Cleaning Elevator Doors

This is a bit of an odd ball question, and frankly not sure it even belongs on OzBargain in the first place…

Our apartment has a private lift lobby, with two elevator doors made of what seems like stainless steel.

The doors are a bit grubby and we want to give them a bit of a clean.
Problem is, I don't just want to give the maid the ole spray 'n wipe or normal stainless steel cleaner and let her loose.
Some stainless steel appliances I know have a special coating and you're not supposed to use normal stainless steel cleaner on them.

Obligatory MS Paint photo…

Anyone got any thoughts or experience with such problems?


  • I would have thought this responsibility fell with your Strata cleaners. You can purchase specific cleaning products for stainless steel. Try a big hardware chain. Good luck.

  • | probably an easy place to get valuable information from ex-tradesman

  • Inform your strata

  • +3


    • +1

      Surely you should be suggesting Lemon Pledge?

      • hahaha well yes I should have, but I thought bikies was the default answer to all questions!

        Can I have a redo?

      • No lemon pledge.

        • +1

          You buy

  • +4

    I'd be looking for a new place to live.

  • IIRC you live overseas right? What does building management use for cleaning elevator doors? Go with the local product they use.

  • Lemon pledge?

  • A bit of steel wool and some Jif, that works on my stainless steel sink.

  • +1

    olive oil

  • Mix 30% commercial metho to 70% vinigar in spray bottle.

    Normal metho also works. Its what commercial kitchens use to keep the stainless pretty.

  • Theres stainless steel cleaner in some supermarkets in cleaning section.

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