This was posted 6 years 6 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Five-User Jira Software Cloud License @ Atlassian


For all those who want to run their personal life or home in agile way :) , or maybe just learn jira

Jira: The #1 software development tool used by agile teams

Put out fires faster with the Jira Software + Firebase Crashlytics integration.
Special offer: sign up and get your free five-user Jira Software Cloud License!

Mod: Note this is an official offer( however likely due to demand + it being the weekend, emails are not being received.

Mod2: Atlassin's new tweet( explaining the situation:

Hi there! We've had an overwhelming response to that offer - more than we anticipated. Since you already filled out the form our team is working to get this sorted out for you! We'll be in touch as soon as we have next steps. Appreciate your patience!

Thanks to Pixel for the report

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Looks good, thanks.
    Can't see anything about duration, is it a year, month?

      • +14

        It’s amazing how little in your comment makes sense!

      • +3

        You do know that software development and IT is important in the field of health care too right?

        • +1

          @blaccdong: What's your beef with software developers?
          Keep in mind you are posting your narrow minded nonsensical thoughts on, a platform that was built by software developers.

        • @blaccdong:
          No, but there weren't many computers in 1796.

          Have you tried using Jira to manage your issues?

        • @NeBlackCat: very funny, I like it.

      • -4

        Agree! No more f***ing Java devs…

        • At least we could start using real programming languages..

        • What about more Clojure or Scala developers? Or, iOS developers?

        • Finally, someone who understands my dark humor.

  • +5…

    The Jira Software Cloud + Firebase Crashlytics promo expires Oct. 31, 2018. In general, once you've created the instance it should remain free as long as you have 5 users or less. Once you have 6 or more Jira users regular pricing will apply.

  • Awesome, starting a new job in a couple of weeks, will be under a team of 5 for at least a couple of years if all goes as expected.

    That said, up to 10 is only $100 a year anyway. But may as well save the $100.

    • It soon adds up once you get confluence, service desk and the rest.

  • +7

    The only time I hear other people mention Jira, it's often alongside expletives describing how much of a pain it is.

    However, it can't be any worse that ReqPro, so it might be worth a look

    • -1

      I agree, but I think it might just be the best of a pretty bad bunch of software. Atlassian, with their billions, could at least redo the look and feel so it isn't so 2008.

      • +3

        Are you talking about the new look and feel delivered last year to Jira Cloud? It’s quite different to 2008

        • No, the Jira sites I have used have all looked the same for much longer.
          It's good that they a re updating the look and feel. Is it something existing Jira sites can enable without breaking what they have already put in place?
          Obviously, I am not a Jira admin, just a user.

        • +1

          The self-hosted version looked pretty much the same the last 3 years. From v7.10x onwards it's getting new lick of paint/new iconography. We just got it updated at work 2 weeks ago.

      • +1

        Or make it perform with Firefox instead of Chrome only.

      • +8

        I'd actually prefer the 2008 look and feel. They've slowly overtime changed the graphical interface while systematically screwing up the functionality.

        1) They've moved everything into the stupid sidebar. I used to be able to find any admin functionality I required without ever knowing where it was. Now it takes me 20-30 clicks of going in and out and clicking random buttons until I eventually give up, or try to find the url directly in my history.

        2) With filters, I had a list of 20 or so frequently used filters that I switched between day to day. Now they've moved that into the side bar too, and chopped the end of the names of the filters off. So where I used to have: Development 1.0, Development 1.1, Testing 1.0, Testing 1.1, I now have Develop…. Develop… Testing…. Testing… And to add insult to injury 40% of the area is white space and padding.

        3) The very new issue screen redesign. Old design - had every field on a single screen which I can read. New design - title, description in the middle, a huge chunk of whitespace bellow. And fields squeezed into a right column about 10cm wide which I need to scroll down 3 pages to view them all. Also you can't change the order of them. Where the old screen had "Users Viewing Issue" and my name below. It's now just a title which you have to click on and then you get a completely white screen with my name as a single word on the screen.

