Receive some free Bitcoin Cash in 3 easy steps.
Step 1: Download the Wallet
Step 2. Login with Google - This step helps prevent abuse of the Faucet :)
Step 3. Enter Your Address to get some Bitcoin Cash
Receive some free Bitcoin Cash in 3 easy steps.
Step 1: Download the Wallet
Step 2. Login with Google - This step helps prevent abuse of the Faucet :)
Step 3. Enter Your Address to get some Bitcoin Cash
x E-99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
Don't exaggerate. You missed a couple of zeroes.
Here is a fun fact for you, one Bitcoin has 8 decimal places i.e. the smallest unit is 0.00000001 :)
I think from memory it's about 0.00010000 approx. - .07AUD
Haha, trying to push up active users?
ummm, I look at it as one of the many ways to encourage adoption. Lot of the early adopters of Bitcoin got introduced to it through faucets
Adoption? A monetary system (Bitcoin) that permits nearly 7 transactions per second and the word adoption used together? We're talking about the Earth, not a single coffee shop.
introduced to it through faucets
Hmm explain how plumbing got into this? Hahaha.
Shitcoiners are a funny bunch eh.
Imagine Australia's water supply through 1/4" copper pipe from Wivenhoe or Thompson dams.
No, imagine it from a 10,000 litre water tank. That's bitcoin and all the random shitcoins biting for the ride.
Not worth the effort for how little you get.
can't wait for my 7c
No thanks. Would rather invest in a high yielding Brisbane Apartment with rental guarantees!!!
I thought there were a large number of vacant apartments in Brisbane. Not the case?
perhaps my sarcasm wasn't that obvious!
Ah. It was the two extra exclamation marks which removed the sarcasm for me. Noted. =)
in a century it may worth 700. definitely worth the effort
In a century 700c may be worth 0.7c at current value. Not worth the effort.
When moon?
"Your region has reached maximum amount of claims"
at of midday now worth .05c
Since you posted it's now worthless.
You mean Bitcoin Cash (BCH) wallet
BCH is not Bitcoin. Just a scam.
Bitcoin and all shitcoins are scams to dodge tax and support criminal activities.
Of course they are.
When I want to transact secretly, I do so on a transparent, immutable ledger ;-)
Don't worry they are all sh*tcoins.
Can I get bobs with it?
Member for only 11 hours. Sounds like spam.
why don't you try it?
why don't you try it?
Scamming people or spamming forums? Which one?
Not enough BCH for a can of SPAM.
Are Ponzi schemes allowed on Ozbargain nowadays?
Fail thread.
Back to your telemarketing job, yo OP.
What would the fees be to transfer the 5cents to a bank account ?
<8 seconds later>
<3 seconds later>
<1.88 seconds later>
Store of value.
Can you use WD40 for keyboard ? I spilled coffee on mine some months ago …
Its cheaper if you dip the whole keyboard into a bucket of hot water.
Step 3. Enter Your Address to get some Bitcoin Cash
OP why is one's address necessary please?
How else will they send you the Bitcoin Cash?
Of course is giving out free trash
If I was selling my information, surely it'd be worth more than 7cents. Not worth the effort.
How much is "some"?