• expired

LogitechShop Sale - Keyboards, Mice, Headsets, Remotes, Speaker Systems. Free Delivery


The Logitech Shop has another special running, probably for today only (going by what was said on FB).

Not as good as the last couple, IIRC, but I might have just looked at the wrong things.

I got a G19 for $129 delivered, so that's up about $10 on last time, but still some reasonable prices.

They've got mice, keyboards, mice, headsets, remotes, speaker systems.

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closed Comments

    • -4

      olive oil is always cheap, cuz down down, prices are down.

      • +5

        lol why did this comment get smashed with negs. i was ammused

  • +1

    Is the G35 "surround sound" headset worth the $99 price? My old Logitech cheapy is showing signs of wear.

    • My old Logitech headphones fell apart when I picked them up about a week ago, now using a backup set of Logitech USB Headphones until I get a chance to find something I like.

    • +1

      I bought these about 3 weeks ago.. and they are great quality headphones.

      LFD2 on 7.1 with surround enabled is magic :)

  • +2

    As always why not the Z2300 speakers for sale

  • +1

    without going into comparisons, so just as a reminder for ozBargain users:

    officeworks may beat an LTS price by 5%

  • anyone wanna split http://www.logitechshop.com.au/products/specials/logitech-u-… with me? Sydney CBD location pleaseee.

    • +1

      Hey mate, I would. My missus needs some for ipod…

      email me


      • They aren't good, the SQ of UE 220 is terrible.. trading clarity for boosted muffled bass, as well as stiff rubber tips.

        • +2

          He's right you know.

  • damn the V20's aren't on special

  • +13

    Meh logitechshop are putting most their prices up the last couple of weeks. $5 to $10 more expensive on their previous sales.

    • +1

      obviously losing that quickfire Broden warehousing magic! ;-)

      • +3

        They should have hired the Brodens. We would have cleared their warehouse out quick.

        • … if only i were a broden ;)

          Imagine this:


          Broden, Broden Jr, Broden Sn, Broden Jnr, Broden Snr, Lil Broden, Big Broden, Mr Broden, Mrs Broden, Miss Broden, Ms Broden, Dr Broden

          the list goes on…

  • +1

    Z5500 is back

  • -2

    If only you could guarantee the items would turn up within 8 weeks of ordering.

    • +2

      what do you mean, don't they have fast shipping?>

      • +3

        I live in Sydney and last time when I ordered from them it came in 4 days.

      • I live in Sydney too, last time I ordered (UE220) they came in 3 days.
        It's not the postage that's slow (Next Day by Australian Air Express Courier), it's LTS shipping out stuff slow (and possibly some errors causing 8 weeks), possibly due to their now-regular "sales"

    • last two orders I've made rocked up the next day ._.
      So I'd say you're set

  • +3

    Yawn… Still waiting for the BOOM….

    • Agreed. Me too.

    • -2

      sorry, I had to. :p

    • Check out their ebay store for a decent price on the boom.

  • I want a Logitech Harmony 1100i Remote Control so badly it hurts. I really feel like treating myself to one at this price ($199).

  • anyone have the Logitech Ultimate Ears SuperFi 5 ? reviews ? I want a good quality pair to replace my Radius

  • That wireless mouse for $19 any good? I could use a spare.. I have the MK250 desktop combo which is alright..

    • It's just a basic wireless mouse by a reputable brand at a cheap price, nothing spectacular.

      • +1


        • have one myself,
          middle click is a little stiff, battery life is okay (if you remember to turn it off), wouldn't use it over a full size mouse though. $19 is the cheapest you'll probably find it.

  • I can recommend the M905 mouse. I have one and it's very nice.
    Picked it up for about $65 at OfficeWorks a while back - it's a few dollars cheaper here.

  • It looks like z523 are no longer available, replaced by the z623.

    WOuld love 2 more $59 z523's…

  • i just got 2x U220 for myself. bought one a year ago while they were having a sale.

  • I'm not sure why this was flagged as expired, i can still see the discounted prices and free postage on some items…

    eg. Logitech S125i iPod Speakers still $25 and free postage

    • I guess if you read the OP, you'd see why.

      • ??? The sales still on. Can you change the expiry date OP?

  • -1

    I had a look at the speakers in this offer and they are mostly available cheaper elsewhere.


    Z313 is $69 from Logitech or $55 from JBHIFI.
    X-230 is $69.95 from Logitech or $67 from JBHIFI and as low as $55 elsewhere.

    Shop carefully!

    • o.O They were not even on special! You bloody idiot.

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