        With every new update (to the UI), it's making me want to use the product less and less.

        • Now it takes me 20-30 clicks of going in and out and clicking random buttons until I eventually give up, or try to find the url directly in my history.

          This accurately explains my experience with the old version. I haven't had enough time with the new interface to say if it's better yet, but it couldn't be worse. I'd say the difference is that you had learned the really obscure and unintuitive place everything was and now they've moved it there's obviously some learning curve.

      • +1

        the billions are a market valuation, they aren’t based on cash flow or money in the bank … when atlassian complain about skill shortage in australia and we need to import more IT workers it would be interesting to know what they pay so that australian talent doesn’t go the the USA …..

        • Hmm. Probably not so much an issue for Atlassian anymore, but I know when they were new Australia's taxation system caused them problems. Eg, in the USA it's common to pay employees some of their pay in stock options, which don't get taxed until sold. Where as here, they're taxed right away as if they were real income, so people get taxed for 'money' they can't even access yet and might never get. Makes it hard to offer competitive salaries without the cash on hand for startups.

        • +2

          @Bargs:Australia has a different capital gains structure to the US when you sell shares, so share options are more attractive in the US, but at this time in Australia, if you need to buy a home, or pay a mortgage, or pay down your credit card, you need the cash, unless you are on a work visa and share a 1 bedroom apartment with 4 other people in Sydney.

          One of the large Indian managed service providers I worked with fly in their own staff, a CCIE for networks gets $65,000 if flown in from India and they typically stay 3 months, an Australian would expect $110,000 for a CCIE ….can't say imported IT staff are helping people get pay rises and pay off their HECS fees.

          I'd like Atalssian to publish their pay scales before saying they can't get enough people in Australia.

    • +1

      It's the admin side of it that is a pain. Day to day usage it is ok.

      • Depends on how it is setup and how large the userbase / projects there are. I don't find it a pain at all…and we have a pretty large number of users, last count was close to 300 'projects' (current and old).

    • +2

      It's a well designed software, if you use it out of the box with minimal changers it do a good job.

      • +1

        This ^. It's when you let someone loose customising the rules and workflows with every cool bit of Groovy that they know, admin, upgrades and general maintenance becomes a freaking nightmare.

        If you leave it as vanilla as possible and configure it well it does the job quite ok. That said, judging by the implementations I've seen, it appears to be very hard for companies to resist the urge to customise the freckle out of their Jira installation.

        • Feels like you're doing a job if you increase the complexity.

    • +2

      I work for a company that does all its project management company wide in JIRA and most of us actually love the platform. I run home instances of JIRA and Confluence that I use for personal project and as a personal wiki for storing important information. I also use BitBucket for any of my programming projects. It's definitely worth at least checking out.

      • +2

        Then I suggest Freed Camp, Asana, G-Suite and GitLab. It's like the tools described except a lot better. A lot better. Unless you work for Atlassian.

    • for those that find Jira painful.

  • Thanks OP! Sorry for the slightly off-topic question but for those that have used Atlassian products like Jira, what do you think of them? Are they really head and shoulders above similar products out there? Just trying to understand why Atlassian is receives so much publicity.

    • +3

      Just because they are one of the few successful tech startups in Australia. Even though it's all based on the "agile" hypetrain.

    • +3

      Jira is highly customizable and supports every possible workflow you can throw at it. Also, with recent changes in usability configuration is much easier than it was before.

      • The flexibility is what makes JIRA so powerful/adoptable for any & all organisation/teams.

    • +8

      They are okay. Jira, the company I work for used to use it, but we now switch to different products. Confluence and BitBucket are heavily used. Those two, once you started using them, they are not easy to switch / move off (because they contain your documentation and source code). Bamboo works well with BitBucket (we use it but another product is also being used). Trello is also used (acquired by Atlassian), but we also use other products (it's up to the teams to decide). Agile development is the current trend. Atlassian's offerings basically covered pretty much all the agile life cycle.

