• expired

AliExpress 12% Cashback (up from 5%) @ Cashrewards [4 Hours Only, 8pm to 11:59pm AEST]


Our highest Cashback rate yet for AliExpress. Runs for 4 hours only from 8:00pm to 11:59pm AEST tonight. Thank you as always for your ongoing support. Enjoy :)

A small education piece:

Please always ensure your last click before purchase is from Cashrewards. Simply click Shop Now and complete your shopping without leaving AliExpress. A lot of untracked claims come from the fact members have other tabs open and/or are using Google or comparison sites to review their product/s before purchase. All cashback/rewards sites work off a simple principle - last click. The winning affiliate is always the one that receives the last click. Also turn off any AdBlock/uBlock/Ghostery as well as Safari (mobile and/or desktop) Cross-Site Tracking. Finally, you must return and click through from Cashrewards to the store every time you make a new transaction/purchase.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3774)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    That should cover GST + abit.

  • +1

    Hi TA, I can't find classicfootball shirts on your website anywhere :( any chance it will get added again? thanks

    • Hi toblerone. They put their affiliate program on hold on Sept 2. Hope to have them back soon :)

      • +1

        great news :) thanks for the quick reply

      • +1

        Hi toblerone

        Toblerone is the chocolate with nuts.

  • +1

    12 percent back Before GST, right?

    • +4

      No cashback on the GST. So if you order something for $10 ex GST and pay $11 inc GST, Cashrewards will show $10 as the Amount.

  • +2

    Thank you as always for your ongoing support

    No, thank you for being tight.

  • -1

    Damn, should of waited 1 more day.

    • +6

      Should have *

      • Your right.

  • +2

    Thanks TA and CR. That's a 140% increase :)

  • Is there a maximum cash back amount?

  • What if i choose to pay in USD using 28 degree card. Will i still get the same 12% cash back? In AUD?

    • I always pay in USD and cashback is always in AUD. So yes it will be 12%.

      • Thanks trying to squeeze couple dollars less. Its all because you, gst

  • +2

    Please always ensure your last click before purchase is from Cashrewards. Simply click Shop Now and complete your shopping without leaving AliExpress. A lot of untracked claims come from the fact members have other tabs open and/or are using Google or comparison sites to review their product/s before purchase. All cashback/rewards sites work off a simple principle - last click. The winning affiliate is always the one that receives the last click. Also turn off any AdBlock/uBlock/Ghostery as well as Safari (mobile and/or desktop) Cross-Site Tracking. Finally, you must return and click through from Cashrewards to the store every time you make a new transaction/purchase.

    I just created a new chrome profile for shopping via cashrewards, with no plugins installed at all. Easier than disabling everything

    • +1

      I'm on a Mac using Chrome - I leave Safari "virgin" (no addons, blockers etc) just to use for CashRewards purchases. Works every time.

    • Likewise. I've got a heavily locked down Chrome installation for general browsing, and a vanilla/virgin Chrome Canary installation just for Cashrewards. Works a treat.

      • chrome canary, sounds very sexy

  • Does anyone have any ideas on how to stop my Aliexpress constantly going to .ru , As in I go to aliexpress.com but end up at ru.aliexpress.com and everything is in russian . The only way around it I've found is to use Edge or incognito mode in chrome .

    • +1

      I've had the same problem with AliExpress before after clicking on a .ru link. The easiest solution is to clear your cookies to get rid of the dodgy one causing it. Otherwise you'll have to wait for it to expire (takes several weeks - not ideal) or browse incognito.

    • Delete cookie.

      • I've deleted all .ru cookies but will have to just delete the lot .
        Edit : deleteding everything has worked .

  • scared to buy expensive stuff from overseas, what about warranty? always wondering

  • Would this work with aliexpress new user coupons?

  • Confirmed on 3 purchases earlier tonight (before I even knew of the deal!)

  • Thanks TA! Got a new phone on the way :)

  • Ta TA

  • +4

    It was for such a short time. Cumon. Can we have it again for a bit longer duration ?

    • +1

      that's what she said!

  • Good deal. Received my tracking email and had my products shipped all in the same night! :)

  • i think sooon we will see shopback doing the same 12% aliexpress cashback:)

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