This was posted 6 years 5 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, XB1, PS4] Free Open Beta to Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout


Per this tweet, beta access to available to anyone by creating a COD account.

I think the beta was previously available to those that preordered the game but I could be wrong.

PS4: Get the redeem code via Twitter link above, then go to 'redeem code' on Playstation Store to begin download.

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closed Comments

  • Is this blackout?

    • +1


  • +3

    Anyone with a Battlenet account can play. No need to sign up for a CoD account.

    :EDIT: I am speaking for PC only. Unsure about console players.

    • +5

      Yep. PC was originally free. It was Xbox and ps4 users that couldn't without pre ordering the game.

      • I seem to remember my battlenet telling me to pre-order for beta, perhaps that info was wrong.

        • It did. But it was "pre-order for one day early access to the beta".

        • Yep. You can play it now until September 18 2018 Tuesday 3am Australia Sydney Time via blizzard's battle net application just a big download.. not sure how much it is now.

          In windows explorer a right click properties on the Call of Duty Black Ops 4 folder shows 16,310,191 KB or 15.5 GB but there might be some extra stuff somewhere else also on the native battle net folder somewhere maybe I don't know.

    • +2

      I legit would not have signed up to make a CoD account, cheers.

  • +1

    Might want to put the duration of the beta too OP.

    From the website





    • +9

      Translates to,

      3am 18/09/18 AEST
      2:30am 18/09/18 ACT
      1:00am 18/09/18 AWST

      • +1

        Updated. Thank you

  • So it's free from 18th? Or free until 18th?

    Thanks in advance,

    • +2


      • Thanks, trying to get this for ps4 but can't figure it out. Asking for a code.

        • You've got to go on the twitter link, to then click the link. Might want to change the link you've added chibot, would have saved me 10 minutes :) Thanks for sharing though.

        • @eddiecox: are you still after a code mate?

        • @eddiecox: Updated link. Thank you

  • PC does not seem available anymore, only Playstation and Xbox

    • +1

      Pc is in open beta since 3am. You just download it on and play.

      Previously only PC was open beta and Xbox/ps4 was only for pre-orders. Thought that was still the case but this post seems to suggest otherwise?

      • -3

        I don't think you can get it on PC without having pre-ordered as per the following screenshots:

        • +2

          myself and all my friends have it available/are playing it, and none of us have preordered

        • +2

          @Stew-y: turns out I had to update my client first before it would allow me to install the trial! cheers

        • ive been playing on PC fine today, no preorder

      • -3

        Seems to be a nice scam from battlenet, coaxing people in by telling them pre-order for beta then oh whoops it's free! lol

        • This is the second beta. The first beta was pre-order only. This second beta was advertised as OPEN beta (meaning it is open for all). People who preordered also got early access while its only available 48 hours for others

  • Thanks a lot OP. 18gig download on PS4

    • +4

      18? Even better 33.012 GB…On this Aussie internet and 2.4 ghz ps4 wifi connection - by the time it finishes downloading, the beta would be over LOL

      • +4

        Yeah mine says 33gb not 18

      • Not on my PS4 right now and says 18gb for me downloading straight to my PlayStation not sure why

        • -1

          Did you check it after it calculated the storage? The store does say 18 gb I agree but I think there was an update since hence why the bigger download size :)

        • @knight321: were you a part of the first beta maybe? The first beta was 33gb but this one is only one map and a 18gb download.

        • @cruizerdog: Thats so odd! I entered the code generated on the website and got the 30 gb update…3 hours left before its done so will give it a go tomorrow. I wonder if I'll get the other map then? (Thought it was always one aha).

  • Stupid question. Got the code. Now where to put it or download Beta?

  • +3

    Ok so don't search for blackout beta on ps4. Instead scroll down to redeem codes and just put it there

  • Working for me.. Xbox.. Thanks just used redeem a code option and followed the prompts

    • What's the download size please?

      • +2

        Think it was about 14GB for xb1

      • +1


    • +10

      Just because it doesn't have building doesn't mean it sucks.

      The building in Fortnite is the reason I don't play it and prefer PUBG.

      Each to their own.

      • Agreed. I prefer this to PUBG/Fortnite at the moment.

    • +3

      People use the building mechanic as a pseudo-Riot Shield. Whenever they get into a gunfight they just build instead of fighting and it makes it much less interesting in my opinion

    • You think some shocking f2p battle royale game that came out 3 months ago is the gold standard now?

