this gaming chair increase my FPS and win rate?

    • You know what. A good chair, a real ergonomic chair like this would. Giving you more support, promoting good posture and reducing fatigue would absolutely translate to better gameplay.

      Those garbage racing style "gaming" chairs. Not really.

  • Hey how can i get a headrest also? no headrest, no deal

    • You use a headrest? Personally I never use them so its not a deal breaker for me. Although it does look way better with one.

      I wonder if we could order one from GTchair itself.

  • +2

    Hi rep can you confirm another users comment that "Marrit Chair is made by GTChair and the Vertagear is just a rebadge/special order of it, so it's more of an original than replica" ie the vertagear is make by the same manufacturer?

    Also, any headrests available?

    Finally I watched your youtube video, does the chair have a seat tilt function? I like my seat tilted forwards.

    • Also wondering about the headrests

      Btw the price is back to $640

      • I saw that too, but was guessing there would be a place to input the code above before the payment was submitted.

        • There is a code input section on the first page of the checkout. My dad just ordered one so they still have stock.

          Also wondering about headrests, I emailed and havent got a response.

  • $740 for a chair? This must be the most comfortable chair in existence!

  • Almost bought one until i saw shipping to Perth is $142 …

    • Shipping to melb was $70, still enough of a deal for me to order. Sucks Perth is so far away.

  • where are reviews?
    it's tempting

    • Look at reviews for the vertagear triiger 350. It's the same chair. Reviews are good btw. Unless you are a big person.

  • My father and I both ordered chairs. There was no shipping estimates given in our confirmation emails. Can you advise on shipping times to Melb will be? at $70 for shipping I assume it will be via courier?

    I emailed yesterday and never got a reply.

  • You wouldn't happen to be offering the code for other chairs?


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