• expired

Free US $3 Credit, No Minimum Spend (E.g. Mini USB LED Light $0.02 Delivered) @ Dresslily


Apply coupon code DLTEST at checkout for $3 off with no minimum spend.

I just tried this on a USB LED light that cost $2.87. After applying the code, I had to pay $0.02 (bummer).

If you're not after a USB light, just look for something that costs less than $3. Make sure you untick shipping insurance!

Some items of interest that are less than $3 -
USB LED Energy-saving Portable Night Lamp - $1.96
Type-C to USB 2.0 OTG Cable Converter Adapter - $2.10
Modern Simple Portable USB Night Light 3 - 5V - $2.70

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closed Comments

  • Thanks Op. coupon code is a let down though 😀

  • +3

    Just make you uncheck INSURANCE which is applied by default on the final payment page.

    Edit: oops… I see OP has already noted this.

    • I bought something that was 4.30 and it said 2c when I checked out, I choose the free shipping and at payment it costed 1.60, I thought because it’s only supposed to be$3 off, but in the end it was insurance where I didn’t see it applied for me.

      So basically watch out for insurance, but it also means all items are 2c?

      I bought this for 2c


    • Gets me every time o.O

    • +1

      USD $3 saving (not $AUD)

  • +2

    2c well spent .

    • +3

      Pity no cashback 🤣

  • +1

    Thanks OP
    2 Apple cable protectors for 2c delivered

    • +2

      I love that the final step in the instruction pics for these is "consummation". Talk about "satisfaction guaranteed"…

  • +1

    Nice one op. Got the usb converter

  • Nice found oo, thx

  • Have my 2 cents :)

  • Got the USB OTG and the Mini LED for $0.41 Thanks OP

  • have enough, or do i..

    • +2

      Give me your 2c then!

  • +1

    2c, can't go wrong…

  • +3

    Got this one for 1c AUD when using PayPal!

    • Have bought a few of those before - LEDs fail quickly as you bend wire to desired shape😞
      A few LEDs occasionally come back to life. Just checked - only 5 LEDs are still lit in 3 sets!

  • +1

    Cheers, will be good for the powerbank when camping

    • I was lucky we had a few when we had a power outage. Better stock up on candles though.

  • +1

    Already had a usb light but couldn't pass up buying a spare. Now I just have to wait for the inevitable spam that follows these deals.

  • +2

    My favourite is the Mr. Banana Cartoon Red Wine Silicone Bottle Stopper for $1.50:


    • +2

      "A conversation piece"

  • +1
    • +1

      Downside: require 1 per shelf as low light output.
      12V Battery: 1x 23A battery - not included!
      Out of Stock of 10 pack, $1.50 ea

      Ordered 3 - charged 1c via Paypal
      Will probably wire together on 12V plugpack

      Seems only 3 were available or others bought - now OUT OF STOCK😞

  • Thank you OP

  • +1

    Just my 2c, but these take ages to come..

  • +1

    Got one, thanks OP.

  • +1

    Got the the bendy USB Led light and Type-C OTG for 41c, thanks OP

  • +2

    These are great for use with a power bank. Good for travel or lighting small spaces. Worth having one or two around.

    • +1

      Yep, free lighting if you charge your power brick at work!

  • Thanks Op..this is the worst kind of deal to spend my money on.

    Bought anyway.

  • +2

    I ended buying the mini usb light, 2 OTG adapters and 1 of the portable night lamps all for 0.29c thanks!

    • How though? Am I missing something or does that add up to way more than US$3.29 before the US$3 discount?

  • Ty

  • Expired? Anyone please test.

    • +1

      Not expired yet. I can still use.

      • thanks , mate. Somehow i get: Error,this promotion code has frequency of use restrictions.

    • Has been incorrectly Reported as Expired.
      Just used code on my account - must be logged in & only 1 use per account😉

      • I get Error,this promotion code has frequency of use restrictions.

        • Maybe your browser? I'm logged into account on Android mobile with Chrome & have no issues.

  • +1

    Cheers got the Pineapple Eye Remover, seems like a tool that could have multiple uses.. https://www.dresslily.com/stainless-steel-pineapple-eye-remo…

  • I was scammed by dresslily when buying a repel umbrella where the advertised pictures had repel tags but the delivered product was a fake with no tags. Then with Paypal protection I would had to have paid for the return shipping which cost more than the product. Scammers. I'll never buy from dresslily again and lost faith in PayPal buyer protection.

    • Return shipping refunded

      Buying from some countries has a risk of fake products. A very low price is always suspicious.

      (I've bought at markets here, found it was fake, & loudly embarrassed the seller into a refund.)

      I contact the business first.
      What was the response from the Dresslily?

      If their response isn't suitable or they fail to respond, I send that to PayPal & always have been refunded in full.

      I've got refunds from Chinese & other suppliers & PayPal when products weren't as described, without ever returning.

      But paying 1c or 2c in this deal, I think there is little risk😉

  • Does this usb light has on off button?

    • You expect a lot for your 1c-2c delivered😀

      There are a variety of designs - no switch in cheapies like this I've bought. Unplug to turn off, or turn off USB source.

      Similar looking but dearer Xiaomi ones have switch & dimmed settings, now rarely offered but once cost around $1.

  • au$4.50+ Credit with code - was able to buy multiple cheap items😀
    (eg 3 x au$1.50 shelf lights cost au1c.)

  • Bought this: https://www.dresslily.com/led-self-adhesive-emergency-night-…
    For 2c as well. Don't forget cashrewards!

    • Cashback may not be payable if you use a coupon code that is not listed on this site.