      • Fortnight Battle Royale came out 12 months ago

    • too many 12yo kids on fortnite

      • -1

        12 yo kids who smash you? Hahaha.

        • +1

          Don't knock the 12 yo have met plenty more mature than so called big manly macho adults and non kids.

        • +1

          @AlienC: Er … OK.

        • @Diji1: Jump on any discord and you will find many 30 yo's more annoying than many 13 yo's

  • +4

    Where is everyone? (PC) Sat through 2 lobbys and they fail to fill up and kick you off. Guns are good quality, graphics are a bit dull. could be a bit of fun, i wont be buying it though.

    • +1

      I've been getting into a few games quite easily

    • I had no issue at all today.

    • +1

      I played this morning then fell asleep. Not sure if I will play anymore.

      Was ok but did not look any different to previous cods both black ops and earlier in terms of quality, graphics and gameplay.

      The new battle royale mode is alright but looks like a cheaper version of current modern battle royales.

      The trailer really sold it but the actual gameplay was meh.

      Not for me but I have not been on cod since early modern warfare days.

      Battlefield has better visuals and ok fun gameplay if you ask me.

      To each their own and their own to each.

      Personally the next good playable battle royale for me would be one with a dynamic interactable environment aka not just a static map with gameplay solely reliant on gunplay and gadgets but moving environments or something or maybe random encounters like small debris from sandstorm or something.

      I dunno I got sick of basic gunplay.

      There are a few interesting items but nothing that major like wall breaching or something in this cod.

      Protip for those getting really bad visuals or graphics or the game looking like something for 2009 or worser increase the resolution render in video settings it changes things immensely at the expense of vram and gpu times/usage/temperature.

      Was wondering why my game looked washed out and fuzzy then I turned it a bit up and frames per second went down but the game did not look fuzzy or glitchy things got a lot smoother.

  • Not working for me. I get an unexpected error everytime.

    • same.

    • Using nvidia graphics card?

      If so update using nvidia geforce experience program to get some game ready drivers could be your issue otherwise check if you meet minimum specs and have enough space.

      Mine is initially black screen with sounds in the background after launching it in battle net but after a few seconds it loads the intro and eventually into the menu screen.

      • +1

        Nah. Not a loading issue. When opening the link and choosing Xbox or PlayStation the Web page loads an unexpected error.

        I'm guessing the open beta wasn't meant to be active at this stage so Activision took it down.

        • Ah I did it all from the battle net program. I am on PC though. Can't comment about other platforms but working fine on PC via battle net.

    • +1

      same, getting unexpected error

  • +3

    I had the error.

    Used this link in the tweet and it work or just lucky that time;

    Downloading now, should be able play a few hours tomorrow.

    • Cheers. That worked.

    • That fixed my error on xbox. Thanks!

  • -4

    The graphics in this game looks like they're a generation behind when you compare to Battlefield V. Not that I'll be buying the SJW BFV either.

  • Good game! It does feel abit of a copy and paste from pubg with COD firing mechanics shoved in. I like it better than PubG actually. Those comparing this to battlefield 5 or previous COD games and say it's the same actually have no idea what they're talking about. COD has gone battle royale style. If you like pubg then you should give this a go. I managed to get a win last too in duo mode.

    • +2

      I played for a few hours, some solo's and then squads.
      Inviting friends was a true effort but that was probably more so beta glitching, but the custom lobby setup was not intuitive at all.

      As for gameplay, totally agree, very much like PUBG. Just moves a lot faster, probably due to the smaller map.
      But the announcer over the top gave that Fortnite feel which was welcomed. Stopped me from forgetting about the zone which often would happen in PUBG… a lot!

      Asylum was awesome with zombies, made fighting players more interesting.

      Took a while to get used to the new Inventory, but got the hand now, would be better if your primary and secondary weapon was stacked like in PUBG, so you could move attachments between the two. But I see their method of it being you mod the weapon you're currently holding.

      I'll buy it, first COD in about 3 years i'll get, I also liked the plain Multiplayer Beta, where they've dialled back the damage amount from the normal COD's, so you have a chance to fight back!

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Downloading it from I saw the icon but never really looked into it.
    We should make an OZ Bargain clan… The Unaffordables!

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