Weird Black Issues on HDR Monitor

Hi guys,

So recently I bought a Benq ew3200u 4K HDR monitor. However, whenever HDR is turned on, the monitor would display some weird washed out black images on non-HDR contents. Not every image or video has this problem, but the last thing you want is to spend all that money and look at shitty images. I have tried using the HDR WCG brightness adjustment and played around with the colour. If I go to Nvidia control panel and use Nvidia colour settings with YCBRCR444, then the blacks look better, but the output dynamic range is limited. 

Are there any fix around this and wasn't there a windows update recently that already fixed these HDR issues? Thanks.


  • show and tell

    • Do you have a HDR monitor?

  • You sure its not the EW3270U?

    • Yea I think so because when I switch off the HDR, everything looks fine. Blacks are ok. I called up support and they said it's a common thing as HDR is still new to the PC world.

      • New to HDR on PC as well. I normally just turn HDR and WCG on in Windows 10 display settings. Watch the HDR video clip/movie with HDR compatible player or play a game that supports HDR. Then turn it off when finished. As running HDR makes everything else non HDR look terrible, washed out and over saturated. Even though Windows 10 1803, even with all the latest updates is supposed to have considerably improved HDR support. Its still not perfect.

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