• expired

iPhone XS Max 64GB (24 Months Lease Plan) 200GB $105/Month @ Optus


This is the cheapest plan I have seen with the device included. Earlier best price was $125 + $5 Device earlier with same inclusions.

Telstra is still expensive than this plan.

Looks like there is less demand for new Iphones and hence telco are reducing the price on the first day.

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closed Comments

  • Does eSIM work?

    • It doesn't in Australia

      • Sad….

      • +1

        esim works on the apple watch in australia?

        • Yes, but not on phones and phone companies have not made any announcement about if/when they will support this feature.

    • Not in Australia

  • +1

    Extra 10% off at Harvey Norman for new port ins

    • +1

      for new port ins


    • Can you tell more about this? I asked an online chat representative and she told me there are no deals.

      • 10% off Optus plans for new port ins just call & ask about it

  • Do you mean the $105 200gb leasing plan?

    • title says 64gb

      • I mean 200gb data allowance

  • Yeah this is a lease plan price.

    • So you don't really get a free phone as the title suggests?

      • +2

        yeah you basically are giving optus a free phone at this price

        • what will Optus do with all the free phones they get in 24 months?

        • @jv: Use them as "refurbished" phones for people who purchased theirs and damaged them

        • @jv: macquarie bank finances these deals. Most phones go back to the Philippines for refurbishment and they are either sold as refurbished overseas or are bundled into new monthly plans in overseas markets

    • +2

      What about the xtra 20% deal from harvey norman like before. Any chance of that ?
      And can this extra 10% be stacked with student discount 10% ?

  • Has anyone tried leasing before ? How much do we have to pay at the end if we were to own the phone after the contract. I mean i know we have to make an offer. But in what range should that offer be ? Can it be $200 ?

    • I think it will depend on the fair market price at that time. If you continue for 2 more months without recontract on the same plan after 24 months then device should be free.

  • +1

    Optus recommends $120 plan for 50 GB but the $125 plan seems to be of lots more value. If you are a student, then the $125 plan comes to $114.50 whilst the $120 plan comes to $111.50. $3 more for 150 GB and other entitlements.

    • +22

      Students today must be bloody rich. I can't even afford to pay $30 a month.

      • Interest free loans

      • $15 a month was a struggle.

    • Did they lower the price? I see the recommended plan to own is $105/mo = $85 plan + 20 phone for 50GB…

  • Was it 95 not long ago with Optus?

    • +1

      It was only released this morning.

  • Does anyone have any thoughts/experiences with "leasing" plans?

    • Well in the US you get the XS for $49 per month including AppleCare and you can get a new phone every 12 months.

      So seems like we get ripped off.

      The XR is only $35/month

    • +9

      Biggest rip off. Especially if you were to get an iPhone, because iPhones actually have pretty good resale value 2 years later. Lease plans are $15 cheaper than regular plans, you're basically paying $360 less for no device at the end of it. (And then if you were to redeem your lease phone 12 months later and recontract, you still have to pay a redemption fee upwards of 99!!) Can you sell your iPhone for more than $360 after 2 years? Hell yes. Could probably fetch double that.

      I work at a telco and never recommend customers to go on a lease plan, even though it generates more revenue for us but idc about the employer, hate ripping off customers. Never lease.

      • +3

        Yeah I agree, and a majority of OzBargain users agree that lease plans are a rip off, but so are car trade-ins, pawn shops, credit card interest, and payday loans.

        People aren't always the most logical

      • +1

        True that. Recently sold my iPhone 6 128GB, bought on launch day, that is Sep 2014, for $350. It’s been 4 years!

      • +2

        JB is currently selling the iPhone 6, 32 Gb, for $379. That phone was released in 2014 and has only just been discontinued. Unless you are a fanboi you should get a good 3-4 years out of your iPhone then you repurpose it as a music player, spare phone, etc. almost all my Apple devices are still running. I wouldn’t lease.

  • Do they still have that chunk of screen cut out of the top? The promo images all seem to hide it.

    • Yes, they do :)

    • +1

      Yes and I agree the earth(?) picture is a bit cheeky.

      • +3

        earth = detergent bubble (or something like that). Cool pic and clever notch camouflage

      • I’m a massive Apple fan but will try not to buy an iPhone with a notch! Just can’t stand it, and the Earth or bubble only confirms that Apple themselves know they made a mistake with the notch. I’m still on my iPhone 7 Plus.

        • +2

          Wow. Who really gives a cr*p about a notch?

        • @popcornready: yeah, notch is no problem, they just wanted to make use of wasted space to the left and right of the speaker and camera ….makes sense with limited area on a phone screen.

          my LG has a notch and it just shows bits of info like battery charge level, signal strength, message received, missed calls, etc …..it’s great they used that space for something useful.

    • +2

      yeah, I tend to agree it is cheeky. I really don't mind the "horns" because the extra screen bit could be used for time, battery level if they wanted to; but it should be evident they are there. The again who puts down that sort of money without looking at the product in the first place.