      Like cloud and most software nowadays, Atlassian's products are constantly evolving. It's an Australian company and their offerings are products happen to be ones which can succeed globally. Majority of IT and software areas are dominated by US. It's good to see an AU company doing well.

      • What do you use instead of Jira now?

        • +1

          Rally and Trello - depending on the projects and the groups. I use both. The initial reason to move away from Jira was cost. Anyway, it is really up to the iteration mangers and the teams. I do know an IM who likes Jira, but Jira is no longer an option for us. Test teams still use a product that's more for waterfall development to track issues.

          There is one Atlassian software that's frustrating for me: SourceTree. It is slow and its password management can be rather flaky. I am seriously considering using command line instead.

        • +1

          @netsurfer: Try SmartGit - miles better than SourceTree

        • @netsurfer: problem with rally is that its cloud based. compared to atlassian suite, which is hybrid, in that your data isnt hosted by a third party cloud service, its managed by your own network and devops team, making it a bit more secure. which has become increasingly important for mega corporations like banks

    • +2

      Appreciate the viewpoints.

  • For those not stuck self loathing in 2010, GitLab is free and awesome.

    • +1

      GitLab is not an alternative to JIRA? I think you're thinking of it being an alternative to BitBucket.

      • Something tells me they haven’t used either

      • +2

        It's an alternative to the entire Atlassian suite.

        Given the downvotes I've obviously hit a nerve with some people but everything needed for Agile is included, give it a try.

  • +22

    OH GOD!!!

    The last thing I want to see is a Sprint or Kanban board when I'm not at work.

    • +6

      Amen to that. They are trying to push this onto our dev teams after turfing all our PM's.
      We seem to spend more time working out how to use it than anything else, its massively counterproductive. epics/sprints wtf.

      • +1

        Depends… i think you are describing your organisation becoming more 'agile'. JIRA is just a tool. Epics and Sprints is not driven by JIRA - you can thank Kanban or Scrum for those. JIRA just lets you virtually execute it, having boards, stories etc.

        You should hire someone that has experience setting it up to train people. It's pretty simple to use IMO but i have used it for ageeees.

        • Sorry, I meant scrum board.

      • Let me guess. Telstra?

      • +7

        Try shove that gang bang board in an infra area. I'm now wasting a good hour a week standing around listening to stuff that has got nothing to do with me. Good to know there are other sufferers out there wasting their time dealing with this madness.

        • +1

          Depends on your mindset. What you sound like is a non-agile mindset, or operate in one. In that case cultural change is needed, nothing to do with JIRA.

        • +2

          if you ever wondered why games are so shit today, that they might look nice, sound nice and play smoothly but feel kind of generic, lacking soul.. i think agile plays a massive part in it… too much focus on deliverables and time frames means the bare essentials get ticked off where as those small intangibles and tiny bits of the puzzle that give the game soul never make it

          agile is great for delivery basic end product to a client.. but it is hardly an effective tool for delivering great software, tiny milestones and deadlines on a roadmap of competing core features zap creativity.. great software needs patience and love imho

        • @guberskank: Agile is about delivering software. The alternative is duke nukem forever etc. So long spent making them perfect they almost never get released.

          Nothing in agile stops people from iterating further before releasing. The lack of time and love is down to money, not process. Agile just gives them a way to solve the fact that they're running out by releasing early…

          Most of the great indie games have always worked like this. So it's not the process that's responsible here.

