This was posted 6 years 5 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Nivea Roll-On Antiperspirant Deodorant Varieties $1.69 + Delivery (Free with Prime or $49 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Good price on these roll on deodorants. Particularly when I paid $1.79 for some of them last week.

The Invisible Black & White for example is currently selling for $2.99 at Amcal and $3.50 at Coles and Woolworths.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • They are antiperspirants, not deodorant.

    • +1

      You're right. Some people think they're interchangeable. Updated with both :)

      • I have had a few uncomfortable conversations with people in the past where I have had to explain the difference between antiperspirants and body deodorants.

        • Omg tell me about it. My previous employer had heaps of people who either didn't use them or shower. Then again it was practically summer 24/7 there.

        • @Clear: Lynx Body deodorants are cheaper, so many just buy those without knowing the difference.

          It's hard having to tell a person they stink.

        • @xev: Slipping a small can in their desk drawer when they're not around sometimes sends the message.

        • Was it uncomfortable because you were asking someone why they had bad odour?

        • @Clear: So does attaching a Post-it note with 'Take the hint' written on it. haha

        • @Lorindor: Many may not realize how potent their body odor is and every time it was because they were using body deodorant instead of antiperspirants.

          Some were also employees, so that didn't help.

        • +1


          Slipping a small can in their desk drawer when they're not around sometimes sends the message.


        • @Clear: I sit next to someone who doesn’t shower, gets embarrassed when I tell him, but then forgets and he will basically shower once a week. Smells like pure rotten a$$ sweat. I now work from home 3daya a week in protest.

        • @unclesnake: Unlucky with summer coming up…

      • What a load of tosh.

        I use the NIVEA MEN Anti Perspirant Deodorant Black And White Fresh and nothing else and I don't stink.

        It specifically says it is an Anti Perspirant AND Deodorant.

        If you need something stronger then you should even be in this bargain.

        • Your deodorant also has an antiperspirant, you don't need anything else. It's the people who just wear body spray to try and cover their stink who need to change to an antiperspirant deodorant.

    • +2

      Didn't realise there was actually a difference. It says both on the label, & now I'm confused.
      I shower daily & after gym. Used both, dont think I stink, never been told I stink, & I assuming I have honest family, friends & co workers!

      • Deodorant is a cosmetic used to mask or neutralize body odor.
      • Antiperspirant, on the other hand, is a “drug” because it temporarily blocks your sweat glands to reduce perspiration.

      If you’re a light sweater and want to prevent body odor, deodorant is a good option. For those who sweat heavily or get substantial underarm sweat stains day in and day out, antiperspirant is the way to go.

      Is one meant to be better than the other?

      • +4

        Antiperspirant should generally be used at night when you're going to bed, so the aluminum has time to soak in and block the glands to prevent sweat the next day.

        • If you apply before bed will the aluminium still stain your shirts in the morning or no issue there?

        • Only if you are a problem sweater, a bad one. I wash off all that crap from my armpits when I shower and apply it fresh before I leave.

      • +1

        Antiperspirant stops the bacteria from growing that causes BO.

        Deodorant is basically just a scent you put on yourself.

        That's why Lynx, for example, sells an Antiperspirant and Body Deodorant with the same scent.

        • +1

          Antiperspirant stops the bacteria from growing that causes BO.

          No it doesn't.

          It stops sweat so that there is no place for the bacteria to live.

          Some antiperspirants contain silver which does stop bacteria growth.

      • +3

        Án antiperspirant can be a deodorant too by making you smell good :) So if you want the best of both go for an antiperspirant deodorant.

        • +1


  • +1

    Woolworths has Lynx Men Antiperspirant Roll On Deodorant Africa 50ml for $1.7 this week($4 full price)…

    • +15

      Classic Africa. The smell reminds me of high school with all the guys trying to cover that they had been smoking.

  • Thanks, Clear. Nice hat :p

    I have noticed a lack of spray on Anti-Perspirants on Amazon.

