This was posted 14 years 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PENTAX K-x + 18-55mm Lens KIT @ Officeworks $449.00


Hi guys,

I found this today while I was at Officeworks near Strathfield NSW. Thought it was an absolute bargain for a camera so highly recommended on dslr camera forums. Click on link for photo.

EDIT: Low Res Photo -

Pentax K-x

12.4 megapixel CMOS sensor
High resolution 12.4 megapixel CMOS image sensor features sensor-shift Shake Reduction for stabilized image and video capture up to 4 stops max.

2.7 inch LCD with Live View and Face Detection
Large 2.7 inch LCD features Live View with contrast, phase difference, and Face Detection autofocus (up to 16 faces).

720p HD Video
Capture widescreen HD video in full 720p resolution (1280x720) at 24 FPS cinematic frame rate, using any PENTAX 35mm lens.

Compact Body
Highly compact DSLR body design allows for 1 handed operation and comfort when travelling.

Auto Picture and Scene Modes
Powerful automatic modes, including PENTAX Auto Picture and scene modes, ensure the perfect shot in any situation, while helping new photographers learn DSLR photography.

Creative Processing and Filter Modes
Creative processing and filter modes produce high quality finished images, while offering the ability to explore artistic freedom through unique special effects.

HDR Image Capture
True HDR image capture blends 3 bracketed images into a single picture with outstanding shadow, highlight, and midrange detail.

4.7 Frames per Second
Fast 4.7 FPS capture speed and 1/6000 second maximum shutter speeds are possible with the PENTAX
PRIME II image processing engine.

11 Point Wide Angle Focus
Responsive 11 point wide angle SAFOX VIII autofocus system focuses quickly and accurately, and can easily track moving subjects.

AA Batteries
Capture up to 1900 shots with universally available, easy-to-find AA lithium batteries (also compatible with AA NiMH rechargeable and alkaline batteries).

Enjoy! = )

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  • +9

    WierTicus from whirlpool would be well proud.

    • haha yeah, he loves his pentax's

    • +1

      LMAO…gave you a positive for that…..and the deal too!

      • but if you have one - isnt see prices drop so much a bad thing? ;)

  • +1

    this is a complete bargain!!!

    awesome DSLR too. own one and ISO KING!!!

  • +1

    awesome price!

  • I paid $699 duty free for the K-m 2 years ago and thought it was an absolute bargain.

  • the price is quite good but i am using D90 and waiting for D800

  • +1

    OMG I made it on the front page of Ozbargain (in the Follow Us: Facebook thing…)

    • ….?

      • On the right hand coloumn on the main page under the heading "Who's Online" and under "Follow Us".


        …prt sc

        • +1

          you're so excited about this

        • lol not really ha!

          But yeah I was amazed to see myself appear there.

          What were the odds :)

        • +6

          Odds are 3:1

  • i bought a different camera just after xmas, but i recently had a play with this Pentax, even at full zoom the handheld photos it takes are sharp and awesome!

  • +1

    From what i remember these are really close to getting sold out (Bought the last one from QV office works), as Pentax are starting to fill the market with K-r's

    I bought the K-x when it was 499 about a month ago at officeworks, and i thought that was an amazing deal

    Good luck finding them, if you do snap it up, it is an amazing bargain

  • +1

    I think the lens isn't up to the quality of the camera for this one (if it's the same lens I got for my K100D). Worth thinking about getting a better lens.

    • I own a K-x and yes, it is awesome. I also paid extra and got a TAMRON 18-250 lens.

      I find it is great for both close-ups (including macro) and telephoto.

      Once again - great camera!

      • Where did you buy the TAMRON 18-250 lens?

  • It is a good kit for under $500

  • Wow…

    What a deal!!!

  • Can anyone help me understand what's great about DSLRs?

    Ive just had point n shoot compacts, and they're great, I take it everywhere cause it's small and it does 720p.

    Obviously I'm missing something. Is there a compact vs DSLR side by side comparison somewhere? Do they take better photos at night in clubs etc?

