Marked as Special for OzB. Ok, ok, just kidding. :)
Comes to 16.7c per blank. Reduced from $10 previously.
Probably only a few stores or only this one. About a dozen of DVD and CD spindles left. Didn't see any at Chatswood Chase.
Made in India, so run of the mill quality. I would only use it for things like movies you have recorded off the air you want to give a reli. I'll update with the media code when I have got the loot home. :)
Also CD blanks 30 for $3.50 if you know what those are.
Edit: Media code is MBI 01RG40…
These DVDs are 16x so it's not the 8x Kodak entry, those are gold colour while these are silver colour. So who knows if they are the good ones or the mediocre ones. FWIW.
Man that's a good price, gonna have to look in at my local.