Facebook Advice - How to Contact People Who Are Fans, But Not Friends

Hi Guys,

I hope someone good at Facebook might be able to advise me on this?:

I play in a live band. We have a theatre show coming up soon, and the theatre posted about our upcoming show on their Facebook business page, so that their page followers could engage etc and buy tickets if they wished. It ended up about 500 people tagged themselves in the post's comments as interested, so the venue now suggests we let them all know when we have news or updates/ticket giveaways etc that they might be interested in before the show next month (the venue won't do any follow up work/posting etc, they only give us one initial post, so we have to do it). That's great, but as the venue is the Administrator of their page (and of course I'm not), and neither my personal profile or our band page has any authority on their venue business page, I can't work out how we're supposed to make contact with the tagged people in the competition post, and the venue isn't sure either. I can try to send them each a personal message, but as I'm not personal Facebook friends with them, it will just go to their spam folder and prob not be seen. Plus, sending 500 messages is stupid. I thought about just writing a post with our news and tagging all the people, but Facebook won't complete a tag for any of them, as we're not friends. And clearly, I can't send 500 strangers friend requests.. lol.

How do people do this, there must be an appropriate way? Even the venue doesn't know. Sorry for being a Facebook No0b. I don't want to miss out on eventually contacting so many potential ticket buyers for our show, but I don't want to do the wrong thing either.

I know this isn't really a tech forum, but there are lots of smart people on OzB, so any advice at all is greatly appreciated, thank you.

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    I'm not sure, but doesn't your band have a facebook page, like one built for your band sort of like this:

    That way if you want you can recommend people to add your page, and it will be up to them if they want to or not, you can also post the page in the original post so that people can come join and support your band? I assume in there you can put in details about whichever you like? Which will show in peoples facebook feed and they can read or ignore at their leisure?

    • Thanks Trust. Yes I do have a band page set up, and as you say, I can recommend people to add our page, but how do I do that specifically, when they're all tagged in the venue's posts? I'm not connected in the same way to them like the venue is.

  • Maybe create a group and invite all those people in the comments. Then you can post in there and everyone will be notified.

    • That's a great idea Mario, and we have already created a group as you suggested, but again, I can't work out how to invite them, particularly as I have no connection to them. But there must be a way.

  • Create a facebook page. Create an event on your facebook page and then share it and post it on the theatre page. Then people who are interest can choose between "interested" ,"going" , "maybe", "can t go". And you will keep your fan updated and build up your fanpage

    • That's a good idea too Fier, in fact I've done that, but once again, it doesn't get to the central issue I have.. how to literally connect with the venue's post's tagged people who have said they're totally up for coming. They're keen, but no-one buys tickets until the last week, when the surge happens. But that's the time I need to be able to send them all one reminder that the show is about to happen and to buy their tickets. I can't work out how to do it, short of the venue themselves literally making one unique post tagging the 300 people and posting it in the last week, which of course they'd never do.. it would totally appear to be them badgering people. So I'm at a loss. It's like I'm just going to have no way to connect when I need to.

  • +1

    Get them to tag the bands official page in the post, so people can go to your page for more info

    • Thanks Spackbace, but again, it doesn't solve the core hiccup for me - how to connect to the tagged people directly from the venue's own page post, where they all voluntarily tagged themselves to be interested. The only way I can figure is to send each one of them a physical friend request from my own personal account, which would mean I could do everything I needed to then with tagging them for info in any posts I write. But there's no way I'm gonna contact 300 strangers and say 'hey, let's be friends'. Lol.. such a naff idea.. like the word naff.. it's naff. !

      • They do as I suggested by tagging you in the post. They then comment on the post and say 'hey go checkout their page @…'. This then notifies everyone that's commented, they'll get a notification that the page commented on the post.

        • Righteo. Say they do that for me. Then let's fast forward to, say, only two days to go before our gig, and we need to contact those specific 300 people sitting there tagged in that venue post, with an update that we still have tickets left, and to all go and buy some tix if they wish. Literally how do I make that notification to them occur? Not a general venue post out, but specifically to those 300 peeps tagged in the various 100 comments of that original post?

        • @uniqualz:

          You can't, but that's what general privacy laws are all about.

          Friend A has tagged friend B to see if keen. If you were friend B, how would you feel about getting unsolicited spam about the post?

          The venue should be tagging official fan pages when they post, plain and simple. Beyond that you really need to market your own page properly.

          You obviously have a fan base, so target it. Post daily, and do the occasional sponsored post towards your demographic.

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    • I think even then, I can't tag them specifically. I don't think Facebook would allow me to hijack tagged people from a completely independent page's post comments?

  • Create a Facebook page as a public figure(facebook.com).

  • Yes, I did that too, but again, I don't think it addresses the core issue - literally how to contact those 300 people. They're from a completely independent page post from me - so I don't think Facebook works that way. Friendships or followings are needed before tags work, I think. This has me stumped, but it's super important for us, cos we'll lose a fortune if no-one shows up.

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