    • +2

      Larger lenses and larger sensor sizes lead to less grainy photos at higher ISO settings. The same also contributes to sharper photos. Compare two photos side by side and the DSLR photo will be sharper. DSLR cameras also offer a greater range of creative photography options. These won't help much for the point-n-click photographer.

    • if you have no any idea about the huge benefit of using a dslr, you have too much reading to catch up.

    • Completely different mechanism. It essentially removes the 'lag' between hitting the button and snapping a picture you get with compact cameras, because it returns it back to an entirely mechanical process. Image quality is significantly better and less grainy. DSLRs are also favoured due to their versatility as you can have a different lens for each job while replacing the body when you outgrow it.

      '720p' or megapixels aren't the yardstick of image quality they once were. Modern cameras have megapixel overkill and it means nothing, other than taking oversized pictures.

    • All of the above, with the added note that they're aimed at somewhat different markets - while a lot of people have both, there's no point buying a SLR if you can't be bothered carrying it around.

      I have a Canon S95 and that's the size limit for me, I can't imagine carrying anything bigger (particularly when travelling), with a resultant trade-off in image quality (although it's still excellent IMO).

    • There is also an in-between option in the digital camera market these days. They are called hybrid or prosumer cameras. Most major brands make them. The advantage is that you can switch it to auto and you have yourself a point and shoot model, or get a little creative and you can play with the various settings to give your images the "wow" factor. The other advantage is that they are less than half the price of a DSLR. Food for thought!!! :D
      PS. Harvey Norman are having a 4 day digital camera sale - might be worth picking a salesman's brain!

  • +1

    Just got the last one at Osborne Park. Display model and got it knocked down to $381.65 - definitely makes it easier to explain the purchase to the wife!,

    Apparently only 1 more display model available in WA at the Vic Park store.

    • Hey man

      Is there any chance you can pm me a copy of your receipt? I'm buying a display model one as well.


    • Cheers!

      Freakin legend! Fingers crossed it works.

    • Can you please pm me the reciept too? Thank you!

      • +2

        What I like ozbargain for (a kind of) is that no matter how good deal you are gonna get there will be another guy who will get even better one.
        What I mean is that I just bought an ex-display camera at Keswick SA for $420 and thought I got the best possible price.
        Apparently it is not the case. Oh well I am just going to be happy with what I've got.

        • Got the last one/display model here in the Tuggeranong ACT store, he straight up said $400 without me even asking

        • @ orbital

          that's nice

      • +1

        Here you go, for others interested as well - I removed some details re credit card etc

        Got 10% off upfront for being floor model, then another 5% because a tiny scratch (1mm) was put on the body when taking the security device off. If you don't ask you don't receive.


        • just picked up the last one at liverpool officeworks for $425 after they knocked off 5% for displaying the wrong price of $499, i had to show them the ozbargain deal lolz.

          very happy with the purchase, hope its better than my old nikon d40.

        • wow nice
          that's $70 saving(from OP post)

          you could possibly pricematch from that as well

        • +1

          Good price, I played with that very display model last week.

          I had just come from KFC, so sorry if she was a little greasy.

  • Any confirmed stock in Melbourne CBD stores?

  • +1

    Just bought one from Windsor in BNE.
    the guy would not go below the marked price but it was new in the box,
    as at yesterday there was 1 out the back and 1 on display
    there was also 1 display on southport on the GC

    Very happy (Wife not so much)

  • Got one from Melb Elizabeth st. Very happy!

    • Any more there? Was thinking of going down at lunch.

      • Nope, was the last one. There was one in Richmond store though.

  • Got the display model at King St store Melb CBD. $400. Nice.

  • Pretty much sold out all over the state. There is one in Shepparton, 1 year old display stock in some stores.

    The Ozbargain effect!

    • Went there to see that same camera today after 5pm. Didn't have time to wait around to get served and to ask whether that really was the only camera they had. And most importantly, whether they'd match the $300 price for a display item.

