This was posted 6 years 5 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW & VIC] FREE VIP Membership for 1 Year (New Subscribers) @ PromoTix (Save $35)


Promotix VIP Members save up to 100% on tickets to movie previews, concerts, festivals, comedy shows, expos and more all year round!

A Promotix VIP Membership (valid for 1 year) normally costs $35, but we have made available a limited number of these premium Memberships for FREE!!

1/. Head to the Promotix page and view all the fantastic shows and events you can redeem tickets to (you'll save hundreds of dollars a year on your entertainment :)

2/. Navigate to the Membership Page and select VIP Membership

3/. At the checkout use the code FREEVIPOZ and to secure yours for free! (discount code is case sensitive so you must use all capital letters FREEVIPOZ)

4/. Once you're registered you can start planning what shows you'd like to see!

If you love Melbourne Fringe Festival and Sydney Fringe Festival now is the perfect time to take advantage of this offer as we have just released brand new tickets for our members to redeem tickets to dozens of shows!

So how does Promotix work?
* Being a member is like having a friend who works backstage at every gig.
* We give you access to tickets for free - and all you pay is the admin fee.
* For example:
* Redeem 2 Free Tickets to the Comics Lounge (valued at $30) all you pay is a $5.95 admin fee (that's a saving of 80%)

Find fun and enjoy :)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Getting a 'Code is not Valid' error.

    • +1


    • So sorry, error has been fixed now

      • Thanks! Can confirm it works now!

        Time to go enjoy the Fringe!

  • +1

    Just attempted to sign up using the code, even with all capitals, it comes back as invalid code?

    • So sorry, error has been fixed now

  • Code is not valid

    • So sorry, error has been fixed now

  • Is this a scam? It forces you to register with your email address and then when you go to the stage where you enter in the promo code it comes up invalid.

    • It's not a scam. Signed up last time but didn't really have much movie screening. Went to one in the whole year.

      • Sorry, was meant to write spam, not scam. Obviously they now have my email address so they will start sending me promotions emails.

        • So sorry, error has been fixed now

  • Pretty happy with these guys so far. Got free tickets to a local classic movie and could’ve got free tickets to the Sydney “Whiskey Show” if I was available

    • +2

      Likewise. Should clarify for new users though, the tickets are "free" but with a $5 to $9 booking fee. Still you can see good shows at a huge discount.

  • +3

    Sorry everyone, error has been fixed and all should be working smoothly now!

    • was working just now, thanks

  • Why is this only Vic and NSW? This site operates in 6 states.

    • +3

      Other states arent VIPs

    • We currently have tickets to a fantastic range of shows in Melbourne and Sydney so we wanted to provide an opportunity for Oz Bargain members to enjoy those offers.

  • Code is working now. Signed up. Thanks OP.

  • +1

    Just upgraded my membership successfully (Qld). Thanks rep

  • thanks Rep!

  • thank you Rep.

  • +7

    Being a member is like having a friend who works backstage at every gig.
    …all you pay is a $5.95 admin fee

    Doesn't sound like any friend of mine.

    • You've made my day, sir. Also, registered!

    • My friend will get free tix and tell me they're half price and make a profit. He's a banker.

  • thanks, signed up.

  • +1

    Awesome, thanks OP! I signed up a while back and have seen about five fantastic comedy shows and a couple of concerts already. It's a great way for budding entertainers to gain a loyal fan base.

    I found two awesome comedians ("The Stevenson Experience" and "Dusty Rich") through PromoTix and my friends and I have since been following them around Sydney paying full price to see their other gigs. They put their heart and soul into entertaining the audience and the free tickets made me feel like I was stealing from them, but I wouldn't have gone to their shows in the first place if I was paying $25+ for some random unknown.

  • +3

    Op. What about existing VIP members? Can I get an extension to my existing active account?

    • Sorry this offer is only available for new members, however stay tuned as we have something special coming up soon for our existing members :)

  • Love it, thanks Rep!

  • I signed up for this probably 9 months ago and have used it at least a dozen times living in Melbourne. Very good deals especially over the comedy festivals.

  • +1

    FYI. The whiskey (whisky?) Show in Sydney was fantastic last time. Signing up just for that is worthwhile.

  • It's working for existing non VIP member in QLD too 😁

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