This was posted 6 years 6 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch] NBA 2K19 $32.99 + Delivery (Free with Prime/ $49 Spend) (Preorder) @ Amazon AU

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was just browsing Preorder games and saw how low the price is on the switch version which it was $69 like yesterday or 2 days ago i swear. pretty big bargain if it isn't an error

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    I don't even own a Switch and I'm tempted. This is an insane price.

    • Insane enough to buy to not play?

    • +1

      That's a decent level of insanity.

    • i dont own a switch and bought it !!

      • +4

        I don’t own a Switch and I didn’t buy it !!

  • Good find OP!

  • thanks and ordered.

  • Would EB games price match? Too bad i leave on Friday for an overseas trip and it can't be guaranteed I'll receive it in time

    • I heard JB price match Amazon

      • They will not match this price. This is most probably a price error so if you want it jump on it asap

        • +2

          Gone. How the fk did I miss this deal last night? Oh, I was playing Spiderman all night and didn't check OzBargain. That's how. FML.

      • I went to JB asking if the pricematch amazon and they said no.

  • Any good deal for PC?

  • -4

    meh, never liked sports games. still gonna give it a miss

  • +1

    Wowzers, 2k18 was bad on release (cut scene lag was crazy) and gave up by the time they fixed it.

    Wasn't going to give 2k19 a go, but for this price!

    Edit - maybe this is why it is so cheap, trying to get people back

  • 32 GB download - no deal

  • oh this is digital ?

    • Where does it say digital?

      • In the text above the image, it states that it is a 32GB download, requires a wireless internet connection and a Nintendo account.

        • +1

          2K 18 had a big download file too. It is an initial update for the game before playing.


          EB has the same image on their site

        • NO, the 2K18 switch physical version said the same thing on the top (except its 17G download ), it means the game needs a huge download content even it is physical copy

        • -1

          @icefire09: which basically means this physical copy without the 32gb download is a potato. Pass.

        • @TLZ: unfortunately we don't have 40gb cartridges yet but this potato is around 66% cheaper than the full digital version will be so it's a buy from me.

  • Nice one, ordered!

    Let’s hope it’s honoured!

  • Was buying to purchase on XB1, got this anyway.

  • dont have prime so to qualify free shipping ill need to buy two copies, anyone want to share? i can provide free postage of your copy or pickup in melbourne cbd.

    • I'd be keen to split!
      Decided to join amazon for the free trial instead :)

    • Jimmy backed out anyone else willing to join the buy and split cost?

      • Ebay? Or wait till it expires and someone sees your comment..

      • i'm keen to split, pm?

  • thank you!

  • Good price. I'd grab this for physical. Its the largest game so far on Switch 31.5GB. Almost the size of the internal memory.

  • Simmons only on the cover of the Australian version? I noticed the cover is different for other regions.

    • Bummer

    • Yes. I think the Global Version features the Greek Freak.

  • +1

    I assume this version will be gimped like FIFA is on the switch? I.e. no frostbite engine?

    • I hope not, there's nothing more annoying than being unknowingly gimped.

    • NBA 2k18 was the full version unlike FIFA.

      Had some performance issues which took a few months to sort, but worked well once sorted.

    • As an NBA fan and Switch obsessed gamer, I've done my research on this.

      Basically it's feature complete and, having watched gameplay online, seems to be a more consistent frame rate than 2k18 (albeit still 30fps), with some improved graphics and animations. No jersey physics which is apparently enough to put some people off lol

      • Lol, i didn't buy as I am skipping from game to game and want to have at most two going

        • Yeah fair enough. Otherwise you become a game hoarder like me and never play anything

          Here's a decent video of it running in handheld mode

          Looks good to me

  • Currently unavailable 😑

  • No longer available on Switch :(

  • Bloody PS4

  • nooooooooooo

  • Bugger, missed out. For anyone who ordered in time, are they honoring the price?

    • +1

      Haven't had a cancellation yet, maybe tomorrow

      • -5

        Fingers crossed they don’t cancel it on you.

        Pretty dissapointed in Amazon tbh.
        This shows how others have had issues with them…

        • Sponsored by Gerry Harvey

  • Noob question, is it worth getting a new NBA or FIFA game every year?

    • Can't say for FIFA but for NBA I would say not really. usually just a roster update and some small changes. Pretty grindy but if you want it for fun with mates, I rate it

    • If you’re a fan that enjoys new players and rosters I’d say yes. And if you play online, most folk will be on the latest release.

      For likely less than <$1/hr over a calendar year, worth it.

    • -1

      Noob question, is it worth getting a new NBA

      This year it's worth it just so you don't have to have the scum Kawhi playing with the great Spurs.

      • Haha the Spurs are beyond reproach I'm sure.

      • I wasn't planning on getting it, but this hard is price to resist. Hoping for some improved performance at least!

        • There's gameplay videos on YouTube now. Has been for a couple days. Still 30fps but looks a fair bit more consistent this year. Graphics and animations seem to look better too. Still no cloth physics though

        • @Ninternet: I think I will be able to sleep at night with no functioning cloth physics.

          Hopefully some other improvements also as 2k18 was dissapointing in a few areas, I admit I haven't followed much this year after being burnt last year.

        • @Baa:

          Here's a decent video of handheld mode gameplay

    • Oh god no these games are trash to begin with. I (profanity) love sports and I dont care who knows

  • Price is back to 69 and in stock. Waiting for the cancellation emails tomorrow

    • You don't think the trillion dollar company can cut their losses on a few hundred copies of a video game?

      • Nope. Look at previous pricing errors by Amazon. Most have been cancelled.

        • Where do I find them?

        • They charged me for it yesterday and it was dispatched an hour ago ;)


    Decent handheld mode footage for anyone who's interested

  • +1

    $32.99 has been deducted from my amex. Hope to get delivery info soon.

    • Yep, they charged me as well. Sydney Amazon AU $32.99

  • Does it say will dispatch September 11 for everyone?

  • I just got my notification that mine has been shipped

    • When did you order?

      • +1

        Don't worry, they'll send it.

        • it's a nervous wait!

      • I imagine close to when I commented originally, so just before 1am on the 09/09

  • Got shipping info yesterday. Dispatched and expected arrival is tomorrow :)

  • Missed it darn. Should have created an alert for it.

  • Mine just shipped!

    • Mine still says shipping soon.

      • Think it might have to do with state/how close you live to the warehouse? I'm assuming the other's had theirs shipped earlier because their from Perth. Hopefully yours is sent out soon!

        • Melbourne here. I thought the warehouse was in Melbourne.

          Still hasn't been sent? 13th september already!

        • @arbok: that's unfortunate :( i got mine today! definitely message chat and complain
          edit: did you get it with amazon prime?

  • Mine hasn't shipped yet. Prime is an absolute joke. So much for expedited shipping.
    Cancelled prime as a result.

    • Message them and they'll likely give you a voucher, to say sorry.

      • Still not shipped. What a joke!

        • Have you reached out to Amazon AU yet to find out what's going on?

  • Just received this afternoon.. Thanks OP.

  • Got mine, it's not going to get played for a while as my Switch is a Monster Hunter machine.

  • Fastway couriers is no good lol

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