      Could be touch and go

  • Its been pointed out this is a 3 US dollar discount, so you seem to get 4.55 AU discount. Great find OP!

    • AU credit value pointed out in Bold above😉

  • Bought [this] (https://www.dresslily.com/anti-stress-squishy-squeeze-soft-s…) for the missus, lol.

    Can someone please explain why my formatting above isn't working? I want the word "this" to be the link, and the address not to show in text.

    • +2

      No space between ] & (
      But now I've responded… Can't be changed😞
      Link wasn't working either so did a search & I think this must be it… **

      this - Anti-stress Squishy Squeeze Soft Stretchy Kawaii Animal Toy

      You sick puppy😱
      It is soft, but I'm not going to let any animal bite or squeeze that😉

      • +1

        animal toy

        The one eyed trouser snake 🐍

        • +1

          I've already got one, but in OzBargain tradition - ordered another.

      • Lolzers!

        That's definitely the item I was referring to, and thank you very much for the formatting help!

        The last form of coding / programming I learned was Turbo Pascal, back in the late 90s!

        • +1

          Ah Pascal. Taught it at Uni - before I even graduated. Wrote my first exam question in that subject, supervising the exam. Such ancient history😉

          Don't worry, I make mistakes too - especially because I only post from my phone. Tip is to click Preview to check before posting. Easier to fix mistakes. And others will usually help😀

          • @INFIDEL: I'm the exact same, in that I generally use my phone when browsing this site and using the forums.

            I do try to preview any messages with formatting before I post, but in this case I just couldn't figure it out, so I included my "help" message as part of the original, lol.

            My mate and I were so into Turbo Pascal, we had our teacher (Hello, Professor Lee!) burn us a copy each on a CD.

            We became pretty bloody good, and started making basic games with minor illustrations, which would respond to a multitude of different inputs.

            Being as good as we were, we didn't actually do any of the p*ss-weak assignments, but rather shared our games.

            I honestly can't remember whether he passed us or not, lol.

            • @McMoots: Many talented people don't pass their exams. Some are very successful now.
              Glad you enjoyed it.

  • +1

    looks like Xiaomi finds itself on the receiving end of knockoffs for a change.

  • I bought a $15 item (that I didn't need) and this code brought it down to $10. Thanks OP

  • Did anyone get a refund?

    I just got the following email "minipayment has sent you a $0.02 AUD refund for your purchase on 26 September 2018."

    • Nope, got an email just now "Your Order * has been shipped out."

  • +1

    Please do not buy these useless things from Chinese stores.

    They will end up in drawers or garage. I got one 4x USB fans and 5x USB Xiaomi lights. I gave it to my parent, brother, and wife and kept one in the bedside drawer and one set in the car. but honestly, I don't and probably won't use these things ever.

    Waste of money as these things don't get used!

    • +2

      Waste of money

      Oh No😱 Cost me 1c including delivery
      I can lose more than that in rounding of bills in cash at the shops.

      As you did, handy as gifts.
      Sounds useful to me.

      Just depends on your choice of product. Not just USB lights & fans! Bought only what I can use.
      Lots to choose what you spend your free $4.50 on…

      Seems only onepersective - yours, not twoperspectives😉
      And my different perspective is quickly negged!😱
      Time for a username change??

      Ozbargainers can make their own decisions & their experiences may be different to your personal experience.

      Seems like you have a problem saying NO to deals like this. Maybe just know what you want & don't read these deals… Your problem solved.

      Seems 159 (& rising) others disagree with your onepersective😉

      • +1

        Not a waste of money at that price. But if you don't use it, it will lead to e-waste. Not good for your home, and not good for the environment.

  • +2

    Ordered 5M 50 LED string lights for 15 cents. Thanks Op! part of Christmas decoration sorted. Finally something cheap and useful.

  • Felt bad as this is probably a system error/test so bought a couple items on top. They've given me good Ozbargain goodies in the past…

  • +1

    I just made the mistake of looking in the menswear section, in order of ascending price.

    Word of warning: cheap price = minimum fabric

  • +1

    Got me a https://www.dresslily.com/herringbone-pattern-jeff-hat-produ… newsboy/driving hat for 7 odd bucks. Thx op.

  • Looks like coupon is now expired

  • My order is cancelled due to misuse of the code.

    • Mine too

      • Same here :-(

        • A lesson for us not to be greedy. Lol

      • But then I got a shipping confirmation and today this email:

        Dear Customer,

        Please accept our sincere apology for our previous incorrect message about your order being canceled. This message by sent due to a system error and we kindly ask that you disregard it.
        We hereby confirm that your order will be processed normally and be delivered to you soon.

  • What the heck is going on here!? I've received an email saying I "have taken advantage of our order system by using one coupon multiple times". I used ONE code for ONE item. Filthy liars they are making false accusations! They should be banned from ozbargain for the baseless accusatory wording of their email!

  • +1

    Arrived in Brisbane today👍 (dispatched 26/9)
    3x cabinet-hinge-led-sensor lights (no 12V battery)
    Mini USB LED Light dispatched on 1/10.
    Great 1c deal, chibot😀

  • USB led light arrived today.

  • my USB led light arrived yesterday too. It is VERY bright and whatever it's covered in smells a little weird and a little gross but only if you put your nose to it.

  • +1

    still nothing (melbourne).. i had almost forgotten about this 'deal'.

  • Finally came today
    Ordered this https://www.dresslily.com/szkinston-0-5w-30lm-led-product324…

    Got this https://www.dresslily.com/cree-xpe-q5-600lm-14500-product315…

    Had to double check but SKU in order that it matched the postage label, guess they sub a more expensive item
    Got enough mini torches, was really hoping for the table light though

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