    • -3

      The notch is a design failure and reason enough to show Apple have lost the plot. How it ever got past the design stage into production I will never know.

      • other option is make phone longer and remove notch ….speaker and camera flash have to go somewhere.

      • Agree. If Steve Jobs was alive, he wouldn’t have allowed that.

  • +4

    might as well go on the $110 p/m (200GB plan) and own the phone instead of leasing it…

    p.s. OP has typo.. should read 200GB not 20GB

  • +1

    leasing plans pretty scammy, they wouldnt accept the phone back if its too "scratched up" and this depends on what "they think", and if you actually using a phone for 2 years normally, it will have small nicks and dents around at the very least, then you can pay additional buying fee for it or another extra 2months for the phone….

    edit: saving $360 differences if you gonna be using the phone for 2 yrs while freaking out about not breaking it in that 2 years or you be paying extra $499….buy the phone, use it for 2 years and then sell the phone and with apple 2 year phones you can surely still sell for like $400+…so not worth leasing

    • More even! I sold my 6, a 4 yo phone, for $500 a few weeks back. Nuts!

  • -6

    How is this a deal? rip off. get a Samsung

    • +1

      Go back to bed and let the adults keep talking.

  • +16

    Never ever go on a lease plan

    • +1

      or normal contract.

  • +5

    Was in Costco today and they had the Iphone XS Max at $1729.99 for the 64 Gb an $1969.99 for the 256 Gb. Does anyone know if Costco has Australian or Grey import stock? I forgot to ask until after I had gone, but I will ask next time if people don't know. Thanks.

    They will also be getting in the Watch 4.

    • +1

      Worthy of a post!

  • +1

    I agreed with paying more for the plan rather than lease… also, seriously looking at a larger memory size….yes, iCloud and back up are great… but you’ll hate having to constantly manage your phone memory.

  • does anyone what happens to those who signed up earlier? do they get the current price?

  • +10

    hi guys, me again, did a lot of comments on the Optus previously, i am the guy that most of you were dealing with and yes i now own this account from my friend as mine details won't get registered here somehow.

    i work for optus business that do generally have discounts that aren't available to general public, those who signed up with me would already know this by now.

    lease plan - biggest scam at all time! i have never sold one lease plan to anyone nor i will ever. lease plan is actually on a 30 months contract. after 24 months you are forced to return or buy the phone outright, if not then you will carry another 6 months with the same monthly spend then you have no choice but to buy the phone at "Optus price". a real scenario here, i have a customer who was on a lease plan, 14 months in contract, tried to switch to own a phone plan with me. she was told either pay $1400 to proceed with the upgrade, or $1600 to cancel the agreement (still need to return the phone in "good working condition"). we end up getting her a new service instead as the exit fee is more than what she is needed to pay monthly till the end of the contract.

    remember with Optus or any telco now, as long as you aren't on a lease plan there is no cancellation fee involved, other than just paying off your handset. and the handset cost is normally very "close" to the retail price, maybe +5% but considering you are paying it off on an interest free terms than it wasn't too bad afterall.

    the 10% discount is available on this plan and the student discount can also be stacked with it however student discount is needed to be added via the live chat team as we don't have access to student discount. for those who wants the phone on a cheaper rate but haven't got time to duck down to HN, you can DM me and i can have it sorted out via email or phone calls.

    10% discount is applied on the plan, so if you aren't an Apple person than you are always welcome to enquire about other phones too.

    • +1

      100% vouch for this man, thank you Popcorn and Co. !

    • +1

      Sorry how can I contact you?

    • +1

      Hey there!
      I can’t DM you as I’m overseas right now, but what sort of prices are we looking at for an iPhone XS 256gb and or the Max version with same storage, with 30gb+ Data usage?

    • Also interested in contacting you for iphone xs !

  • The XS "Own a phone" plan is also $105/month. 50 GB data, unlimited international calls to 35 countries.

    Though the $110/month might be slightly better value if you are a frequent traveller, since there is 2 GB overseas data included.

  • Just a tip. If you already have a phone plan with Optus and say getting this phone for the missus, Optus can give you a $10 'second handset' discount.

    I have got this applied to the plan last week bringing the Xs Max 256gb down to $100. They did not allow both this and the student discount. This worked out better than the 10% anyway, as the 10% only applies to the plan component which was $45 = $4.50 discount.

    If you've already ordered you can still get this too, just call up and threaten to cancel your order, someone from the retention team will sort you out.

    • so the 10% student discount can't be stacked?

      • They wouldn't allow it for me. If you get better luck let me know so that I can try again ;)

    • So, did you get the Harvey normans 10% discount and $10 'second handset' discount?

  • If you are paying an iPhone, DO NOT go on a lease plan. Over 24 months, you are only saving yourself UP TO $240. However at the end of 2 years, you can sell your iPhone for much more then $240.

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