Asking for a friend, I want to be builder. I want to supervise in the completion of the whole building project.
What do I have to study in TAFE? I have no idea about it all. Please help and sorry if you think I am stupid.
Thank you
Asking for a friend, I want to be builder. I want to supervise in the completion of the whole building project.
What do I have to study in TAFE? I have no idea about it all. Please help and sorry if you think I am stupid.
Thank you
Too many construction study popping up on tfe website. not sure which one to pick.
Thats what i have done UFHHH!!!!
I don't know why you are downvoted. The Tafe course menu is confusing at times with many course named the same but with different specialization. I suggest you go to a construction site and ask to see the site supervisor, he should be able to help you pick the right path. Trying to improve your skills and your lot in life is not stupid, and we all need to start somewhere.
There are resources publicly available other than the TAFE course menu.
Trying to improve your skills and your lot in life is not stupid, and we all need to start somewhere.
Indeed. One of those very useful skills is finding information on your own.
Now you see how lazy OP is being? Literally the first dozen results answer OP's question.
@HighAndDry: I have tried that way before you can even imagine. All i wanted was a little more input from the one that knows about things. I am here to as kfor help, if you cant help and want to embarrass me then go to park and tell everyone.
@loveishell: Not trying to embarrass you, just trying to instill the life skill of being self-dependent. If you want to be a site manager, that will come in handy because often there won't be anyone else you'll be able to ask - you're the one people are going to go to with questions.
And I helped.
The link I posted? Literally the first few results all answer your question:
Now, go read those links instead of having this stuff even further spoonfed to you.
Ugh are you really gonna give a kid a hard time about trying to get a trade?
Op is a working accountant, hardly a kid, most likely same age as me. One way to find out if Op is lazy and wants people to do their homework or if they genuinely need help is to see if they've done some basic research.
I can't imagine a manager being successful without research skills.
sorry, didnt know I was messing with the forum police.
@stormii: Right now only you're being a "forum police" with your:
Ugh are you really gonna give a kid a hard time about trying to get a trade?
@stormii: When questions are so simple Google would literally be faster, criticism of OP's possible laziness might be warranted.
@HighAndDry: I am not being lazy at all. i am just confused and didnot want to enrol into wrong course as has happened once :(
You know nothing about me !!!!
So Donot give me a title of laziness.
I return it back to you. you LAZY BOY/GIRL!!!
Sometimes forums facilitates in enabling traits like relying on being spoon fed, despite being an adult. So many forum post (just in general, not directed at op) where the answer could've been found if they just googled.
You don't get good at maths by just knowing the end answer, you need to know the process,why and how you get the answer .
So you're asking for yourself, not a friend.
You did literally ZERO basic research before going to TAFE and trying to sign up for a course? Hahaha.
No that's it, I'm done with trying to help you. I'll stay for the entertainment though, please continue.
@HighAndDry: Asking for a friend but i have enrolled into wrong one previously. Do not want same happen to my mate, thats all !!
Please entertain your self sir.
One day I will be building your house.
You wait and watch.
@loveishell: I'll be happy if you get to your goal of becoming a site manager and are supervising building houses.
Usually though,
One day I will be building your house.
That's not the right way for an insult haha, seeing as it'll be my house. (Not laughing at you here btw, genuinely amused - it's usually the other way around, along the lines of "One day you'll be working for me!")
@HighAndDry: I know how it is said but i am not insulting you at all. Insulting someone is not my cup of tea. I leave that for you. I am just letting you know that my friend or i will get to our goals to make it simple for you !!
@loveishell: Fair enough - we're not trying to insult you either. "Go find it on your own because it is easy to find" is fostering your ability to work independently. And if you can't - any kind of supervisor is probably not the right career choice.
Again, I wish you and your friend both the best of luck.
If you look at OP's post history, eg this you'll see that he/she did not bother to spend any effort in trying to find a solution to any of their problems, and wants best answers provided for free on a silver spoon.
That sort of attitude doesn't fly in the workplace and over here. Add that some people are highly knowledgeable but not the mothering type
Do you remember in the early days of forums/message boards, there were people who posted:
I need the best answer on problem X, urgent!!, help me plz!!, email me the solution at [email protected] because I don't even want to check my post again to seek answers.
construction management course
although what you study, got nothing to do with work
after graduate, you'll start as a contract admin for builder
geez, you sure ask a lot of help queries based on your thread history
Isnt that what the forum is for?
