Personally I think it is a good deal if you like platinum label
The reviews are a kind of mix though.
DM's price is $125 but out of stock.
Personally I think it is a good deal if you like platinum label
The reviews are a kind of mix though.
DM's price is $125 but out of stock.
lagavulin 16 year old?
And still overpriced at that!
And still overpriced at that!
Can you find it cheaper?
whisky is pretty subjective, not everyone wants to be smoked to death by lagavulin
Ironic eh that given diageo own both you'd probably find some laga in various jw blends…
If I were going to recommend a single malt alternative for ~95 to someone about to pick this up (ie someone most likely just starting their whisky journey) , it sure as hell won't be a lagavulin…
Now to find a good deal on Platinum Coke…
Waste of a coke if you're gonna mix it with such a bad whisky.
You've gotta mix the right coke with the right whisky…
This whisky will make any coke taste bad
It's a good blended whisky.
Personally, I prefer double black.
Lagavulin is single malt and tastes crap with coke or pepsi…
That's the type that Keith Richards used to use- Merck pharmaceutical.
What are the top 3 whisky in the market around $100 dollars?
JW Whisky are over-priced
If you're willing to spend $95 on a bottle then I recommend you try the Lagavulin when it goes on special every now and then. Its head and shoulders above JW range