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Collect 10K/15k Flybuys Points or $50/ $75 off Your Shop When You Spend $X/Week for 4 Weeks @ Coles


Got emails today about this deal.
my offers include spend $50 for 4 weeks for 10K points or $50 off coles shop
spend $70 for 4 weeks for 10K points or $50 off coles shop
spend $90 for 4 weeks for 15K points or $75 off coles shop

also my flybuys cards also have deal for collect 2,000/2,800 BONUS POINTS when you spend $50/$70 at Coles between Wed 26 Sep and Fri 28 Sep 2018.
this can combine together for tomorrow.

good luck guys for your flybuys 4 weeks offer.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    $150 for 4 weeks and $50 off, will pass this time.

  • I had $90 in one/multi shops/week & $60 in one shop/week

  • got $60 for 4 weeks and $50 off. was posting it as a deal and your deal popped-up.

    • +1

      Sigh got $140p/w for 50 off. One day I'll get off my arse and set up a dummy flybuys account for good deals.

    • Mine is $80 for four weeks but as this week the Prawn Hargow and Sara Lee is half price I think Coles gets my cash this week.

  • +2

    $50/50/70/90 for 10,000. Rotating cards, so will use the 2x $50 offers, which will drop the $90 spend next time around.

  • I got offered 20,000/$100 if I spend $140 for 4 weeks

  • Got $170 for four weeks and only $50 off, had to say goodbye to coles for a while

    • +1

      I was the same, stopped for a couple months and better offers come back…

  • I've had this several times. Each time, they raise the amount per week by a bit. Testing how much you'll spend. I just had $70/w. This time, it's $80/w. I'll pass this time. Not playing their game.

    They probably base the weekly spend based on your average spend at Coles.

  • 110 for 50$ no thanks!

  • I used to get these types of offers all the time, 3-4 months ago I signed the mrs up so we would have 2 accounts in the household like a lot of people do. Since then I haven't had one of these offers on either card. Has anyone had this before? It's not an email problem as the offers simply don't exist in my account.

    • I had 50x4=50 every round. Then I put the app and twice did the 60 for 3600 . Since then I get crap . But I don't miss it

    • Just pick up a new card from coles , and register as new account.

    • donkcat - I have several accounts and get the Collect 10K Flybuys Points for $50 spend x 4 regularly on 2 or 3 of them each time. Probably a coincidence.

  • 10k points for $220 p/w for 4 wks … pass. Off to Woolies to help with the Coles 'cool down'.

  • +2

    Don't these deals go against the ozbargin philosophy? No disrespect to the OP, but it is clearly Coles trying to get us to spend more each week. If we hit the target next time we have to spend more. That's not a bargain at all…

    • +1

      Somewhat. if you have a $50 off $200(combined) spend and there are some non-perishables on special then you can stock up on them. Or if you have a family and you are going to Coles anyway and would be spending $50+ anyway then these offers are a bonus.

  • I don't like this as you are asked to spend in ONE transaction.

    • +2

      It's even worst, you are asked to spend in FOUR transaction. πŸ˜‰

  • I just got 50 for 4 weeks but it says sep 28 to 7 oct so i am guessing i have to buy after friday ?

    • I think its inclusive.

  • I have two offers acrivated.
    200 points for a coke no sugar 1.25 lt, and also triple points in my biggest shop in coles.
    Im not sure if the offer is just for one coke ni sugar, and if i can combine both promotions.

    • Yes, your Coke purchase will be counted toward both offers.

  • Can you link multiple flybuys account to one velocity?

  • $200/week for 4 weeks. Guess how many points? 7000 πŸ™„πŸ™„

  • Damn i missed out on the 4x deal this time. I got a spend $110 for 4400 points deal though so i guess thats still something.

  • Got this too… this is the third 10k points for $50 for 4 weeks deal I'e had from Coles. Also had my flybuy points boosted by about 6k points for god knows what reason but Coles are doing right by me lately.

  • +2

    I've got my first Flybuys card just last month and spent $29 at Target once so far. Just a couple of hours ago they offered me 3000 points for $50 spent in one transaction at Coles until Wednesday. Might do my weekly shopping at Coles this week.

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