So I've been looking at where I can put money that will be better than just a high interest savings account.
I ended up looking at Canstar's managed funds page:
But I think I'm understanding their information wrong, because it looks like for most categories, they seem to show that the funds will just lose you money.
For example, pick "Multi-Sector Balanced" and put in '50000' for investment amount. The first numerical column is "the amount that 50,000 invested 5 years ago would be worth now". The last column is "annual cost for 50000 investment".
In almost all the cases, the value in the first column is smaller than or barely more than (50000 + annual cost * 5). It doesn't matter if I look at the highest rated funds, or the highest return funds, or the lowest cost funds. It seems like basically, you get back nothing.
This seems to be the case for most of the options under "Type of managed fund"- with very few exceptions, canstar's information seems to show that if you invest 50,000 in any of these funds 5 years ago, you'd be paying so much fees that you'd either be barely breaking even or losing money.
This seems wrong, especially seeing as canstar is rating these funds and giving fairly high ratings. So like… am I seriously mis interpreting the information in these tables?
Makes no sense to me either. The returns would be after fees, but if I look at the performance tab it says 6.89% p.a for the last 5 years, which would give way more than $54,000.