Hi all - my company recently moved offices to Sussex St, Sydney, about half way between Town Hall and Wynyard stations. Our old office, closer to Circ Quay, was near this smallish food court under the AMP building - I can't recall the exact name of this little shopping precinct, I believe the whole thing has gone now .. it was where the IGA was too, if that helps with location.
Anyway, that food court had this Asian takeaway food place (sold some malaysian, thai dishes, etc). After 2:30pm, they did $6 containers of the leftover food (rather than $12 i think?) as they approached closure, at around 4pm. If I got there at right on 2:30pm you could sweet talk them in to just filling the container with the chicken/beef dish you wanted (no rice), which was a nice cheap, greedy lunch for me. I thought it was pretty good, and considering my job, was a good quick way of getting something I really liked, and smashing it fast between calls/meetings.
Anyway - so now we're in Sussex St. As far as I know, there are no food courts at all near here (and my job does not really provide me much spare time for strolling around).. but i would love to hear ideas from those more familar with this Sussex St area. I suspect as it's close to Darling Harbour bars and restaurants that maybe a 'food court' sets the wron tone for those that may visit the Harbour?
There's big food court up near Centrepoint area, but it's a bit far for a quick stroll, and the couple times i've been there, even late, they didnt seem to have cheap stuff.
I did find a little Asian place next to "Suchai Sushi" (it's just inside the entrance to under-cover shopping strip as you walk away from Kent St/Druitt St corner, past Town Hall House, and then toward Town Hall station entrance - if that makes sense!) It has $5 containers from about 3:30pm i think, but i found they are 80% rice and not much of the actual meal. I have not tried to get there earlier to see if they will allow similar "less/no rice, more chicken" type arrangement as the place i mentioned above :)
Well, let me know if anyone has cheapo ideas of this kind from their local knowledge!
ta, all!
Town Hall station/food court below 580 George street has similar small takeaways and options. Soul origin has plenty discounted sandwiches at 5 or 6PM as well as the plethora of asian stalls. There's a buy one get one free bubble tea place etc. Have a look.