Looking for phone for non tech savvy parents. My research has led me to the iphone 6S plus because
- Iphone is easy to use (they dont like android)
- 6S is supposed to be sweet spot. 6 is too slow. 6S is old but fast alternative
- large storage so set and forget. they can take all the videos they want
Is my logic ok? Is there any good 6S plus deals available?
I had a search on ozbargain and there doesnt seem to be any active deals at the moment
What about ebay? I managed to grab $500 credit to use on the recent deal so keen to get that utilised.
I have read up on the ebay iphones where they replace the guts with cheap bits. Especially stay away from the ones that say sensor not working - Because the cant fake the sensor.
Any guidance would be highly appreciated
I'm an old person :) and I love my 6s- bought about 12 months ago on a Kogan special. I have 64g and after travelling a month O/S still have plenty of memory. Last iPhone was only 16g and I did go for a 128g mini iPad to go with 6s. Not saying that I'll never upgrade again but $1500 for a new X is out of my price range.