  • -duplicate-

  • Sorry guys….. I just got the last one from Richmond for $300 I feel amazing lol x) I will upload my receipt at work 2 moz…… wouldn't let me use my coles staff card… :( that would of made it $285… is this not the best bargain or what!!!!
    Once again I have made ozbargain proud…. :D

    • $300??

      How the @#$@…?

    • That's epic.. What did you do to the manager?

    • Hopefully your camera cleans up from all the dust nicely. I had a look at it couple of days ago at the Richmond store and it seemed too "demo" for me.

  • Just got the display model from Officeworks Highpoint for $420. Happy with it. Now where do I get me some good rechargeable AA's.

  • none left at the five dock store in sydney when i went. shame, really wanted a cheap dslr for when i go to japan this year.

    anyone know of any stores in sydney that still have stock?

  • The display model I saw was full of dust in the interior because there was no protective cap on, and everything was exposed.

    SLR Noob question: how difficult/expensive is it to clean the interior mirrors and walls?

    • Do not buy

  • I tried asking Big W and rainer camera house to price match this, but no luck so far.

  • The camera was fine, a few fingermarks and dust on the case. It had the cap over the body..
    only thing was it didn't come with a lens cover, not sure if its standard or not…
    It also came with rechargeable batteries.
    I also purchased,
    -lens cleaner from OW for $15
    -SanDisk 16GB Extreme HD Video $65
    -DSLR Vader bag $10
    I am hunting for another lens, so if anyone comes across a bargain, let us Know.

    ohhhh and btw here is the receipt for the came $300

    • It should come with the lens cover. Btw, are you sure the batteries are rechargeable?

  • Yeah… I think the guy put them in coz the box wouldn't close I will clarify when I get home

  • I WIN I WIN!!….Ozbargain effect….I got mine for $226.50!!….sort of anyway!

    HaHa…..I rang around Adelaide and managed to get a display model put away but when I got there it didn't have a lens so it was 5% for being a display model and then an even $200 off for missing a lens… currently looking around for a lens if anyone has any advice or information. Already rand a local store and I can get the stock DA L 18-55 for $150 (which would bring total cost of camera with lens to $376.50) but was thinking about possibly buying a 18-55 and a 55-300 from an ebay seller overseas. Anyone know of any issues with buying an overseas lens? I could also buy a sigma lens for it a little cheaper? The 55-300 I can get for about $250 from ebay as opposed to about $700 here.

    Thanks ozbargain…anyone interested in a Olympus E-300 with 2 lenses and 2 batteries and a dual battery holder in good condition?….HAHA

  • DOH!….won't switch on….i got a dud!….or will they not work without a lens attatched?…HELP!

    • Pretty sure the manual says it won't switch on without a lens.

  • mine turns on without a lens… are u sure u have the batteries in right lol
    And BTW I think I still win lol

  • Ha Ha….yeah I agree dmonte I think you did win as even if I get the lens cheap off ebay it still going to come to a total price of around $336 or something like that and you got yours for $300 and no hassles like me.

    I did have a quick look at the manual but didn't see anything that said it wouldn't turn on without a lens attached….will have to have another read. Also it sounds like the camera itself is loose inside it's body as when I rock the camera something substantial sounds like it is moving back and forth inside the camera body…is this normal?

    • there should be a slight sound if you rock the camera, nothing too crazy tho.
      Have you go it to work yet???
      I reckon you should call OW and track another one down..
      btw do you know if the normal slr lens would work on a dslr..

  • Just rang Peantax's local service centre (local = 50km away) and they assured me that the sound is ok…it's the dust cleaning mechanism. I still can't get it to power up however but they said I can bring it in and they will have a look at it for me so might be in for a trip tomorrow. Also said that they can put a lens on it to check out if it's got much dust on the sensor as if its been on display without a lens it may have and that will be about $100 for a clean. (in which case I would probably just return it) I don't want to buy a lens if the camera doesn't work or needs a clean as I can take the camera back but will be stuck with the lens.

