Payroll screwing up our pays every fortnight..!!?!

Our payroll department or payroll guys are screwing up our fortnightly pay every time. We have to calculate pay and submit a pay query for them to fix it and then wait for the next cycle only to find out there's a new or a similar mistake.

Operation manager gets the queries and advises them to take action but it's like a normal routine. Nothing happens but it is very frustrating.

Do you guys face or ever faced a similar thing?


  • +1

    They don't pay you, don't work

    • +1

      You don’t work, they don’t pay you

      • +2

        OP's username totally relevant.

    • Nah, especially if the company's about to fold, in case there're going to be redundancy payments, never give them a reason to possibly avoid paying you out!

      Ideally though, probably find another job.

  • +3

    What company? I'll make a note never to give them any business. Payroll is generally a pretty important part of any business. If they can't get that right, boy am I worried for the rest of the outfit.

    (Don't actually name the company - wouldn't want you to get any flack from work).

    Are you sure they're actually mistakes, and not the company running on margins so thin they're using this as an excuse for desperate liquidity?

    I guess what I'm really saying is… should you be updating your resumé?

    Edit: to answer your specific question, no. This does not, and should never, happen regularly. Only times I've come across it is when changing payroll systems, or just before the company's gone belly up.

    • This is correct. I have seen my friends company doing this for 3 months or so, before going belly up. Those who didnt complain due to being lazy or thought it wasn't worth it - well lets say they are not going to see their money.

    • To me they are just mistakes. For examples I am on level 4 and do 74hrs base and 14hrs OT every fortnight and it is pretty straight forward but they will just mess up they payslip content by either paying me on level 4 scale or just put some random pay rate (higher or lower).

  • +4

    queensland that you?

  • Pay and entitlement questions
    Disputes about pay and entitlements

    Also check your Super is correct and actually being paid.

    • -3

      Fair work.


      That's what the Liberal Party is all about. Honest.

      Given they didn't scrap the system neither is the Labour Party.

  • +5

    Call your union.

    • They are aware of this.

  • +5

    Check your super account for the last employer contribution. This is where they usually skim before going belly up because they know people do not check often.

    • Ill check it tomorrow.

      • Contributions are being made.

  • Document your repeated requests for correction and pass it to a higher up to go in to bat for you, or go in to bat for yourself. Payroll is a big deal for employees with variable hours and OT. I find often managers forget this because they're salaried.

  • Definitely try to escalate as much as possible.

    It's always a big red flag when it comes to issues such as this as it typically indicates something wrong with the internal processes (which could also raise concerns about other processes not being done correctly). In your case it's most likely incompetence but still, you would expect the team to get things right when it comes to arguably one of the biggest expense an organisation incurs.

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