Headset compatible with:
Xbox One
PlayStation 4
Note: MixAmp M80 only compatible with Xbox One
(Further discount with targeted codes - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/400678)
Headset compatible with:
Xbox One
PlayStation 4
Note: MixAmp M80 only compatible with Xbox One
(Further discount with targeted codes - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/400678)
Thanks - added to post.
Take15 doesn't work for me?
My mistake i should've said take15 is 114.95 + delivery
Nah, I mean it doesnt take the code entirely dude?
This is targeted.
Looks like that M80 adapter only works with older gen Xbox controllers.
Incorrect. All later gen Xbox controllers have the headset adapter slot as well as the 3.5mm input. Earlier Xbox controllers didn't have the 3.5mm input.
Lol don't no why you got down voted up one from me.:)
I don't know either. :D
Ahh cool cheers!
Hmmm, to replace my HyperX Cloud IIs or not……
For PC that is.
I was wondering the same. Just bought Cloud IIs for around $95 last night, wondering if I should return them and grab these instead.
Unless you have a problem with them I would not advice changing them until you have enough money to make a HUGE leap.
Yeah I'm tossing up whether I need to replace them or not. Dog started chewing on the cord, a'hole, and it normally works fine, but if you bend the cable a bit it can cut out, but you just knock the cable and it comes good again.
These aren't as good as my RIG800s, but for $141 they're terrific. At RRP they're a ripoff.
Nice headset and mixer. Only downside (subjective) is the cable coming out of the M80 is fixed which may become an issue if the cable ever breaks.
Do you still get surround sound on PS4? Or is it stereo only cause the mix amp is not compatible
You’d only get stereo. The mixamp which comes with the PS4 version has the Dolby surround option.
Not sure how this mixamp is compared to the older ones - the new TR version I’ve got sounds like shit compared to the older ones. I mainly play FPS and gun sounds sound echo-y/metallic compared to the older mixamp. I’d highly recommend getting one of the older ones if you can.
Heads up to those who care, I googled reviews and saw that this one had a warning about containing BPA - which as stated on the warning says causes birth defects.
That's California for you, they put those warnings on everything (Brass door knobs, stainless steel knives, amusement parks, undercover parking, staying in hotels, eating out, buying coffee, taking your mobile phone with you).
My advice, dont't eat the headphones and you'll be fine.
Then this deal is dead in the water. What use is a nice set of cans if you can't chew em?
Yeah I was surprised to see it actually, not really sure how it enters humans etc.
So they want us to buy a new mixamp for each console? I might buy these if they worked across my PC/PS4/XBONE/SWITCH
No, you get a 3.5mm cable for use with anything with a 3.5mm jack. The mixamp gives hardware controls for Xbox controllers.
Which would you choose - Astro A40 with M80 or HyperX Cloud Alphas connected to a Turtle Beach Headset Audio Controller?
Bought anyway and will sell one after comparing.
Ended up selling the A40. The M80 amp doesn't seem powerful enough to drive the headphones and it didn't sound full. I tried a friend's A40 with the Mixamp and it sounds a heap better.
Use 'Take15' for $114.95