Best Second-Hand Car to Get for around $10,000?

Hey everone, so my current car (Ford Falcon G6E 2012) isn't in great shape and we're planning on buying another car once the rego runs out next week. (Doesn't have much resale value due to the mileage + plenty of pending repairs)

I know very little about cars, so I was hoping you guys could please help me out. In terms of what we're looking for, if possible:
- Similar or superior performance to the Falcon G6E
- Not concerned about fuel economy
- Under 100k km driven & clean condition
- Around $10k budget, no more than 11k

Thanks guys, any helps appreciated


  • -1

    buy another one, keep the old one for spares

    • Why the neg? I don't know anything about cars but it sounds like a good idea? What am I missing

    • Yeah likewise i thought this was brilliant

  • +3

    I can't give you advice on what car to pick. When you do find a car. Make sure to get a mechanic to inspect it before purchasing.

  • +2

    Aurion? ATX will probably fit the bill. Or another Falcon.

  • +2

    Reliability and cheap repairs/parts is important when buying a used car. Camry is pretty bullet proof but not very exciting. If you are happy with the Falcon, buy another of those? Did a quick search on the Camry, not sure where you are located but there are newish models for sale for a little over $10k - you can probably negotiate down much closer to $10k. Eg this looks good and assuming it has been serviced regularly should run well (this was the first in my list of results, lots of other choices available):…

    • Camry doesn't offer the power of the I6 in the Ford

      • You are right - I missed that criteria in what the poster is looking for. Saying that, I think a Camry would have more than enough power for every day driving. I think OP should give one a test drive!

        • yeah, NAH

          Acceleration 0-100km/h
          9.3 s


        • @Nugs: Not sure where you live but that is more than enough for keeping up with Sydney traffic!

  • +1

    Best search I could come up with

    Aurion looks to offer best value for money (newest), but depends on how you feel about FWD vs RWD/AWD

    350GT Skyline is NA, but RWD and something a bit different :)

    • this is what i would be getting, i recently got a 370gt and it is a tonne of car for the money

      A g35 that's been well maintained would be a great upgrade, push the budget a bit to 15-16k and get a low KM 370gt

      • OP may not want a coupe vs a 4 door sedan

        • True, you can find 4 door versions of these cars but with them being imports its not very probable that there would be many here in australia (let alone any for sale)

          I don't think i've even seen any 4 door models out on the roads now that i think about it

          I STILL VOTE GET A COUPE, practicality be damned

  • +1

    Despite their reputations Falcons had great engines. You're not going to find anything equal in power that's newer than 2012.

    Maybe get another Falcon?

    • I had one and agree that I6 and ZF auto transmission are lovely.

  • Wanna sell your current car? Message me :)

  • +5

    How can a 6 year old car not be in great shape? What are the KMs? Certainly the engine will still be kicking along and if it's suspension work then it's probably just worth doing. Note you don't have to fix everything at once, you can spread it out over a year.

    • +1

      Some people don't like to maintain their car regularly. I have seen people who bought brand new cars which haven't changed oil for few years.

    • It's concerning without a doubt. We have two 5-6 year old cars and their doing so well I am concerned I'll have to drive the boring things forever.

    • Haha 750,000 km on the car (was a taxi)

  • +2

    I'm thinking 10 Year Old BMW 320i with No Logbook…might be worth disregarding.

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