This was posted 6 years 6 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Star Wars Complete Saga (Digistack) 9 Disc Blu-Ray $50.40 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Noticed this going for a good price on Amazon, selling for $90 over at JB HiFi.
Includes the first 6 movies and a whole bunch of bonus content.

If you hurry, you should get 10% cashback as well from Cashrewards.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Thanks Op, this is the disk set that I have been looking for. Move along.

    • Thanks for letting us know.

  • +3

    90 minutes of 'spoof'



    • IIRC you don't even get to pick the spoof.

      I think it's an hour and a half of Weird Al video here, Robot Chicken there, Family Guy cutaway, another Weird Al clip, a short snippet of Mark Hammil on Simpsons, repeat.

    • Spaceballs :D

  • +9

    holding out for a despecialised box set

  • It's no longer the complete saga though is it…

    • +2

      Its the complete saga of the real/decent movies until Disney got their grubby hands on it

      • +1

        Huh? I'd hardly call the prequels 'decent', though they did spawn Plinkett's Phantom Menace reviews so that gave them some redemptive qualities at least. :)

    • +1

      You could throw Clone Wars, TFA, and even the (profanity) Holiday Special and I'd be fine with it.

      But if you put Last (profanity) Jedi anywhere near me I may throw a shoe.

      Also shout out to the surprisingly good Rogue One, and the surprisingly average but still okay Solo that I finally watched the other day. It's decent, but entirely forgettable, but I'll take forgettable over travesty any day of the week.

      • You forgot Rebels which was a bit light and fluffy but had better character development than Last Jedi. The return of some characters from the clone wars was a highlight.

        • +1

          I meant the Clone Wars movie, considering this is a movie set. But yeah, I would love both series. I adored Rebels, the second season was absolute killer and THAT fight at the end, holy shit I die every time.

          Plus, more Thrawn is ALWAYS the right call. Only problem I have with them bringing EU stuff into canon is it kinda makes it hard for them to throw their arms up 5 years from now and declare the EU canon again as there'd be two of so many people.

          I'm still a little bummed Mara didn't end up appearing in Rebels at any point. I (profanity) love her.

          Also shout out to Ahsoka and Mara Jade being two of my favorite characters in all of Star Wars, only for me to be called a sexist racist (profanity) by Ruin Johnson for not liking his limp dick fan film.

          • @TheDukeOfNukem: Easy duke, I don’t think that’s you. I think he’s aiming those remarks to the people hating the diversity of casting. There’s a big difference between disliking a movie because “a woman was in charge and women are stupid and shouldn’t be in power” and “that character made some stupid choices and shouldn’t have been in power. This story sucks”.

            That said, how good is Ashoka?!? She by far has the best journey in the whole series. And the climax of rebels with Kanan? That one moment was better than the last Jedi. And yeah. That fight at the end of season two was rad. When will they give Dave filoni a movie? Imagine an EP VIII with him behind the camera?

  • +10

    Do yourself a favour. Buy this box set.

    Then - and this is the important step - don't watch it. Leave it in its shrink wrap and hide it from the kdis.

    Download Harmy's Despecialised edition, burn it to BD-R (You'll need 10 BDR25 discs, or 3 BD50 discs and 4 BD25 discs), and enjoy the only Star Wars movies we ever needed.…

    • Wow, thanks for sharing.

    • But that's only three films

      • Yes, like Yoda once said, there is another. Well, actually two, after A New Hope.

    • try googling "Project 4K77"

      it's a 4k version (not upscale).

      i can't even play it (it stutters), need to possibly go 2x ssd drives in raid0

      • Looks interesting, thanks for the link

        Even so, the documentaries and special features on the Harmys Despecialised Editions are absolutely worth downloading, even if you don't DL the movies themselves. They're better than the documentaries on the official discs!

  • Don't get worried guys, Last Jedi is nowhere to be found in this box, only the sacred original six.

    • +4

      Sacred original SIX? Are the new ones so bad as to make people think fondly of the prequels?

      • Yes, and if you watch last Jedi you will agree.

        • +1

          The Last Jedi is much better than the Jar-Jar Binks trilogy.

          • @abb: Why is it better?

            • @giventofly: It's been a long time since I saw ep 1-3, but I remember I didn't like them that much at the time. They were OK, I didn't hate them. I did like the visual design of Naboo though.

              The new ones, I liked (excluding Rogue One, it was terrible, but we're talking main-line here). They do a great job of portraying the progress in technology in-universe, IMO (compare 1-3 which depict stormtroopers as elite troops that somehow forget how to aim at all by the time 4-6 rolls around, and many other examples where tech seems to have regressed for no reason). The visual design isn't quite as creative (different) as Naboo, but it is internally consistent and very well done.

              The acting/characters/dialogue seems better in the later films. Anakin was always obnoxiously intolerable (need I mention "sand"?), but I suppose the new bad guy Kylo isn't much better. And, come on, Jar-Jar is one of the worst characters ever seen in a mega-budget movie, and not just because he's arguably a collage of racist tropes.

              Downsides of 7-8 are the obvious toy sales gimmicks (to a first degree approximation, Star Wars films have been advertisements for merchandise for a long time). BB-8 was bearable (being in the spirit of my favourite character R2D2), but the Porgs were blatant.

              Without going back and re-watching 1-3, I can't really give a better answer sorry. I'm open to hearing why others think 1-3 are so vastly better than 7-8 though.

        • +1

          I only know of the Holy Trinity.

      • +2

        Look I won't lie, Ep 1 and Ep 2 both have their share of faults, but they are enjoyable and serve their purpose. The overall story and arc of the PT is actually fantastic in my opinion, the fall of the Republic and the deception of the Jedi and Senate by the Emperor is, on paper, a brilliant story and fitting origin of the Emperor. The execution does at times fall on it's face, Ani and Padme's scenes in Ep 2 really are just terrible most of the time, but outside of dodgy direction and some proper bad dialogue, there's no part of the PT that spits in the face of the OT or it's characters, whereas TFA took Han after his growth during the OT and turned him from Rebel hero with a heart of gold who would do anything for Leia and Luke and instead had him run off half way across the galaxy away from Leia, and TLJ took Luke, the guy who saw the tiniest shred of decency that once lurked in Anakin Skywalker and was willing to risk his life on the belief that he could bring Anakin back, and turned him into a guy who would pull a lightsabre on his own nephew when he was having a bad dream.

        The prequels are far from perfect, but they had an overall direction, and love them or hate them, that is something you can't say for the sequel trilogy.

      • the prequels have a very good spine, its just surface level problems like the cringy dialogue that spoil them.

    • only the sacred original six

      I take offence to that. There only and ever will be the sacred original 3 (trilogy). Nothing more, nothing less.

  • -1

    Waht a lie on the title. This isn't the complete saga. It's not over yet!

  • Make sure you change the seller to Amazon, i had bluenile come up as the default seller

  • +2

    Han shot first, George. Han always shoots first!

  • +1

    This isn't expired for amazon Prime. Just bought. Have to select "New from $50.30" from the table.

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