McDonald's Monopoly Community Chest for Extra Chances

Hi all,

Just a quick bit of info because I didn't know about it - not sure if it's a widely known thing or not (on the search it's briefly mentioned by 1 user only).

When using the McDonalds Monopoly app, you can click the big red chest in the centre to get more prizes. I always thought it was just decorative but I was tapping around accidentally and it triggered a Community Chest minigame.

Hopefully this helps someone.

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  • 'For every five properties added to your stash you get to unlock the chest.'

  • +1

    Nice! I did not know that! (Just got a free coffee/drink!)

  • +1

    Thanks. Just did 4 openings and got free food/drink each time.

  • +1

    Thanks mate.

    I find it amusing people posting ads on Gumtree offering money for certain tickets. Sigh.

    • What's more amusing are those who try to sell their tickets and haven't blocked the codes.

  • +1

    Oh wow, thanks OP! All were instant wins for food.

  • +1

    Anyone have issues loading in their chance codes manually? I got one from ordering yesterday, and the app says "Technical Issue - IP Address Blocked". Same error message whether I'm on Wifi (Skymesh) or 4G (Telstra).

    EDIT: Seems to work now

    • Cheers, glad to know it wasn't just me. I guess I'll wait it out.

  • +1

    Thanks for the heads up. I only have 4 properties added so far.

    • sorta near close to them levels of coupons u had!

  • Did t know that thx op

  • Saw the email talking about extra when you have 5 properties but couldn t figure out what is it. Thank you

  • Thanks for the info!!

  • Thanks!!!! I just got 2 quarter pounders, a Big Mac and 3 drinks from this!!!

  • Does anyone know of a site etc where we can check whether we have a rare property ?
    It is my understanding that for every property group, there is 1 rare property, and the other 1or2 are really common to collect.
    Would be great to know when I have hit on a rare property in the group/colour.

  • Easy way to make us all more obese ;)

    • Very smart marketing though. Who doesn't like monopoly… and a chance to win, albeit 1 in 17 million or something like that lol.
      It is very average (below average) food in both quality and nutritionally, but hey you can win more junk food and maybe something substantial.

    • There's a limit on the number of times you can do it, at least four years after you said that anyway.

  • The swap groups on Facebook are hilarious. It's literally just everyone with common properties offering $10 for the rare properties with no comments.

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