When in doubt, ask an internet stranger…
I asked a living, breathing accountant if you can get away with a non-lodgement advice if:
(i) You have no PAYG income,
(ii) You have some Newstart allowance (untaxed),
(iii) you have foreign income (not "exempt foreign income"),
(iv) you have rental income,
(v) you have rental deductions (interest, rates, water, strata),
(vi) you have made no capital losses and are not carrying forward a loss,
(vi) your total income is below the threshold
The accountant says that having a rental property automatically means you need to submit a tax return - regardless of taxable income.
Logically you should submit a tax return since why should a few dollars make a difference to who "reports" their calculations. The counter-argument is you should keep all your documents in case you get audited anyway, and the government only cares about "balancing the books" (the numbers submitted are questionable anyway without flawless data matching).
For the life of me, I can't get the ATO calculator (2012) to ask about rental income or deductions, but maybe my eyes are tired:
Obviously it's always better to do a tax return to be safe, especially if paying a second set of eyes to look at it. This isn't the question. I only want the facts, personal experience or a funny story, not opinion.
P.S. no guesses please - Whirlpool already has variations on this exact topic (investments, bank interest etc) with mostly wild guesses and life advice.
I went to this girl’s party the week after she beat the shit out of my friend. While everyone was getting trashed, I went around putting tuna inside all the curtain rods and so like weeks went by and they couldn’t figure out why the house smelled like festering death. They caught me through this video where these guys at the party were singing Beyoncé while I was in the background with a can of tuna.