Where Can I Find The Most Bargain Play-Doh Clay?

Hi OZ bargain guys,
I've been looking for bargain clay for my kids for a long time.
Last year Target has "Mega Pack play-doh" which is 3.06 KG for only 29 dollars.
I bought one. However, since the second half year of last year, I can't find it anymore.
It's really bargain for play-doh clay, which is around 10 dollars for 1 KG play-doh.
I regret so much not have bought it for more.

Do you experts know where can I get play-doh with that kind of price?
Or, do you recommend any other bargain(cheap) clay which has the even quality with the play-doh brand?

Thank you mates.


  • +5

    I thought parents made it themselves?

    • +2
      • Thanks Adz81,
        The link you provide looks really cool and attractive.
        Just not sure how is the quality.

        • It's play-dough. It's going to get left out on the bench and dry out, and it's going to get eaten. With the cost of the above recipe, you can just make more. Even if you buy the "proper" stuff, it will have the same fate.
          No kid ever ended up on top of a water tower with a hunting rifle because their play-dough was not of suitable quality.

    • +1

      That Play-Doh smell though … You can even wear it as a scent

      • +1

        How the (profanity) is this even a thing?

        How the (profanity) did you actually know that this is a thing? :D

        • It comes from the company behind the dirt perfume :D

    • Making it yourself is definitely the Ozbargain way! Only costs a few bucks and making it can be an activity you can do with the kids too!

  • +3


    • +2


  • +1

    teach your kids to make actual dough. they can knead it for longer (the 'play') resulting in denser bread.

  • +2

    Just make your own! Follow the instructions on the Cream of Tartar container. I find home-made playdough last longer than Play Doh branded playdough.

  • Kmart has a knock-off dough as well if you don't want to make it. Not quite as good, but does the job.

  • The recipe on the box of cream of tartare, it is perfect.

  • +1

    Homemade is always best. Tastes good too.

  • I use mashed potatoes when the urge for laccolithic buttes overwhelms.

    • Homer?

  • Thanks for the replies from you all masters! Homemade clay looks very cool.

    I just wonder that can homemade clay be the same quality as play-doh?
    Because I've been buying and playing several brands' clay and none of them have the same quality as play-doh.
    Some of them are really so bad, the clay has so many cracks no matter how I rub them, plus it fracture very easily.
    (Sorry for I might not use the correct word to describe the scenario.)

    That's why I ask this question to seek a way to get play-doh cheaper because my kids really love to play clay to create stuffs so much… We need plenty of high quality clay.

    • The cheap and home-made stuff is not the same quality - you get what you pay for.

  • Absolutely agree with making it yourself. You can use different colours, let the kids mix it, choose different shades of different colours, make lots of different batches etc. And you know exactly what is in it. Keep all the batches in different air tight containers or zip lock bags. Will last several weeks - but does go moldy after a while - thats ok - make some more. Make into creations and bake in the oven low temp for extended period - they will crack a bit if they dry too quickly.

    If you want the next level up - maybe you should be considering good quality air dry clay. (Not the stuff that dries light and fluffy that comes up when you do a search - I mean the real stuff). You can get nice plain white - keep it moist and will last for a long time. When they are done, spray it with water and put it back in an air tight container. A lot more expensive though.

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