• expired

8 Meals for $58 @ Youfoodz (6000 Max Uses)

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Just received the code via email.
Add 8+ meals to your order and once u apply the coupon it will reduce it to $58 (or more if you order more than 8)

Youfoodz policies apply:

Min spend before discount is ~$79
Must order 8+ meals
Only 1 coupon can be used per order
Each coupon can only be used once per account
not restricted to first order
$20 delivery for WA

Coupon actually gives $21.60 off $49 spend (5 meals for $28.15 min)
Restrictions have been applied that limit it to the original deal of 8 meals for $58

You'll also get free Popcorn with deliveries received between 9/9-15/9 (or 8/9-14/9 for BNE, GC, TWB). You'll receive it automatically with your order (nothing will show in cart).
(Thanks Hamza23)

Referral Links

$200 off split between 1st 5 boxes: random (171)

Referee gets up to $200 off split between the first 5 boxes. Referrer get $40 credit.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    You'll also get free Popcorn with deliveries received between 9/9-15/9 (or 8/9-14/9 for BNE, GC, TWB). You'll receive it automatically with your order (nothing will show in cart).

  • +3

    Also works with 5 meal bundle for further saving. 8 meals for $53.20

    • How do we get the 5 meal bundle? Or is it automatically applied at the checkout?

      • Select the 'Bundle' as a product in meal selections and it will hit the min. spend.

      • You add the bundle, then add 3 more individual meals on top.

      • Add the bundle to your cart. You can select 'yf bundles' from the 'our food' drop down list on the menu page to see all current bundles. Or this link is to the one I'm referring to.

  • Are these any good? E.g taste, money, value portion size wise, etc. in previous deals, I've read some comments saying it's on the "smaller" portion size and that they aren't really worth it. I'm on the fence whether to try it or not.

    • They're good for keeping in the freezer in case you can't be bothered cooking lunch or dinner. Sizes aren't huge but I don't like big meals especially for lunch where I find I get really sleepy. The food is really good quality.

    • Any good? - yes
      Give it a go. I recommended the yf fave 5 meal bundle as you'll find those are some of the more filling options, and delicious imo.

    • +2

      Food is pretty good. Portions are pretty small, good for lunch with an extra side.

    • Really good - portion size low, but definitely the best tasting meals I've had. Good deal to try, but IMO for a stock-up wait for ~$6/meal. [This coupon works with 5 meals!]

    • +3

      They taste pretty good. The portions are small but what you really should be eating anyway. They're definitely pricey but far better than frozen meals etc. I personally wouldn't bother so much with them if you're going to freeze them or order similar items to those that can be frozen or obtained elsewhere (eg pasta / pizza).

      There's quite a few very good meals in there that you wouldn't bother making from scratch for one person with very fresh ingredients etc.

      • Need to have 6 to meet my daily intake…

    • +1

      I would never pay full price for the meals but with these specials it's worth a try. Taste is pretty good but size is small, I had 4 of them for breakfast yesterday

      • +2

        hello Jason Momoa

    • +1

      It's incredibly tiny. You need 2 meals to make an actual meal.

      • +3

        They're like 1100-2400 KJ. So perfect for weight loss (at least at the lower end). But if that's not a goal yeah, they'll be too small. That's pretty much the same KJ as most frozen meals though.

        So far I've gone fortnight eating 2/day + a snack. Yesterday blew out and had 4 across the day though (cheat day).

        If you need 2 to make a meal, these are not going to be well priced for you.

    • They seem a bit hit and miss depending on which meal you order. As said, small meals but I wouldn’t recommend freezing them. They say on the container that should last up to 7 days in fridge. Ideal not to ruin them in the freezer and eat within the week

    • It doesn't worth the $9.95 price imho. Taste like microwaved-frozen food.
      Some of them a bit disgusting.

      But the on sale price is quite OK to save some money.

  • +5

    Worked for me with just 5 meals in the cart ie. 5 meals for $28.15

    • Yeah seems like it's $21.60 off $49 spend, good find!

    • Me too! This is the real deal.

    • Wow

    • Min order is $49

    • Doesn't work for me with 5 meals in the cart, it was $49.xx total before discount. What am I doing differently?

  • +5

    $20 delivery for WA, no thanks

    • +1

      +1. Not due to repetition, but If a youfoodz rep is viewing this thread, they'll see that they're missing out business.

      I invite the neg's to revoke. Help us get bargains over here!

      • To be fair, how much do you think it costs them to send a 65 cm x 40 cm box weighing 4 or 5 kg at express rates to the west coast? Shipping things isn’t cheap these days, $20 seems reasonable. The other option is they just don’t even make west coast a shipping option.

        • I agree, but shipping out food from one central location isn't the only option. They already have many stockists in WA which I'm assuming doesn't cost $20 to pick up. - https://youfoodz.com/pages/stockists

  • Don’t seem to ship to Tas.

  • Got mine, thanks, really good.

  • +2

    Not workimg for me on $49.75 spend

    • Same :(

      • Yep, same here

        • Same. Looks like they've added extra restrictions…

        • @the-mal: Yeh it looks like someone didnt restrict it to the 8 meals for $58 deal that i originally posted about, but now they have.

  • +2

    Min spend now is $80 for this coupon, from the looks of it.

    • I only just now ordered the 8 meals for $58, not sure why people are having problems.

  • doestn't work for me, tried adding bundle and 3 more meals and also tried adding spring menu only! not sure whats going on!