        • @Bargs: like i said.. its great for delivering software… just not great software, yes you can re-iterate forever if those that "manage" the project allow it and yes it can deliver the basic core features with a higher degree of quality as they will take the vast bulk of allowable development time.. but the point i am making is that the approach re-inforces hard deadlines and strangles creativity, there are intanglibles that go into making great software that are discovered during to process of development, these ideas can rarely be explored as all hands are on deck for tomorrows meeting…

          developers want to build great software, great games are ready when they are ready… corporate heads only care about deadlines because x has to be started next week… agile essentially transfers power from devs to management, it minimises what devs feel is important in favor for what is more important for management.. as devs are constantly beaten up by the process they relent, it's a great way to zap passion out of projects

          but it's a fantastic way to deliver a soulless game by a deadline though..

          as for the constantly abandoned and revived duke nukem being great software lol.. please

          indie developers might use the process to their advantage as they might actually care about the product.. so of course the process CAN work but the same can not be said for the bigger players, imo agile plays a pivotal part in the generic trash they are publishing these days

        • +1

          @guberskank: Duke Nukem Forever wasn't great, but it did take forever. They can be soulless and take forever. That was my point.

          You've only experienced really poor teams if you think agile practices strangle creativity. If anything agile is bad at deadlines because it's not about meeting a deadline it's about productivity. You will get 'something' 'creative' and 'releasable' by the time a sprint is done, but the end project leaves a TON of room for creativity vs standard waterfall projects.

          Agile doesn't have anything to do with corporate heads. If corporate heads are involved, it's 'not agile'. You have one product owner who is part of the team and responsible for prioritising. That's it. Anything higher up (corporate) can piss off.

          Whatever your experience of agile is, it's not agile.

          there are intanglibles that go into making great software that are discovered during to process of development, these ideas can rarely be explored as all hands are on deck for tomorrows meeting…

          No seriously, exploring creative solutions is exactly what makes agile great.

          This is agile:

          Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
          Working software over comprehensive documentation
          Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
          Responding to change over following a plan

          Anything else is some corporate abortion you've been forced into.

        • Tell me about it. New job I'm in, uses jira and Confluence. I cannot understand how Kanban board works nor all these agile methods under system administration and infrastructure work

          I stand around and join meetings like an idiot knowing nothing about software development. I'm not a programmer not I need to use any coding except script how does Kanban scrum help me?

          Also farking standups are stupid just need to tell people what you working on and if you run out of items to talk about people think you got nothing to do?

        • +4

          Standups should be 15 minutes or less.

        • @voltagex:
          Agree, we try for our daily stand-ups to be 5-10 mins (each card/3 points; did yesterday + plan today + on track/blocks/need help) … anything outside is an offline between however needs to be involved. Another team in our department were having 30 mins+ stand-ups due to off track conversations <insert face palm>.

        • +2

          you gotta tell this to your scrum master and ask them to improve. what you describe is not what effective kanban/scrum meetings are about.

          I can only say if done right, agile methods and experiences are nothing like what you describe. I know as I have seen teams on both ends. Get a good scrum master, or atleast get one.

        • @neonlight: Assumedly there are people at the scrum meeting who work with you to do something? If not, your company isn't doing scrum right. You shouldn't be at standups if you're not part of the team.

          If you have other things outside of that team that you're doing, it's perfectly fine at a scrum to not have anything to contribute and to just listen. The worst thing you can do is drag out the meeting talking about things that aren't relevant to the team just so you look busy. No one should care how busy you are or are not at a scrum meeting if you're not able to help and have other duties. Of course you might hear that 'x' stopped working at 3pm yesterday, right when you changed that firewall rule, and helpfully be able to fix it etc, saving some developer from bashing their head against the wall all day wondering what they broke. That would be the only point in you even showing up to the standup, unless they want you to / you want to learn coding.

          Some companies have decided all meetings are standups and that everyone should attend. Unless your company is 9 or less people this is a terrible idea.

        • @Bargs:

          ou shouldn't be at standups if you're not part of the team

          We get V&V engineers and systems engineers to attend other people'e scrums to see what the devs are working on.

        • @smuggler: Yeah, though they don't need to be there every day and give people and update on whatever unrelated thing they're working on etc. It's not an accountability meeting to make sure you're not slacking. Attending can be a good way to see what new things you're going to have to cater for coming down the pipeline etc to avoid surprises. If people are bored out of their brains and don't want to be there they shouldn't be or the meeting is not being run effectively.