    I believe SLR lenses should fit on a DSLR however there will be no auto-focus. Dont quote me however as I really don't know and don't even have ANY lenses. hehe

    Oh and yeah I thought about ringing Officeworks but I don't think they are going to have ANY left anywhere!

  • Now then, does anyone know where to find a bargain bag for this camera?

    • yeah mate, ebay have some reasonable prices, There are some nice looking canon bags which will house your K-x if you can handle the insignia. Search on ebay "canon eos bag" and you should be able to find a decent bag for around $10-15…

      Otherwise, I personally have a lowepro bag, Got it at HN, its RRP was $59, but I asked the guy if he could do it for $35 and he did it! Plenty of room to move on those things i think.

    • hey leiiv, where do you buy this camera from in brisbane and how much??

      • From Windsor, thanks to dazza76's comment above. I got the new one for the normal price $449. Maybe they still have the display model available.

        • i already got one yesterday from virginia for $399 display model battery included (look as new to me) and they never turned it on. no dust inside the lens. they only take out body for display. Im going overseas end of this month and will claim GST for another $37 off…lol

  • This is the one I got from OW…
    Can't complain about the price…
    Also I managed to pick up a 50mm-200mm lens from ebay for $ 120 delivered I m over the moon :)

    • Thanks dmonte03, what brand of the lens you got? can you post the url?

  • So went in to buy another and thought I would try the receipt for $381.65 as above
    Don't try to use the receipt for $381.65 its a fake
    The Manager wanted all the details of the receipt came from.
    Not good :(

    • Don't know who you were talking to but it is not a fake, they probably just did not want to match the price.

      Give me his name and store, defamation payout will make the camera even cheaper! 8-)

    • The Manager wanted all the details of the receipt came from.

      how is it a fake,
      the manager was probably making 'excuses' to not pricematch

      • the price for 381.65 is correct in the receipt except it has been removed for reason of price override. I'm not able to use the receipt as well. The manager refuse to entertain as he said he already know the receipt was posted on ozbargain

  • Well I returned mine today. Took it to Pentax service centre and they fired it up for me and checked the sensor and yes it had dust on it so they said it needed a clean and recommended a place to take it. They said that even with a clean it was still a dirt cheap camera. SO I then went to the place recommended by them to price a clean and a lens and the bloke said $130 for a clean and then about another $449 for a sigma 18-200 lens for it which brought the total price for it all up to about $800 so I thought about it a bit and decided that it was all becoming a little too hard and was getting more and more expensive so I trundled off to the closest Officeworks and returned it (I tried to get them to take the price of a clean off of the price I paid but no dice)

    While I was asking about lenses and cleans the bloke at that shop did tell me that he has a special coming up on the Pentax K-x with the sigma 18-200 lens for $699 I think, so I might go back and get this at a later date. (the sigma 18-200 lens was recommended by the pentax guys as it saves on constantly swapping over the lenses)

    • The Sigma 18-200 is hardly well regarded for its image quality dopey.

      Personally for 449, you would be better off with grey importing something like a 18-270mm Tamron (PZD or not)

  • +1

    Hey guys the lens I got was the pentax da 50-200mm it wasn't brand new, but close… also FYI u went to camera warehouse in northcote, they have the same lens in the sigma brand for $129 brand new.. I was like wtf, I asked the girl why so cheap. She said she couldn't believe it and that its the last 5 she has got. Once they go they go.. check it out on their website…

  • I picked up the Pentax DA 50-200 brand new from Hong Kong for only $108 with 2 day DHL delivery. Add that to the $382 I paid for the camera makes a great little kit for $500!

    • I got a canon 1000D 18-55mm IS kit for $440.

      Canon > Pentax

      • +1

        Debatable. Canon's high end models and L-series lenses certainly are better, but that does not necessarily mean the same for the entry level stuff. Plus 1000D does not do video at all.

      • Canon Pro bodies are better than Pentax entry level bodies but the Canon body you bought is a toy. :)

    • Wow, where did you buy it? Can you give me the link please?

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