    • Looks like min spend is ~$79

      • Yeah, thanks for your reply! Ordered anyway! Ordered for the first time! Hopefully won’t be disappointed

  • +6

    Just FYI - Youfoodz won't publish negative reviews on their website.

    I had a Beef Pie and gave it a two star review, never got posted (way too many shrooms).

    • Thanks for letting us know.

      That makes me angry as they should be transparent

    • In general their stuff has way too many shrooms in my opinion. I know it's usually used as a sub ("healthy option") for real meat but it's a bit excessive in some of their dishes.

      • +1

        i feel their salmon meal has been reduced in size. slightly but noticable

      • I haven't ordered any that have because I hate them, but got a free cannelloni which I expected to have to throw out, but it was quite bearable even for someone that hates mushrooms. Wouldn't order the beef pie though for that reason :\ . I've ordered about 25 different meals so far and haven't had a bad one. Though a couple disappeared with the menu update.

        • +1

          Yeah, I got that last week. I actually really enjoyed the free cannelloni more than some of the other meals I ordered

        • +1


          The mushroom cannelloni is probably my favourite of their meals.

          Their range is deinitely hit and miss. Not enough vegetarian options.

  • Thanks OP. Ordered .

  • +2

    Last order was meant to get soome free bonus thing, yeah well didnt, customer service was all chirpy but shit never got it. Wont pay more than $6 a meal for this stuff.

  • $20 delivery in WA kills it :(

    • +1

      where and what is WA?


  • +3

    yeah sorry but my standard for youfoodz is around or less than $6 now after so many promotions in the past.
    7.25 is just tooooo much

  • +3

    No deal - at $6 I would call them a deal. The price here is more what they're worth. Ignoring the standard $9.95v price as just marketing bullshit going by the constant stream of specials. I don't think there's a been a week there hasn't been a substantially lower price.

    • Do you expect them to be $6 forever?

  • Thanks OP bought

  • +8

    Was interested 5 meals for $28.15. Missed out on that, and 8 Meals for $58 is more than these meals are worth.

  • Is it just me or you can't choose delivery time anymore? ?

    Before it was a choice between 2-8am or 8am-5pm…

    • Ive never been able to choose a time, only a day

    • You can choose if you're in a highrise etc, but residential is '2am to 5pm'.. lol. Their time estimates are hilariously inaccurate. Though I've always managed to get an SMS about 2-3mins before it arrives which is handy and the only accurate one.

  • +1

    $7.25 per meal. Hmm, too high for me to buy i think, not really a bargain considering the size.

    • +2

      These are definitely a premium product. If you were cooking for 1 person and wanted some fresh, diverse and calorie controlled meals, they're worth what you pay for them if you value your time. But by no means the most calories for the $$$.

      There's definitely a few in there which I could make myself in no time with few wasted ingredients so I CBF ordering them. But some are a pain to make for 1 person, especially given they're things that don't freeze well so if you make them yourself you're either eating them for a week solid or putting in a lot of effort for one meal.

      • +3

        Sure. I appreciate you're marketing for them but i dont think anything over $4 per meal is a bargain personally. Not sure why i got negged for pointing that out, we have often had deals for below that price. $7.25 is, imo, far too high for what you get.

        • +9

          Didn't neg you, I'm not marketing for them. I'm reviewing them. I have no relationship with them other than a recent satisfied customer who until recently only spent $3-4 on frozen meals because bargain. These are not a bargain in general, but the OP is posting a bargain the same way a Dyson is a bargain when on special.

          Personally I look for deals like these and am stacking it with gift cards I got for 10% off for the double bargain.

          I mean, things like the $5 meal at Maccas are a bargain and this is less likely to give you diabetes so… <$4 is really cooking yourself or frozen territory, and if you are comparing cooking yourself to anything pre-prepared nothing will be a bargain.

          In the same, some of their meals wouldn't be worth it IMO even discounted. (eg, who the (profanity) buys pizza / crumbed chicken like this?).

          If you're trying to put on weight I'd not recommend these, I've managed to get through a week not feeling hungry only eating two of these a day and a smaller snack though. So they're not starvation sized. YMMV, I expect most people would eat more though as that's weight loss territory.

        • How’s that any different to technology?
          Do you think an iPhone is worth $1800… still gets posted here as a ‘bargin’ if it’s $50 off RRP.

        • I don't see why your personal opinion of what a bargain/ good value is should dictate what is posted.

          Lots of people who have tried youfoodz appreciate the post when there are new codes.

    • -5

      $7.25 is for poor people per meal,I just dont know how starve that people can eat 8 meals at one time or maybe its a big family usually its poor family as well .Just dont get the point of 8 meals special

    • +2

      You put them in the fridge…..

      • -7

        If some one like frozen food why dont just buy from wws, its cheap

        • not sure if you're trolling or not, but do you know the difference between a fridge and a freezer?

        • -4

          @elcap: I don't know much about fridge and frozen food both un fresh for me that's why I don't get the point of buy 8 meals at one time maybe for 8 days?

        • @yuisakas: you know people usually eat more than one meal a day right? Or they have friends/partners that they eat meals together with?

    • You’re not trolling any more. That’s just not funny. You are just making a fool of yourself now.

  • Thanks OP! Got myself a set :) Cheers,

  • Cheers! :)

  • Just a warning to everyone about delivery.
    I live in an unit. My delivery was left downstairs in an unsecured place & was stolen.
    Make sure you put notes in the order to deliver to your door directly not left downstairs.
    The first order got delivered to my door. So Didn't think I needed to do anything extra. Just very unlucky to get a different delivery driver.
    I rang them up & they are sending a replacement.

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