      • +4

        People forget being Agile is not about Stand ups, JIRA, user stories and everything that people complain about. If ever in doubt go back to the basics of the "Agile Manifesto". JIRA is a tool as well as stand ups, etc…

        • +1

          Yeah it's bizarre. People must work in some really stuffed up companies if they think stand ups are about some sort of pressure. They're exactly the point where people can help each other out and come up with creative solutions with each other rather than banging their head against the wall for months trying to deliver what corporate wants.

          Agile doesn't even have any deadlines. By its very nature it's about 'as much work as you can get done in x' and no more. If people are feeling overwhelmed and hate it, either they or their bosses don't understand what agile is all about.

        • @Bargs:

          Yeah I think a lot of people feel stand ups are the time people tell others what they are doing and if you don't have a piece of story or epic to say anything about while it's your turn it feels you got nothing to do. That itself is a major concern

      • My company has been using it for over a decade so all the software and test engineering teams know how to use it.

      • curious to know which company/industry you work for?

    • so happy all that junk is behind me.. agile was just a great way to rinse devs and make project managers jobs even easier, they were already stealing a living… from coast city to coast express, did you want a latte with that

      • +1

        There's no such thing as a project manager in Scrum. If you have one, what you were doing, was not scrum but some sort of misunderstood construct.

        • I think Project Managers monitor their JIRA boards to get project updates. It helps if the PM was an engineer.

          In cross-functional teams, project managers head the meeting and usually look at the JIRA boards to discuss issues.

      • there is no PM in agile

        you have POs SMs and a governance and ops team that manage stakeholders and finance

    • Haha agree!

      No idea what I would use it at home for. Maybe I can assign some cards to my wife to make me a sandwich.

  • +2

    What's wan't?

    • +4

      Wan it?
      As in “I dunno wan it”


  • +2

    I myself prefer physical agile board but when you are working in a distributed team then digital boards are a must. Trello is too lightweight for what we do and JIRA OOTB is too complex but once you figure your way out of the complexity it can be a pretty good tool and feel it is quite cheap even at regular price.

    • +1

      Yep… BTW Trello is also owned by Atlassian now. So you can thank Atlassian for that tool too.

    • +3

      Physical boards are good cause the reinforce the principles of the Agile Manifesto. People and discussion over tools and processes.

  • good

  • +8

    I am not receiving any email for the signup.

    • +7


    • +3

      Not receiving anything either.

    • +4

      Yep same here, signed up a couple of hours ago

    • Yep, not received. Would un-vote positive if I knew how.

    • Still nothing through even after waiting overnight. Has anyone received???

      • +1

        nothing overnight…. :(

        • +1

          Same here..

      • Unfortunately I initially up voted. I have revoked vote but really want to make it a neg

        • I have success with my gmail address but not my main one, I think they want to reduce abuse by blocking some domain names. Once you get the link you can use any other email address to register, which is what I did.

      • i didn't get any as well… until now after 3 sign up

  • +6

    I really don't understand when people say JIRA is complicated. Seriously??
    This is one of the simplest processes. You can get as simple as you want or do however you want to configure it.
    I think people are just lazy or don't want to document what they do in a day.

    • don’t need documentation for “minimal viable product” just an “intuitiveapp”.

    • If youve seen how corporates enforce their JIRA boards with multiple state columns, stage gates and an crap load of mandatory customised fields you'll understand why this perception exists.

      • i have seen one with 12 status columns! but don't blame JIRA for that, whats wrong is people not learning what it means to be agile and missing the point of visual task management and flow.

      • +4

        I agree, for all my projects we always start with 3 columns on a Kanban board. TO DO, IN PROGRESS and DONE. We only add more once we achieve a good operating rhythm and only if all team members are onboard with more columns. Same goes with the decision to switch to a Scrum board and start time boxing. It's much better to focus on the work first rather than the process!

        • sounds like you are a scum masta! or worse, a PMO project manager in agile disguise? :p

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