Yeah, but it seems he takes a lot more than he gives …
Because i do not comment on something that you can not benefit others like you who comments on everyones post but has 0 productivity.
@loveishell: Zero productivity? Unlike you, I've actually posted deals that benefit the OzBargain community.
Maybe do some research before- oh wait …
Go find a work site. Ask to work there - work there, work your way up, ask the site manager there how they got there.
Please help and sorry if you think I am stupid.
We don't think you're stupid, we think you're lazy. Google isn't hard to use.
What's an ishell and why do you love it?
Next Apple clamshell device?
Bullets running iOS
Smart bullets! Hopefully the guidance isn't Apple Maps…
Because it is yummy
Housing market is going to suffer a huge downturn, thus oversupply of builders out of work.
But again when you say that, House is getting cheaper than before, so everyone is jumping to buy a house so need more house as a result more builder so more jobs
Cheap money is gone. Lending standards have tightened, interest rates going up. People can't refinance now.
Better a plumber or sparky, everyone needs those despite where the market is.
it's the credit that drives the sales
as long as bank approves loans , people will buy regardless of the price … be it 1million or 2 million
but when credit dries up , shit just got real
Nah, they're building more regardless of demand
logic doesn't work in real life
they'll stop building when it came crashing down
This is just slow reaction times.
The figures from the latest settlement risk analysis by CoreLogic cover a two-year period
Apartment blocks generally have construction times of over a year, add to that the sunk-costs of preparatory work like development approval and signing the construction contracts and obtaining financing, and you're looking at a bunch of developers who're too far in the hole to stop building.
They're still cashing in. They just won't stop until shit hits the fan.
@phunkydude: Wow, you're not kidding. Could this be rebounding from a super soft May approval levels?
Because the related articles on the page are:
Building sector softens as residential and commercial approvals fall again (May 2018)
Apartment glut prompts massive discounting in Brisbane, research reveals (also May 2018) and
'Zombie blocks' to pull Sydney apartment prices even lower (July 2018)
I can understand developers being greedy, but…. this is insanity. Loan approvals are down, prices are down, auction clearance rates are down. According to the article the highest approvals were in Qld, WA and Tassie… the last two are okay because they weren't high to begin with, but is there something in the water in Qld?
Honestly, this is crazy! (And I'm not even totally just spitballing here - I know of developers - a lot of them - going belly-up in Qld already).
logic doesn't work in real life
For some reason you think it's logical that people stop needing a place to live when housing values decline.
You've got that backwards. Housing values decline when supply outstrips demand - aka. there are more properties than people (who can afford them) needing properties.
Unless you're hoping OP is going to work for free, people who need places to live but can't buy one doesn't really factor.
So you expects to do a course and then instantly become the boss of everyone on the site who has been doing the job for decades.
Get on a site, get experience and when you reach the point of your career that a course will enable your career progression, go get that one.
The current generation have a skewed understanding of how the workplace hierarchy works.
70% Work Experience, 20% Who you know, 10% Qualifications.
70%20% Work Experience,20%70% Who you know, 10% Qualifications.
I agree. "Who you know" should be a lot higher than 20%.
Sounds like you have been screwed up pretty bad.
Feel sorry for you.
But i know i aint have to go through what you have been.
Strange response considering that was some of the best advice in this thread.
cypher67 actually gave honest good advice, even though it's not what you like to hear.
Incredibly childish response from you.
If you want people to say what you want to hear, then I can give it to you:
Pick any course, or none at all, go to a site and start bossing people around. You'll get the manager job straight away because you deserve it!
Go to TAFE, do a trade. Construction doesn't have to be in housing, there is a lot of government funding atm in public works. In 15 years time you'll be ready for a more senior management role once you understand what the industry involves.
First step, change your name to Bob.
Talk to tafe. You have to do a trade first like carpentry etc so it will probably take like 6 years to be a builder. I've considered it but can't afford to spend around 6 years on apprentice wages :(
talk to me more about it. what you do? so what is the plan if you dont have 6 years?
One guy on here said he did an owner builder build first then went on to become a builder. I'm not 100% sure how that would work. I did question him further but he never ended up responding. Do a search for owner builder or something in the search bar see if it comes up. I'm assuming they used his experience as credits towards the qualification. I'm considering doing an owner build in the next couple of years myself.
you remind me of my old friend who has million questions and aspirations without doing his own research.
Mod: Removed foul language
what is lego?
First step: Successfully build your own sink in your toilet
What basic research have you done?