iPhone X 64GB 24 Mths Plan 205GB $94.5/Mth (Save $1212) @ HN down from $145
This price is for the "Lease" option, in order to switch to the 'buy' option you'll pay $104.50 per month.
You must be porting from another carrier
iPhone X 64GB 24 Mths Plan 205GB $94.5/Mth (Save $1212) @ HN down from $145
This price is for the "Lease" option, in order to switch to the 'buy' option you'll pay $104.50 per month.
You must be porting from another carrier
Any store should be able to answer you (id hope)
The $145 plan is also available for re-contracting customers down to $105 (no 10%)
Save $1212 How?
What network?
Which network…
I'm assuming since the plan dropped from $145 to $94.50, you're saving $50.50 Per Month (which equate to $1212 over 24 Months)
Cool, not a bad deal.
Essentially $41.875 Per month for 24 months for the plan( 205GB Data, Unlimited calls, 6Gb roaming data) + 52.625 Per Month for 24 months for the phone considering we can buy the iPhone outright for $1260 now.
Though i dont know if i would ever need that much data on my mobile. Would rather prefer if it was 20$ cheaper for 100GB data instead.
$94.50 a month! What is this, a home loan repayment?
Exactly, a digital home.
$95/£50 a month for that much data and an iPhone X is actually a pretty good deal and easy to justify by many people if you consider how much it is used daily for work and personal use. If the new one wasn't being announced tomorrow…
Wow, this actually eliminates the need for home internet for some.
Its 200GB and Optus network
Thanks for the confirmation.
Is the 205gb data per month?
A note to all prospective buyers that new iPhones are being announced tomorrow morning, so this may not be a great deal in 24 hours time.
Actually, this is the norm. The prices of old phones and plans keep dropping as the new phones are announced and I think it makes sense for me to buy a year older model for the much cheaper price than getting the newer one and pay for the novelty factor. Atleast for some the saving matters most than the novelty and the specs are not that far behind.
Oh, absolutely. I meant that the prices of the older models may drop further in the coming days/weeks from other retailers which may be better than this deal.
While I understand where you’re coming from, the flip side is you’re still paying $2,400 overall on something that’s already last year’s specs which doesn’t make sense to some people. The difference for the new device over that period will be negligible so might as well get the new one. But of course, to each their own.
Also, I think what he meant was the prices of existing range will drop further following the new announcements so today’s deal on this iPhone X may not be cheaper tomorrow?
I guess it is a lease option. For the buy option , it will increase by 10 bucks each month?
This is for the buy option $94.50
See the $145 plan on Optus site (+$0 for equip) This is the plan reduced to $105 then 10% further off.
Applicable to all handsets.
Samsung handsets you dont need to Port, only be a new number or Port to gain access to the 10% off. All other phones needs to be Port
Optus website shows $145 + $10 phone for BUY plan for iPhone X 64Gb
Apologies, this is correct. Already edited once, cant again.
New iPhone is being announced in literally 12 hours, definitely worth holding off.
Deal is good to COB tomorrow so can suss them both!
You can get the same plan with the note 9 512 as well
Note 145 to 105 ends tomorrow.
10% off for Portins is continuing till 30th….
An word on deals for iPhone Xs and Xs Max from Harvey?
Buying a last-gen model on a 2 years contract is hardly normal.
I’ve never understood lease
Why would Harvey Norman want a phone back in 2 years that is already 1 year old?
it's actually smart move by Optus. you pay $10 less per month in 24 months and you have to return the phone back. if you break the phone you have to pay for the damage fee :(. this is only good when you ugrade the phone every year, you only pay $99 +recontract 24 months again and hopefully dont ever break the phone :)
Iphone * 64g = $1,579.00 on Apple Store
$94.50 * 24months = $2,268 with Optus Plan
$689/24months = $28.71/month phone plan with 200gigs of data/month??
Not bad at all! My only issue with Optus is that it is great data coverage in Melbourne and GC but it was terrible in Sydney. Overall have better internet cover with Telstra in Sydney. Data amount is useless without accessibility
Roaming benefits and international calls are a huge plus from Optus on this calculation too.
6GB roaming and unlim international/calls and roaming to selected countries.
Give it 24hrs people… The Xs Is being announced tomorrow.. Plans are surely going to drop
This is bad deal.
End of August I was offered same data with iPhone X 256gb for 84$ at HN.
Just make a quick search and Ull find the deal and posts for this.
Don’t buy it’s not the right time.
Any cheap deals for note 8?
You can get note 9 on this same plan
Is this already marked as expired?
Anyone actually have any proof of this? Just takes you straight to the prepaid section of the website.