    Are they unable to be flown?

    • +1

      I noticed that too but that thought never came to mind. That's probably the reason as it's more dangerous than others that shouldn't be flown like power banks.

    • +1

      The sprays are almost always 1/2 off at either Woolworth or Coles, every week or 2 they swap who's got them 1/2 off.

  • I'm a stinky person, particularly when exercising. This manages to keep the smell away for much longer than any other that I have tried. YMMV.

    • +2

      Damnnnn I should have posted something better. Can't top that video though. Tyrone's the best!

  • +3

    Man, my prime membership is worth so much more than eBay plus. I use it heaps.

  • Any ideas which one is the i have never used

    • Buy them all. It's a buck seventy each.

    • Sensitive Protect is my favourite. Even better if you have sensitive skin.

    • +2

      I went with Stress Protect smells good, works well.

  • A word of warning on these bottle designs. The ball often gets stuck which makes application difficult. I bought a whole bunch a year ago and ended up throwing them out in frustration.

    • Did you try shaking them first? Has always worked for me.

      • Tried everything. I'm a huge tightass so would take a lot for me to throw them out.

  • I rub wet sand on my armpits to save money

    • +1

      Do you use Real Man's Toilet Paper too?

      • I miss The Chaser, I really wish they had been on recently.

        Oh well, at least Shaun Micallef's Mad as Hell starts again soon.

  • Anyone had any experience with these? Do they stain the armpit part of business shirts?

    • The invisible ones don't.

    • They do leave a yellow stain, even the invisible ones.

    • They do, but the last one I bought was over a year ago, was disappointed by the staining. They leave my armpits feeling sticky too.

      I prefer the dove and rexona ones, they dont stain and dont feel sticky.

      • +1

        Do you know which versions of Dove and Rexona leave no stains? I wear business shirts every weekday and have had no luck with any in the past so willing to try anything :) thanks

        • +1

          The dove invisible dry antiperspirant roll on is my favourite. Using the rexona motionsense original right now and thats working pretty well too.

          Your mileage may vary of course.

          What i usually do to make sure there inst any stains is I apply it, rub my armpits together a bit by moving my arms up and down, wait like 2 minutes, then put on my shirt.

  • Thanks, Clear - grabbed a pair!

  • +2

    Feels weird to buy just one small item with free shipping on Prime. Anticipating the oversized box with protection wrapping paper that comes with it.

    • +1

      I ordered about 15 different beauty products and ticked the box to have them shipped as soon as they're available. Got about 8 shoebox sized packages with some of them containing only the one. Probably cost them close to entire Prime membership to send through Auspost.

    • I've ordered the deodorants twice before from Amazon. Had two turn up in a padded envelope, and each wrapped in bubble wrap inside that, the other order came in a box, but similarly wrapped in bubble wrap inside.

  • +1

    THese are very handy for carry on bags for short interstate trips.

  • Gotta make use of that prime somehow… Cheers op

  • +2

    Great for travel.

  • +2

    No idea why I bought it, but I did. Thanks OP, you're awesome.

  • +3

    Ordered 29 of them - free shipping for me. Bad luck Amazon I win this round.

    • +1

      why 29 and not 30? OCD's worst nightmare…

  • +2

    Same price at Chemist Warehouse.

    • Not if you use Cashrewards 😉

      • True, but ones that are no longer available are available at CW.
        Just another option :)

        • And probably easier to get without Prime.

  • What else do i buy? any other deals, to get that free shipping

  • OMG, to get free shipping I need to buy 28 bottle.

    • …or have Amazon prime.

  • Does price match/ price beat generally work with the local retailers when comparing with Amazon? Anyone tried?

    • I'm sure they will price match with the delivery price added in.

  • Beware alcohol content, can dry you out and end up stinging a little.

    • The sensitive protect series has no alcohol.

      • No wonder it tasted inferior.

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